What is stress? Let’s look at what stress is. Stress is an initial symptom of mental disturbance due to uncalled and demanding circumstances. If appropriate management of stress is not done on time, the condition is worsened to chronic stress. How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body “Stress cannot kill us; it is our reaction to it that does the damage”.

How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

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Page 1: How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

What is stress?

Let’s look at what stress is. Stress is an initial symptom of mental

disturbance due to uncalled and demanding circumstances. If

appropriate management of stress is not done on time, the

condition is worsened to chronic stress.

How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

“Stress cannot kill us; it is our reaction to it that does the damage”.

Page 2: How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

Let’s see some of the stress symptoms seen on our body:

Effects of Stress on Health

Cardiovascular System

Heart pumps blood faster, leading to increased blood pressure. This would eventually put you at the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

Respiratory System

In a panic situation, you will tend to breathe harder and faster, which is known as breathlessness. This is again worsened in the case of a personal history of any lung condition like asthma.

Gastro-intestinal System

In stress, blood sugar levels are raised for boosting your energy. If this blood sugar is left unabsorbed, then you might be at the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Stress might cause the pre-existing gastro-intestinal ulcers to worsen.

Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or even constipation are seen.

Musculo-skeletal System

When you are stressed out, it results in muscle stiffening, this might cause back pain, headaches and other body pains.

Page 3: How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

Female Reproductive System

Menstrual cycle disorders, Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease, infertility.

Male Reproductive System

Stress causes adverse effects like loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction or even impotence. Chronic stress results in increased risk of infections to the male reproductive organs.

Nervous System

Following effects of mental stress are seen in a fight or flight reflex due to stress: irritability, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and even depression.

It can also affect your behavior and reveal the following symptoms: like over-eating/under-eating, agitation, suicidal tendencies/recurrent thoughts of suicide, fatigue, drug/alcohol abuse, or social self -withdrawal.

Immune System

Chronic stress increases the susceptibility to illnesses like influenza, common cold, etc.

Page 4: How Stress Affects the Health of Our Body

Now that we have seen the effects of stress on our body, let us understand some easy stress relief tips:

Easy Tips to Reduce Stress:

Meditation: Works wonders for relaxing both your mind and body. Meditation is known to be best for anxiety stress management.

Deep Breathing Exercises: This can control the heart rate; which will result in controlling the blood pressure.

Take Time out for Yourself: Take time to relax. Do what you like; you can take out time for your hobbies.

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Stay Active: Just be active, be it physically or mentally. Remember, an empty mind is the devil’s workshop.

Learn to be Happy: We need to be content with our life, that’s the need of the hour and which will lead to happiness and satisfaction.

Music Therapy: Listening to music can help you relax.

Time Management: This is the ultimate way for managing stress at work.

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