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FDA software compliance 2016

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Rx for FDA Software Compliance

August 2016

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Your Presenters

Arthur Hicken is Chief Evangelist at Parasoft where he has been involved in automating various software development and testing practices for over 20 years. He has worked on projects including cybersecurity, database development, the software development lifecycle, web publishing and monitoring, and integration with legacy systems. Follow him on Twitter @codecurmudgeon

Kelly Weyrauch has more than 30 years of software and systems development experience, and 20 years of focus on software processes and quality systems for medical devices. As an independent consultant, he works with software and systems creators to apply Agile concepts and Quality Management System requirements to the unique context of their development environment. Follow him on LinkedIn @kellyweyrauch 

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What the FDA expects

IEC 62304

Benefits of static analysis

How to integrate static analysis

How to reduce noise and stop wasting time

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Introduction to Medical Device Software Regulations

Where do Static Analysis Tools fit in?

Kelly Weyrauch – Agile Quality Systems LLC

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Software as a Medical Device Software-only Part of a medical device system

Software used to develop/manufacture/manage a device Development environments & tools Automated test systems Manufacturing systems …

Quality Management System tools CAPA & Issue Tracking systems Complaint handling systems Document Control …

Scope of Software Regulations

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21 CFR 820 Quality System Regulation 820.30 Design Controls

21 CFR 11 Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures

ISO 13485 Medical devices— Quality management systems Section 7 – Product Realization

IEC 62304 Medical device software— Software life cycle processes

ISO 14971 Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices

Software Development Regulations and Standards

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GPSV General Principles of Software Validation (FDA)

AAMI TIR45:2012 Guidance on the Use of AGILE Practices in the Development of Medical Device

Software AAMI TIR36:2007

Validation of software for regulated processes Many other, more specialized standards & guidance documents

Software Development Guidance

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FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

FDA is also responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines more effective, safer, and more affordable and by helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and foods to maintain and improve their health. …

... (http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/)

Same things Industry wants! Industry & Regulatory should align on the same goals Requires effort to show they are aligned

FDA Mission Statement

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Satisfying regulatory expectations should be a natural result of doing good work

Should not be viewed as Adversarial Conflicting Bureaucratic Legalistic Impractical Offensive to your engineering sensibilities …

Industry & Regulatory Alignment

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21 CFR 820 mentions software only 3 times 820.30(g) Design Controls: Design Validation

“Design validation shall include software validation and risk analysis, where appropriate.” (No definition of what “Software Validation” means.)

820.70(i) Production & Process Controls: Automated Processes “When computers or automated data processing systems are used as part of production or the quality system, the

manufacturer shall validate computer software for its intended use according to an established protocol.”

820.181(a) Device Master Record “Device specifications including … software specifications”

Software “requirements” (expectations) come from Guidance Documents General Principles of Software Validation (GPSV) Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical

Devices Others

FDA Software Regulations

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Regulators often not experienced with software For software as a medical device, may bring bias of

hardware-development experience, especially with assumptions of a linear lifecycle

For software tools, may bring bias of manufacturing systems

So you should be the software expert Showing how your process satisfies regulations

FDA Software Regulations

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Explain what you do In Processes and Plans

Demonstrate that you do it By producing adequate records

“Demonstrate” may seem like non-value-added burden Especially to those doing the work Necessary, so find ways to optimize the value/cost,

to avoid the perception of “burden”

Be In Control,Show That You Are In Control

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…Is ALWAYS a lousy reason Too simple Offloads responsibility for owning our process Often a cover for another argument, usually one

that is not well thought out and probably dysfunctional

We own our process (and the FDA does say that) But regulators are stakeholders to be satisfied

Satisfy ourselves that your process is good, and the regulators will be satisfied

“Cuz the FDA Said So…”

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Build a good product Safe & Effective

Have a good process for building that product Do good work With evidence of that good work

Tell a good story that will convince anyone Why you think your product is good Why you think your process is good That you know what you are doing

Keys To Success

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Specifically created for medical device software Though many elements

are foundational to any robust software development process

IEC 62304

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A framework – processes, activities and tasks Identifies requirements for

What needs to be done What needs to be documented

Software only Assumes software is part of a broader system that

defines higher-level activities for design inputs and design (product) validation

IEC 62304 – What it is

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Does not prescribe how to meet the requirements Not a “how to” with defined methods or practices

Does not require a specific software life cycle Does not specify documents

Says what to document, not where it must go.

These decisions are left to you

IEC 62304 – What it isn’t

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IEC 62304 Medical Device Software – Software Life Cycle Processes

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Customer needs Customer needs satisfied


8 Software configuration management

9 Software problem resolution

Activities outside the scope of this standard


requirements analysis



5.8Software release

5.7Software SYSTEM




5.4Software detaileddesign

5.6Software integration

and integration testing

5.5Software UNIT


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Mentioned briefly in FDA General Principles of Software Validation, 2002

In 2000’s, driven largely by concerns over the high failure rate in infusion pump systems & software, FDA recognizes value in using Static Analysis techniques to reduce software errors Often an “expectation” in submissions and quality

system inspections

Static Analysis

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Software Unit Implementation

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Customer needs Customer needs satisfied


8 Software configuration management

9 Software problem resolution

Activities outside the scope of this standard


requirements analysis



5.8Software release

5.7Software SYSTEM




5.4Software detaileddesign

5.6Software integration

and integration testing

5.5Software UNIT


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Implement software units – write the code Establish acceptance criteria for software units

Coding Standards are a “should have” (defined in the Plan) Establish strategies, methods and procedures for verifying each

software unit Reviews Static Analysis Unit Tests Address this in the Verification Strategy section of the Plan

Perform and document results of software unit verification According to the strategies and methods Does not require all software units to be tested

Software Unit Implementation

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Software Integration and Integration Testing

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Customer needs Customer needs satisfied


8 Software configuration management

9 Software problem resolution

Activities outside the scope of this standard


requirements analysis



5.8Software release

5.7Software SYSTEM




5.4Software detaileddesign

5.6Software integration

and integration testing

5.5Software UNIT


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Integrate the software units (build the software system) Verify that software units have been integrated (build was

successful) Review of build procedures, make-files, configurations, etc. Compiler checks, static analysis, etc.

Test integrated software system performs as expected in accordance with plan Functionality, behavior, performance, etc Regression tests Document test results Can be done as part of software system testing (see later slide)

Capture problems (software problem resolution process)

Software Integration and Integration Testing

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Define in your Software Development Procedure/Processes: Strategy for using Static Analysis as a part of your

overall verification strategy Requirements for how and when to use it

As part of code (unit-level) verification As part of integration verification

Recommendation for use of Static Analysis

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Kelly Weyrauch [email protected] 763-688-0980


Connect with me on LinkedIn

Contact Information

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Recalls due to Software Failure

http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedical ProductsandTobacco/CDRH/CDRHReports/UCM308208.pdf

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FDA on Static Analysis

3.1.2 “Software testing is one of many verification activities intended to confirm that software development output meets its input requirements. Other verification activities include various static and dynamic analyses, code and document inspections, walkthroughs, and other techniques.”

5.2.4 “Source code should be evaluated to verify its compliance with specified coding guidelines.”

General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff

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What Choice

Prevent Defect Insertion Quality System Design Control Risk Management

Remove Defects by Detection Code Review Design Review Testing: unit, integration, system, alpha, beta Customer Dissatisfaction Recall

Roll the dice

John Murray, US FDA, March 2008

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Fix or Prevent

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Static analysis is more than detection

Relationship of automated analysis Preventative static analysis Flow analysis Runtime error detection

Uninitialized memory example Runtime will find it IF the test suite is thorough Flow analysis may find it depending on complexity Pattern to prevent: Initialize variables upon declaration

Many standards like MISRA are focused on prevention rather than detection

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Static analysis – what it can do

Identify defective code - runtime bugs Flag defect-prone code (possible bugs and

“gotchas”) Suggest defensive programming practices Monitor application-specific guidelines (e.g.

portability) Enable policy enforcement (security) Flag unmaintainable / poorly readable / “dialect”


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Sample Static Analysis Policy

Which rules run on all code Which rules run on certain conditions

International, performance, etc What level of compliance is required When are suppressions acceptable Where does SA fit the process

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Static Analysis Feedback Loop

Identify Error

Isolate Root Cause

FixNew Rule to Prevent


Code review Regression QA Field bugs

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How to choose rules

Based on why you’re using static analysis Study expected issues Analyze bug-tracking system Don’t just turn on rules because it’s a good

idea Pick few enough to use sustainably

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Why MISRA for Medical?

Coding Standards Well-defined Updated Flexible

Deviation Strategy Auditable What else would you start with?

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FDA/MISRA Alignment

FDA Guideline MISRA Capability

“Least burdensome approach” Lightweight and flexible

Company defines standards Proven standards pre-packaged

Work must be traceable Provides traceability methodology

Process must be auditable Defines auditable reports

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Sample Rules for FDA Static Analysis

Avoid accessing arrays out of bounds Avoid use before initialization Avoid null pointer dereferencing Avoid overflows due to [various causes] Avoid division by zero Ensure deallocation functions guarantee resource

freeing Do not use resources that have been freed Do not free resources using invalid pointers Do not abandon unreleased locks Do not use blocking functions while holding a lock Ensure resources are freed Do not abandon unreleased locks Properly terminate character strings Never return a reference to a local object

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Automated static analysis in IDE

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Intelligent, Actionable Findings

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Visibility for Compliance

Real-time feedback on compliance and certification with industry, regulatory or standards initiatives upon delivery.

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Managing and measuring

Static AnalysisTest management


Multi-discipline results

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Dashboards Vs Process Intelligence

1970s Electrocardiogram

• Isolated data points• No priority• No warnings – just data• No analysis

21st Century Monitor

• Multi-variate analysis• Customizable• Critical alerts• Valuable data

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Harnessing “Big” Data

Aggregate data Correlate data Mine data Create

Reports Dashboards Tasks Alerts

Continuous testing/delivery/release

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Execution / CI Build

Parasoft DTP

Raw O


Parasoft Development Testing Platform

Static Analysis Engine

Testing and Coverage







Other 3rd Party …


Desktop IDE

Web UI

External SystemRequirements and Defects

Source Control




Practice/Domain Data


Prioritized Findings

Web UI

Process Intelligence


Policy Management

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Parasoft Development Testing Platform

Optimal Routes



Traffic Conditions

Map/Road Data

Speed Limits

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Parasoft DTP



PIE – Derivative (Predictive) Analysis

External Systems

Application Hotspots

Prioritized Actionable



3rd Party System

CI/CD/CR Infrastru


System Monitoring

Product FeedbackCustomer


Code Review





Static Analysis


User Stories Coverage

Parasoft DTP

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What can PIE do?

What do I test first? Where is the

business logic and how testable is it?

Test Stability Index; Look at your

unstable tests. Identify valuable


Find Application Hotspots: Technical

Risk vs Business Risk, Technical Debt, Density KPIs,


I made changes, which tests need to

be re-run?

What is the risk of new code? Did I test

the new code changes?

Don’t make the problem worse &

review existing issues when your

working withcode

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Root Cause - Cluster

Over 3000 Anti-Patterns Application Under Development


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Real world examples

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Customer Challenge: Reducing the Burden of Compliance

In order to develop solutions for the pharmaceutical market, a company must not only follow very strict requirements, but also prove that they actually satisfied these rigorous expectations. To achieve this, they must provide evidence that the system is designed, constructed, and tested according to best practices implemented throughout the various phases of the lifecycle.

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The Solution:Static Analysis with Robust, Easy, Flexible rule set

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The Benefit:Faster, Easier, Better Documented Compliance

Time saved doing tedious tasks Better consistency Easy traceability and auditability Precisely fit to their needs

”With Parasoft’s solution, previously arduous, boring and difficult-to-document tasks were transformed into tasks that we

could perform systematically—in an automated and rapid manner.“

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Customer Challenge: Streamline Certification for Medical Device Software under IEC 62304

“Our products are used intraoperative. If any failure occurs during an operation, the operation

might have to be aborted. Moreover, since we monitor nerves and their signals, incorrect interpretations and decisions made by our

software could lead to wrong decisions by the user...and could cause injuries for the patient.”

The US FDA accepts IEC 62304 compliance as evidence that medical device software has been

designed to an acceptable standard.

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The Solution: Automating Risk Management Processes with Parasoft

Multiple languages: C, C++, .NET Integration with existing systems: IDE, bug-

tracking, source control

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The Benefit: Increased Efficiency through Automation

“The current level of verification for each requirement task (including task pass/fail

status and coverage) is bi-directionally traceable to all associated tests. Full

traceability is crucial for IEC compliance.

Using the Parasoft solution significantly increases our efficiency because many

manual steps could be automated.“

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Parasoft Support for FDA

Static analysis

Policy definition management

Requirement definition and tracking

Unit test

Peer review

Runtime error detection


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Financial and health risks are increasing

FDA requires a rigorous mature process

Static analysis both provides tight controls and prevents real problems from occuring

Proper configuration and deployment reduce common static analysis problems

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FDA Resources

FDA - “General Principles of Software Validation”http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm085281.htm …guidance outlines general validation principles that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers to be applicable to the validation of medical device software…

FDA – 21 CFR 820 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch

.cfm?CFRPart=820&showFR=1…Quality System Regulations

ANSI/AAMI 62304“Medical device software-Software life cycle processes”http://webstore.ansi.org/…A recommended practice provides guidelines for the use, care, and/or processing of a medical device or system.

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Blog: http://alm.parasoft.com Web: http://www.parasoft.com/jsp/resources Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parasoftcorporation Twitter: @Parasoft @CodeCurmudgeon LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/parasoft Google+ Community: Static Analysis for Fun and Profit

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