Strategic Issues Establishing a Healthcare Cultural Competency Council (HC³)© PRESENTATION BY J Z Daniels Co. Ltd.

Establishing a Healthcare Cultural Competency Council

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The delivery of culturally competent healthcare is expected of all healthcare practitioners in an orderly functioning pluralistic society. The Healthcare Cultural Competency Council (HC3) ensures the delivery of safe and quality care across multiple cultural groups' beliefs regarding health and wellness.

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Strategic Issues Establishing

a Healthcare Cultural Competency

Council (HC³)©










. Ltd


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The healthcare sector characteristics in the United States:

● Serves a very culturally diverse population.

● Composed of many racial and ethnic groups

within our population

● Reflected in other groups with which patients

may identify inclusive of:

● Individuals with disabilities

● Groups that have certain beliefs that shape

their understanding of illness

● Individuals who practice an alternative lifestyle.

Clinicians display similar characteristics

It is estimated that 24 percent of all physicians in the US were born outside the US and

36+ million of us were also born outside the US. It is inescapable that cross cultural

doctor-patient interactions are expected, and medical practitioners need to be competent

if not proficient in dealing with patients whose cultures differ from their own and whose

notions of wellness may also differ.

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Healthcare Cultural Competence Council

Its Necessity: It is inescapable that cross cultural clinician-

patient interactions are expected, and medical practitioners

need to be competent if not proficient in dealing with

patients whose cultures differ from their own and whose

notions of wellness and health may also differ.

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Patients’ cultures impact:

Their understanding of health, illness

and disease etiology – their explanatory


How they access health care

services – disparity

How they respond to health care interventions – safety

and security

How trust is extended – competency and sensitivity

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Patients who perceived

their visit as having been patient-centered

received fewer diagnostic tests and referrals.

(J Fam Pract 2000;49:796–804)

Others have reported that physicians who have visits

characterized by the greatest amount of patient-centered

communication also have the lowest expenses for


testing. (Ann Fam Med 2005;3:415–21)

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Healthcare Cultural Competency Council (HC³)©

Purpose Statement - Model

TO:● Collaborate with the organization’s leadership to achieve delivery of

high quality healthcare services to a culturally diverse clientele

● Achieve satisfactory outcomes for all patients

● Provide advice and counsel to the care provider based on

performance evidence

● Ensure that care is delivered by a racially and ethnically

diverse staff that is operationally integrated

● Ensure that the communities from which they come are conversant

with the commitment the care provider has made to deliver highquality services.

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The Council emphasizes:

● Clinicians should be able to recognize and respect the differing

cultural perspectives of patients.

● That this is important for the purpose of

effective clinical functioning in order to achieve compliance and appropriate healthcare outcomes

for patients.

● Working successfully with patients of different

cultural backgrounds, practitioners need to demon-

strate the appropriate attitudes, awareness,

knowledge and skills.

The council has a role to play in advancing the commitment the care provider has made

to deliver high quality and appropriate services regardless of the race, ethnicity, disability,

life style choices, gender or any other human facet a care receiver brings in the process

of receiving services.

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Enhance access to the best healthcare provider resources

Recommend and see to the implementation of changes to ensure culturally

competent care to a diverse patient population

Tracking, recruiting and retention of a diverse workforce

Critically observe employee cultural competency training and its evidentiary

impact on best practices

Develop new community initiatives to recruit qualified employees

Ensure the selection of outstanding, diverse employees to participate in

professional development programs.

Advance the community outreach agenda

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Council Mandate

►Examine the dynamics between

clinicians, staff, subscribers, and

family particularly the nature of

the interaction, examples, metrics,

solutions and recommendations

for the purpose of supporting or

advocating changes to

service delivery to achieve cultural

proficiency and full integration of these practices across the enterprise

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Advocate for Cultural Safety within the enterprise

Cultural Safety is ensuring that all clinicians understand

and respect the different cultural underpinnings of the

patients they serve and are working with and ensure that

there is no confrontation, challenge or denial of cultural identity in the process of delivering care.

Cultural Safety is an embedded practice

that recognizes the need to overcome

cultural biases in care services and

institutions in order to ensure that all

individuals and communities have equal

rights and equitable access to processes and services which are relevant to them.

Safety you are accustomed to

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The Seven Dimensions of Healthcare Quality

Characteristic Definition

Efficacy Is the care or procedure useful

Appropriateness Is it right for this patient?

Accessibility Can the patient get it?

Acceptability Does the patient want it?

Effectiveness Is it carried out well?

Efficiency Is it carried out in a cost- effective way?

Continuity Did it progress without interruption, with

appropriate follow-up, exchange of

information and referral

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Collaborate in developing and implementing

a menu of cultural competency training

curricula for all clinical and non-clinical staff,

reflecting a long term, sustained strategy for

cultural competence and exceptional care

and service

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Promote research in health care disparities.

Deploy improved measurement tools

in addition to the Picker Inpatient Survey

(a questionnaire designed to focus on

specific dimensions of patients'


Assess inpatient satisfaction as it relates

to issues important to diverse cultural

populations and consistent with the

organization’s mission

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Tracking Metrics

Review comprehensive quality reports and surveys to

ensure there are no significant differences based on

race/ethnicity or insurance in terms of nursing core

metrics (the Picker Survey, the PPSQ-Program for

Patient Safety and Quality Ambulatory Satisfaction

Survey, and the SERS-Safety Event Report System)

Collect language data in ambulatory

surveys in large enough samples to

provide broad-scope information on

culturally diverse populations

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Importance of this Competency

Interpersonal Effectiveness:

Is a fundamental attribute in achieving appropriate

healthcare outcomes. It is demonstrated when there is

awareness of people’s feelings and is particularly critical

during the patient-provider interaction when the patient is

not precisely verbalizing their feelings and the provider is

not indicating by their reaction that they care about the

patient’s concerns and issues.

To achieve the support and compliance of a care receiver

interpersonal effectiveness is a fundamental attribute.

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One of the signals that may be overlooked is the aspect of

patient literacy…………

and its related partner – Shared Decision Making (SDM)

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What is literacy?*

It is the degree to which an individual can obtain, process,

and understand information to communicate with others or

make basic decisions

Health literacy is the defined as being

able to process and understand information

about health and medical treatments to

make basic decisions.

*Department of Health and Human Services, health.gov

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The HC³© should be knowledgeable regarding the

service demographic of the facility and query the

extent to which issues of patient and family literacy

are addressed and assess their impact on patient


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Uses of a


modelRecruiting & selection


Business process

Career roadmaps

Performance management

Succession planning

Training & development

Recognition & rewards

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Thank You

J Z Daniels Company [email protected]