PREPARED BY :- BHASKAR DEWANGAN B. Pharmacy . University Institute Of Pharmacy Pt. R. S. University, Raipur(C.G.)

Communicable disease

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PREPARED BY :- BHASKAR DEWANGANB. Pharmacy .University Institute Of PharmacyPt. R. S. University, Raipur(C.G.)

Communicable Disease


Vocabulary Disease- an illness that affects the

proper functioning of the body or mind

Communicable Diseases- diseases that can be passed from one person to another

Types of Pathogen/Germs

Bacteria – tiny one-celled organisms that grow virtually everywhere, can be harmless or harmful, there are 3 types: cocci, bacilli, and spirilla

Types of Pathogen/Germs Viruses- smallest and simplest forms

of life, are very specialized, can only grow and reproduce in living things

Rickettsias- small bacteria that are spread by the bites of insects, such as ticks and lice

Types of Pathogen/Germs Fungi- are simple life forms that are

unable to make their own food, grow best in warm, dark, moist areas (ring worm, athletes foot)

Protozoa- simple animal like organisms, have the ability to move through fluids in search of food (Malaria)

How are Germs Spread? Close Contact with a person who has the

germ. (airborne) Direct contact with a person who has the

germ Contact with animals Sharing utensils Contaminated drink or foods that contain


How can you prevent the Spread of Disease?

Wash your Hands Often Get Vaccinated… Use antibiotics sensibly. ... Stay at home if you have signs and symptoms of an

infection. Be smart about food preparation. Disinfect the 'hot zones' in your residence. Practice safer sex. Don't share personal items Travel wisely.

The Body’s First Line of Defense

Tears- wash germs away from eyes, contain chemicals that can kill some germs

Skin- if the skin is unbroken it acts as a barrier that germs cannot penetrate

The Body’s First Line of Defense

Mucous Membranes- secrete mucous that traps germs

Saliva- washes germs from your teeth and helps keep the mouth clean, contains chemicals that kill germs

The Body’s First Line of Defense

Gastric Juice- destroys germs that enter the stomach through food and drink

The Body’s Second Line of Defense

Inflammatory Response It helps by flooding the spaces with lymph fluid

which contains white blood cells, phagocytes, and others. It also helps to contain the contaminate.

Phagocytes released by nearby blood vessels, they engulf germs and destroy them

Fever kills germs that cannot survive body temp higher than usual

Third Line of Defense


gives the body the ability to remember how to destroy the same germ if it invades again. The next time the body can respond quickly to kill the germ so you don’t get sick.

Third Line of Defense

The Lymphatic SystemA secondary circulatory system of vessels and nodes that carry a fluid called lymph

Lymph nodes are small lumps of lymphatic tissue located throughout the system that act as filters to keep germs from invading body tissues

Third Line of DefenseThe white blood cells in thelymphatic system are lymphocytes

B-cells- produce antibodies that fight germs

T-cells- attack germs directly and stimulate B-cells to work

Immunity and Vaccines

You can become immune to a viral disease by having that disease once before.

(flu – that specific strand, chicken pox) Vaccine- a preparation of dead or weakened germs that is injected into the body to cause the immune system to produce antibodies

Common Communicable Diseases

The Common Cold most common communicable disease, caused by

viruses Influenza

characterized by exhaustion, chills, headache, body ache, respiratory problems, and fever.

Strep Sore throat caused by streptococcal


Common Communicable Diseases Hepatitis

viral disease of the liver characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Hepatitis A B and C

Mononucleosis A viral disease that attacks the lymph nodes in the

neck and throat, most common in teens and young adults.

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