Awareness and Prevention

Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

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Page 1: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Awareness and Prevention

Page 2: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast Cancer: Overview

A cluster or group of cancer cells also

called as malignant tumor in the breast is

called as “Breast Cancer“

Mostly diagnosed in women and in rare

cases, can be found in men as well

Let’s start with the basics for breast cancer


Page 3: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast cancer: Facts

Most commonly diagnosed

cancer in women

Second leading cause of

cancer death among women

On average, every 2 minutes

a woman is diagnosed with

breast cancer and 1 woman

will die of breast cancer

every 13 minutes

Death rates are declining

with early detection and

increased awareness

Page 4: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast Cancer: Facts

Page 5: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast cancer: Risk Factors

Page 6: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast cancer: Symptoms

Page 7: Breast Cancer - Awareness and Prevention

Breast cancer: Symptoms

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Breast cancer: Prevention

The Power of prevention of breast cancer

includes some lifestyle modifications,

such as:

Maintaining a healthy weight

Staying physically active

Eating fruits and vegetables

No smoking

Alcohol consumption in limits

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Prevention: Have an early detection plan

Early Detection Plan should include:

Monthly breast self-exams

Regularly clinical breast exams

Complete body checkup

Mammograms, depending on your age

and health history

If a breast cancer is detected early, there is 100%

5-year relative survival rate

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Breast Cancer and complete body checkup is the solution…

The key to leading a happy and a healthy life is

simply by keeping a check on the body’s

functioning by going for regular health checkups

Similarly, Sonomammography is a quick,

non-invasive, painless and inexpensive test

for breast cancer detection…

So don’t ignore, get your

checkup done today!

@ http://bit.ly/2dO3rER