Guide To Invisalig

Guide to Invisalign Treatment

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Guide To Invisalign

Page 2: Guide to Invisalign Treatment

What is Invisalign?Don’t you know what is Invisalign? It is a custom made series of aligner trays, which shift your teeth gradually and gently in proper place. They are made of comfortable and virtually invisible plastic. They are devoid of metal brackets and wires but need to be replaced by a new one after every two weeks.


Page 3: Guide to Invisalign Treatment

Won’t my teeth move back?

If you question yourself won’t my teeth move back, then it is high time to go along with retainers after using the final trays. You may either go for wearing a clear plastic retainer similar to the Invisalign trays or a fixed retainer on the inside of your lower teeth front. It is a fact that as the body is in constant motion of change along with age, teeth also do not lag behind. Retainers will prevent the moving around of teeth even after pressure gets exerted at the time of chewing and biting. They will prevent going back of teeth to the previous unexpected stage.


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How long do I have to wear it?

Wondering about how long do I have to wear it? An Invisalign consumes a time of 9 to 24 months in order to straighten the teeth along with resulting into a healthier and more attractive smile. It will be followed by healthier gums, easier cleanings and decreased risk of tooth trauma. Chewing and speech will also get improved.


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Am I a candidate for Invisalign?You will be a good candidate for using Invisalign if you have one of these conditions:

Gapped teethOverbiteUnderbiteOpenbiteCrowdedCrossbite


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Who is Invisalign for?Want to know who is Invisalign for? These clear braces have proved to be great treatment options for teenagers, older persons and adults. As children are categorized to be growing continuously, they need to wait to be eligible for same. Invisalign can be enjoyed as they are transparent and makes eating, brushing and flossing of teeth in comparison to traditional braces.


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How is it different from braces?How is it different from braces?

In case of Invisalign, people wonder about the fact how is it different from braces. It must be noted that the Invisalign trays are manufactured using smooth, comfortable, BPA-free clear plastic to subtly and gently move the teeth into the desired position. They are hard to get noticed easily by anybody. These trays are configured using X-rays and impressions.

While, braces are manufactured using metal brackets and are glued to the teeth and linked by wires and tiny rubber bands. They easily get noticed and may cause difficulty in eating, flossing, brushing along with smiling. There remains lots of restrictions regarding eating in case of metallic braces as the teeth may get stained.


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Virtually invisible

Smooth, comfortable trays

Removable for easy cleaning

Eat whatever you want

Brackets and wires

Poke and irritate your mouth

Brushing, flossing require more effort

Food restrictions


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Reasons to Consider Invisalign :

Invisalign is Comfortable

Invisalign supports Oral Health

Invisalign adds Confidence


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For more information about Invisalign, visit :www.invisalign-london.co.ukAddress: Kemp House,160 City Road, London EC1V 2NXEmail: [email protected] : 020 374575250