Analysis of drafts

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NEWS PAPER ADVERTISEMENT In order to follow the simplistic style of

a typical channel 4 advertisement I have

opted to manipulate a single image in

the centre of my advertisement. The

image will consist of two different

images of the main actor in my

documentary merge together.

Throughout my work I intend to keep a

theme of perception vs reality, this had

led me to produce the idea of one side

of the girl being her healthy body with a

confident posture. This will be done to

portray the reality side of my theme. The

image will be showing what she actually

looks like in reality. The other side of

the image will be manipulated to expose

an unhealthy image of her body. I will

use Photoshop to create more bone

definition to create the image of how

she perceives beauty/ how she think she

needs to look to achieve the ‘perfect’

image that is exposed to us through the


Also for this image I will be using minimal costume. My actor

will be in simple running shorts and a white bandeau top. This

will allow as much exposure as possible in order to really

emphasise that the documentary is going to be focused on body

image and therefore allowing me more options for manipulation

on the right side of the image. The colours will be simple in

order to stop any attention being taken away from the image

itself and ensure the sole focus is on the simple image before

my audience.

In terms of lighting for this image I intend to have a

black background with a single wider spotlight on the

actor. This will be done in order to again stick to the

simple theme that Channel 4 stick to repeatedly

throughout their advertisements, however it will also be

done in order to focus the attention of my audience. I

hope it will focus their eyes on the image and really

emphasise that the image is intending to show the

perception vs reality theme.

Positioned on the right of the image will

be the channel 4 logo. This will be

placed and manipulated to connote to the

typical channel 4 style. In order to do

this is it will be big enough to be

recognised however not stand out

enough that it will begin to take the

attention away from the image. I intend

to use the channel 4’s font or one as

similar as I can produce. This will

therefore cause the automatic assumption

from my audience and hopefully attract

them to it further.

This will be the position of the title and

date/time. As mentioned previously it

will connote the typical simplicity of

channel 4 advertisements therefore I will

include very minimal information. This

works in my favour as it will work along

side the image. The image is used to

attract the audience and create interest

allowing the title and other information

to simply be there for them to know

when and where they can view this

documentary. This therefore causes

them to favour it as opposed to one

which gives them various pieces of

information and allows them to piece

together the contents of the documentary

themselves, before they have watched it.

TV LISTINGS MAGAZINE When looking at different TV listing

double page spreads I found many

different style could be attempted

however over all the original style

seemed to have the most effect on

the audience. Due to this is decided

that I would use one large image.

This will initially attract my

audience to the page and provided

a subject to base my writing


Here I will start the text . It will

initially have a drop capital in

order to create ease for the

reader, it will work to show them

were precisely the article begins

therefore the do not have to

waste time scanning the page.

As well as this I will stick to the

column ruling. This breaks the

text up into blocks to prevent it

from looking overwhelming. It is

makes it more attractive to the

reader as it prevents it from

looking intimidating therefore

they are more likely to read it.

The title of the double page spread will

be a pull quote from the article. It will

be a strong statement which works to

grab the attention of the reader and

therefore entice them to read the rest

of the page. Underneath will be a sub

line that provides a slight explanation

of the documentary however not

enough as to expose its whole intention

to the audience and cause them to

dismiss the article .

The title will be large writing typical of

that in a radio times magazine. Due to

it being one of the longest standing

Listing magazine I intend to follow

some of its conventions in order to

make my listing successful. The

subline will be smaller than this

however bold as well in order to make

it stand out from the article and

therefore again attract the attention of

the audience.

Again I will use a slightly smaller

grab quote throughout the writing.

These will be shock statements that

intend to grab attention and cause

the reader to continue reading to

find out more and try to

understand the quote with context.

This is simply a typical convention of

listings magazine. I will have to

reference the photographer at some

point of the page however usually it is

in very small writing on the outer edge

of the page. This position may move

after text and images have been placed

however this is the typical position

which intend to use.

The colours I intend to use are

those which follow the

stereotypical female

preferences however also I will

follow the conventional colours

of Channel 4 in order to create

links between my products


This will be the main image on my TV listings magazine. The

image will be my main model curled around into a foetal

position. This will then be take from behind with a mirror

reflecting the front image of the model. The image in the

mirror will be manipulated to create a image of the model that

is larger than in reality.

This image will be used to show the idea of perception vs

reality that is present in the newspaper advert . I intend to

follow this theme throughout in order to clearly portray how a

person suffering from anorexia would view there body.

I chose this theme in order to attract my target audience. If

they can have a closer insight they will be able to develop a

deeper understand from simply viewing images and therefore

are more likely to remember what they have seen/ remember to

watch the documentary after seeing the advertisements.

When creating the drafts to each of my products I had to ensure that there was a clear link between all three of them in order to ensure that they represent the documentary in a

similar way, whilst also connoting to the target audience individually.

The main link between will be the presence of my main model Irena. She will be the main subject of my documentary and also feature in both the newspaper adverts and the main

image for the TV Listings double page spread. This will therefore create a direct link between all three minimising confusion.

I have also created a further link between the images and the theme of my documentary. I will be using the idea of perception vs reality throughout all of my product in order to

reflect the psychological understanding we have of anorexia. People who are suffering have a different perception of their body in comparison to the reality that everyone see’s around them, therefore if I can reflect this into my work through the use of manipulating original

image and putting them up against the real image, I will be showing a near reflection of what these people think and show the literally interpret how they visually distort their body.