Chef Ashokkumar

Contamination hazards and control

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Page 1: Contamination hazards and control

Chef Ashokkumar

Page 2: Contamination hazards and control

1. Foodborne illnesses are mostly caused by physical hazards, such as fingernails, glass, etc. getting into food.

2. Young children are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses than adults.

3. Improperly cooled foods can lead to foodborne illnesses.

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4. Time and temperature controls are the best methods to prevent microorganisms from growing in food.

5. The best way to prevent hazards from causing foodborne illness is to have good sanitation and personal hygiene programs.

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Be able to:

• Explain what a foodborne illness is• Explain the dangers of foodborne illness• Explain why young children are at risk

for foodborne illnesses• Identify some of the most important

causes of foodborne illness

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• List several implications of foodborne illness

• Explain what biological, chemical, and physical hazards are

• List some microorganisms of greatest concern

• Identify key practices for preventing food hazards from contaminating food

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Occurs when a person gets sick from eating contaminated food

Results in upset stomach to death Caused by harmful microorganisms

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

76 million illnesses 325,000 hospitalizations 5,000 deaths

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14 million illnesses 60,000 hospitalizations 1,800 deaths

Salmonellae, Listeria monocytogenes, Toxoplasma gondii – 1,500 deaths

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“At-Risk People” New microbes New research findings Use of fresh produce

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Food prepared away from home International marketing and travel Consolidation of food production/ processing Food industry employees Employee turnover rates

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Flu-like symptoms Children: may be life threatening Chronic illnesses

Hemolytic uremic syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or reactive arthritis

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Legal fees Medical claims Lost wages Cleaning and sanitizing costs Food that must be discarded

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Bad publicity Loss of confidence in facility Embarrassment/remorse Closing of facility

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Holding food too long in temperature zone (41oF to 140oF)

Not heating or cooking to proper temperature

Not cooling properly (to 70oF or lower within 2 hours, and from 70oF to 41oF within 4 hours)

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Not reheating properly (to at least 165oF for 15 seconds within 2 hours)

Poor personal hygiene Cross-contaminating food

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The transfer of harmful substances or microorganisms to food by other food, equipment and/or utensils, and people


Improper food handling practicesPoor employee personal hygieneImproper cleaning and sanitizing of


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People are main agents of cross-contamination

So, it is important to: Follow practices to prevent cross-contamination Follow time/temp control to prevent the growth

of microorganisms in food

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Harmful substances that can contaminate food

3 types of HazardsBiologicalChemicalPhysical

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Include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that can cause illness

Are present in natural environment where food is grown

Cause more food borne illnesses than other hazards

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Living, single-celled, microscopic organisms Ex: Salmonellae and E.coli 2 types of bacteria as biological hazards

Pathogenic: cause infections Toxigenic: produce harmful toxins

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Can be transmitted by Water Wind Insects Plants Animals People

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Thrive in Scabs and wounds The mouth, nose, throat Intestines Foods from plants and animals that are

Warm, moist, rich in protein, and neutral or low in acid

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Can survive on clothes, skin, and hair Some survive freezing, or high temperatures Can be prevented from causing foodborne

illnesses by proper time/temperature controls

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Small, simple, incomplete particles

- Ex: Hepatitis A virus Transmitted by

Water and foodPeople and animalsUtensils and equipmentFood-contact areas

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May survive freezing and cooking Need living host cells Cannot

Live by themselvesGrow and multiply on food

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To keep viruses from causing foodborne illnesses

Prevent cross-contamination Practice proper personal hygiene Realize the importance of handwashing

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A group of organisms that range from microscopic, single-celled to very large multicellular organisms

Ex: molds, yeasts, and mushrooms

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Grow as a tangled, fuzzy mass; can spread rapidly

Grow on most foods at most storage temperatures

Some, on cheeses, are a natural part of the food

Molds can spoil food by discoloration and unpleasant smell and taste

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Some produce toxins linked to cancer in animals

• Cause serious infections and allergies

• Discard moldy foods where mold is not a natural part of the food

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Spoil food by consuming them Require sugar and moisture to survive Produce carbon dioxide and alcohol Cause pink discoloration or sliminess Cause food to bubble No evidence that yeasts cause foodborne

illness Spoiled food should be discarded

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Organisms that need a host to survive Hosts are people, animals, or plants Ex: Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella


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Infections are caused by Undercooked meats, fish Cross-contamination

Eliminate parasites from causing foodborne illnesses Cook foods to proper internal temperatures Prevent cross-contamination Use frozen foods

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Important to determine:

Potential for contamination Likely sources

Preventive measures to take

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Most deadly – very few cause illness May be present in undercooked and/or

reheated ground meat products, unpasteurized apple juice, others

Killed by cooking to recommended

minimum temperatures

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Very dangerous to children Responsible for thousands of illnesses

each year Found in raw or undercooked foods:

poultry, eggs, and meat Killed by properly cooking foods

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Especially harmful to pregnant women and the unborn

Grow slowly under refrigeration Found in high moisture areas Killed by pasteurization and cooking Controlled by

Cold storage temperature and time Keeping facility clean and dry Proper reheating of cold-stored foods

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Transmitted through contaminated water, raw milk, raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and shellfish

Killed by proper cooking Cause many cases of illness, but not

large outbreaks

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Associated with grain foods Spores become active after cooking if

cooled slowly or if held too cool (<140oF)

Controlled by hot holding at 140oF or higher

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“the cafeteria germ” Growth results from improper cooling,

reheating, holding Found in soil, dust, sewage, and

intestinal tracts of humans and animals Controlled by proper


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Transmitted by humans Found in cuts, skin, pimples, noses, and

throats Produce harmful toxin if contaminated food

out of temperature Controlled by personal hygiene and by

holding procedures Killed by proper cooking – but, toxin, once

formed, is NOT affected by heat

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Produce toxin - affect nervous system May be fatal if not treated Have been found in improperly canned

foods, garlic in oil, vacuum-packed food, hazelnut yogurt, salsa, cheese sauce

Controlled by proper hot and cold holding temps

AND, do NOT vacuum pack food in your facility

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Cause inflammation of the liver Often transferred by an infected employee May be carried in cold cuts, sandwiches,

fruits, vegetables, and milk products Controlled by sanitation and good personal


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Harmful parasites, outdoor cats are hosts May live in undercooked meat Cause toxoplasmosis; an infection of the

central nervous system Children/pregnant women “at risk” Transmitted by cross-contamination Controlled by proper cooking, hygiene, and

sanitation – keep cats off home countertops

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Meat and poultry products; plants Main sources of organisms Contaminated through growing conditions,

slaughter and processing or cross-contamination

Controls needed from farm to table to prevent food borne illness

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New illness-causing microorganisms“Emerging” and “re-emerging”


HACCP reduces likelihood of foodborne illness

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Raw food may contain organisms Improper cooking, holding, etc. allow growth New contamination may occur during

preparation, holding, etc People may contaminate Unsanitary facilities and equipment may

contaminate Pests may contaminate

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1. Food

2. Acidity (proper pH)

3. Temperature

4. Time

5. Oxygen/No oxygen

6. Moisture

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Limit amount of time food is in temperature zone (41oF to 140oF)

Use hot and cold temperature controls Dry food Add vinegar, lemon juice, lactic acid, or

citric acid to make food more acidic

Food services focus on time and temperature

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Through: Foundation of prerequisite

programs HACCP implementation

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Chemicals that may contaminate food: Naturally occurring chemicals Chemicals added during processing Chemicals used for cleaning,

sanitizing, and pest control Toxic metal in cookware Personal products

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3 Categories: Natural toxicants Added chemicals Food additives

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Sanitizers and cleaners Detergents Polishes Caustics Cleaning and drying agents Pesticides Lubricants

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Keep cleaners/sanitizers in original containers with clear labels

Store cleaners/sanitizers separately from food

Use proper amount of chemicals Wash hands when through with


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Wash fresh produce with plain water, brush Monitor pest control operators Keep food covered during pesticide

applications Clean and sanitize equipment that may

have come into contact with pesticide Limit access to chemicals

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Physical objects that contaminate food Glass Bone Plastic Personal effects Metal shavings

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• Inspect equipment• Avoid temporary “make-shift” repairs• Remove staples from food boxes• Use razor blades in secure devices• Inspect raw materials• Wear proper attire• Avoid loose jewelry, acrylic nails, polish• Use proper hair restraints

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• Store food in approved containers and bags• Use commercial scoops to scoop ice• Use separate ice for storage and for

beverages• Store toothpicks and non-edibles away

from prep area• Cover glass bulbs in preparation area• Regularly clean can openers• Throw away broken or chipped tableware

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Establish sound prerequisite programs Know food hazards: biological,

chemical and physical Implement regular employee training


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Develop and implement sound HACCP program based on seven principles

Be committed to safe food – safe customers

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John cuts up uncooked chicken on a cutting board and then rinses the knife and the cutting board in warm water. Then, he uses the same board to slice melons. What is wrong with what he did? What microorganisms could contaminate the food because of this practice?

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Your waiter served macaroni and cheese, salad, and fresh apples for lunch. Two children became sick. Their mothers claim that it was from the food they ate at lunch. The food service director says that could not be possible because there was no meat on the menu. Is this food service director correct? Explain.

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Jagan, a new employee, is unloading some packets of raw materials that have just arrived. The cover of one box is torn. It is not known where the tear occurred. What should he do with the box of materials ?

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Joy is putting some ingredients in the refrigerator. He puts the lettuce salad for today’s lunch under a pan of some uncooked chicken. What is wrong with what he did? Why?

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Rajan is cooking some hamburger patties for lunch. he cooks them until they are brown and the juices run clear. Then he puts them in a warmer until they are ready to be served. What is wrong with what she did?

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Biju is serving tuna noodle casserole for lunch. He needs another pan of it but he just started to reheat it. He needs to serve it in a hurry. He touches the side of the pan and it seems hot. He decides to serve it as is. What is wrong with what he did?

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Maya is serving macaroni and cheese. She is wearing gloves. Her eyes begin to water and tear so she wipes away a tear with the back of her hand. She continues serving the macaroni and cheese. What is wrong with what she did?

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Chicken Roast has been delivered to the School from the Main kitchen. The delivery truck was late and the maid needs to serve the food right away. The containers feel hot, so she does not check the temperature before serving. What is wrong with that?

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Chicken fajitas have been delivered to the ladies and Gentlemen at the cafeteria from the Main kitchen. They are supposed to arrive cold and the food service assistant is to reheat them. When he takes the chicken out of the boxes, the containers feel like they are at room temperature. He reheats the chicken for five minutes and then serves it. What is wrong with what he did?

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Ajit has just finished cutting up chicken. He wipes that area he used with a clean cloth and then rinses the cloth thoroughly. Later he uses the same cloth to wipe out the salad bowl before the lettuce salad is put in it to be served for lunch. What is wrong with what he did?

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Anita has just finished cutting up melon. She wipes the area she used with a clean cloth and rinses the cloth thoroughly. She uses the same cloth to wipe out the bowl before the cut melon is put in it to be served for lunch. What is wrong with what she did?

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