25.health benefits of mulberry By Allah Dad Khan

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  1. 1. Benefits of Mulberry By Allah Dad Khan
  2. 2. Mulberries Mulberries are obtained from the silkworm tree belonging to the family moraceae of genus Morus. The Scientific name of this fruit is Morus nigra. L.lack, purple, red, white etc) in the same plant.The skin is smooth and fragile, and the color changes from green to red to dark purple as it matures.Mulberry is a common ingredient in many skin care creams due to its antioxidant powers.include improving circulation, cardiovascular health and renal health. Eating mulberries regularly can also prevent cancer because of a phytoalexin called resveratrol.
  3. 3. Retains Hairs Natural Colour: The production of melanin in your hair is enhanced by mulberries. This allows you to retain your hairs natural colour. This is great news, especially for people who suffer from premature greying of the hair. Drinking mulberry juice on a regular basis can benefit you if you wish to have healthy hair, whether it is greying or not
  4. 4. Promotes Hair Growth: If you suffer from hair loss, mulberry extracts are a safe and natural alternative to getting chemical or surgical treatments. You can apply the juice onto your hair to promote its growth.
  5. 5. Rejuvenates Hair Foliicles: Mulberries have properties that can help make your hair healthier. It is well-known that this berry promotes hair growth, thus preventing hair loss. It is especially good for cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy as the hair follicles are rejuvenated by the substance extracted from the fruit.
  6. 6. Makes Skin Soft And Radiant: You can also find bath salts and soaps made of mulberry to make your skin soft and radiant. The leaves can be used in saunas and hot baths to help open up your pores as well as detoxify your body. The steam that contains infused mulberry leaves allows your body to sweat and regulates your bodys metabolism as well.
  7. 7. Treats Dry And Sensitive Skin: Mulberry leaves can be used to treat extremely dry skin by steeping them in coconut or olive oil for a few days and applying the oil onto your skin. It can be used with lotion to treat skin that is dry and prone to irritation.
  8. 8. Treats Skin Problems: The leaves of its tree can be left in a hot pot of water for 30 minutes or so to treat skin problems as well as colds, sore throat, fever, etc.
  9. 9. Rejuvenates Skin: The process of melanin synthesis is regulated effectively, allowing you to get the clear and bright skin that you have always wanted. Experts recommend eating the fruit or drinking mulberry tea and juice to rejuvenate your skin.
  10. 10. Clears Skin: It has properties that help in clearing out dark spots and other blemishes on the facial skin.
  11. 11. Anti-Ageing Properties: Mulberries, like other berries, are rich in anti- oxidants which are renowned as effective anti-aging agents.
  12. 12. Improves Vision: Drinking a glass of mulberry juice also improves vision. It has a high content of Vitamin A which strengthens our eye sight and relieves eye strain, which is ideal for people who spend hours on computer. It also protects eyes from free radicals which is the cause of eye sight loss and retina degeneration.
  13. 13. Maintains Heart Health Eating mulberries proves beneficial to the hearts health. It strengthens the nervous system and reduces bad cholesterol thus preventing the blockage in flow of blood. So it is highly effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes
  14. 14. . Cures Certains Diseases: The rich anthocyanin that is found in the fruits has curative properties for certain diseases and is also used as natural food colorant.
  15. 15. Prevents Cancers: Mulberries are a good source of resveratrol, a potent phytonutrient that researchers believe to prevent cancer. It contains high level of anti- oxidants which stunts the growth of prostrate cells and tumour growth.
  16. 16. Calms the nerves: Nutritional content of the berry will help enhance the blood and indirectly calms the nerves.
  17. 17. KIDNEY STONES There are four types of kidney stones. The most common type of stone is the calcium oxalate stone. These stones can be prevented by daily consumption of mulberry juice. Uric acid stones are often found in people with gout, but they may also occur in those who are dehydrated or who eat a high-protein diet. Struvite stones are connected with urinary tract infections. They can grow quickly and become large. Cysteine stones are the least common, and result from a hereditary disorder that causes the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of some amino acids. Mulberries are added to medicines to strengthen the kidneys
  18. 18. Blood purifier: Mulberries are best blood purifier. It also improves blood circulation.
  19. 19. Enhances appetite: Regular consumption of mulberry will improve the digestive and assimilating function and hence will enhance the appetite level.
  20. 20. Eye vision: Eating mulberries improve eye vision. It also protects the eye from free radicals which is the cause of eyesight loss and retina degeneration.
  21. 21. Immune system: Mulberry is rich in Vitamin C which increases immunity to fight against common disease like cold, flu or any infections.
  22. 22. Post Pregnancy: Eating mulberry after childbirth, is good to bring back energy and health.
  23. 23. Brain: Mulberries are best brain tonic to increase memory and promotes healthy brain.
  24. 24. Constipation: Mulberries are rich in fiber which improves digestion thus prevent constipation.
  25. 25. Ageing: Ageing is caused due to cell damage caused due free radicals. Free radicals are produced due to oxidative stress. But antioxidants leutin, zea- xanthine, carotene and phytonutrients. These nutrients neutralize free radicals and protect from ageing. Eating nutrient rich foods nourishes skin and promote healthy skin.
  26. 26. LIVER & LUNG In Chinese medicine, mulberry leaf tea is known as a cooling remedy that treats the liver and lung meridians. It removes lung heat symptoms such as fever, sore throat and cough, and it clears fire in the liver, that mean it removes symptoms such as dry, painful and watery eyes.
  27. 27. Heart Health: Eating mulberries prove beneficial to the heart. It strengthens the nervous system and reduces bad cholesterol thus prevent blockage in the flow of blood. So it is effective to prevent heart attack and stroke.
  28. 28. Anemia: Mulberries are rich in iron which protect against anemia. It is effective to cure anemia.
  29. 29. Diabetes: Flavonoids present in mulberries proves best food to prevent sharp rise and fall of sugar level in the patient. So it is effective to prevent the complication in diabetes patient due to sugar level spike.
  30. 30. PAIN Extracts from Mulberry roots have sedative effects .It has found that it has analgesic and sedative component damnacanthal. It is recommended to treat menstrual cramps and other pains. Mulberry fruit juices were found to increase joint health and mobility. The juice can also help to prevent bone problems like arthritis and other skeletal disorders. Mulberry has xeronine and KB-C ingredients which aid in minimizing pain and swelling, relieving inflammatory conditions, and fortifying weak bones and ligaments.
  31. 31. BLOOD TONIC In Chinese medicine, a mulberry is considered as blood tonic, as they cleanse the blood and increase its production and strengthens the entire system
  32. 32. Reduces Risk Of Blood Clots And Strokes: Mulberries are known to improve blood circulation and are beneficial as an anti-inflammatory that helps to lower the blood pressure and makes you less susceptible to blood clots and strokes. Mulberry juice may help to alleviate some of the symptoms if you suffer from anaemia. In addition to all, these help to prevent heart diseases.
  33. 33. Cleanses Blood: n Chinese medicine, mulberries are considered as a blood tonic. They cleanse the blood, improving its circulation and helps in strengthening the entire system. It enriches the blood in the process while soothing and calming the nerves. It also helps in promoting the metabolism of alcohol.
  34. 34. Cleanses Liver And Strengthens Kidney: Mulberries are noted to strengthen Kidneys and cleanse the liver.
  35. 35. PARKINSON DISEASE Neurological diseases called Parkinson disease are associated with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) cause to depletion in brain. Antioxidant activity present in White mulberry leaves is GABA-enriched, which may provide a neuroprotective effect against cerebral ischemia as well as neurotoxins. White mulberry leaf extracts contain antidopaminergic activity mediated through dopamine D2 receptors as documented by (a) Reducing haloperidol and metoclopramide- induced catalepsy in mice (b) Blocking amphetamine-induced stereotyped behavior (such as schizophrenia) (c) And increasing the sensitivity to barbiturates
  36. 36. GOUT Morin extracted from white mulberry, at 80 mg/kg, exhibits hypouricemic action and inhibits xanthine oxidase in oxonate-induced hyperuricemic rats. The activity on urate uptake in rat renal brush border membrane vesicles was more potent than that of the prescription agent probenecid. Morin exhibits similar activity on urate transport in the human kidney.
  37. 37. PARASITIC INFECTIONS The leaves and roots of Mulberry can suppress the growth of infections caused by parasites. The use of gooseberry can be traced to traditional folk medicines.
  38. 38. OBESITY White mulberry regulates lipid metabolism, body weight gain, and adipose tissue by changing the expression of hepatic target genes in high-fat, diet-induced, obese mice. Melanin- concentrating hormone (MCH) is involved in feeding and energy metabolism. White mulberry leaf extract exhibits an antagonistic effect to MCH1 receptor in diet- induced obese mice, resulting in decreased body weight and adiposity, food intake, and hepatic lipid accumulation.
  39. 39. Prevents Flu And Cold: Mulberry is high in Vitamin C and flavonoids which makes it a natural immune booster and prevents flu, cough and cold and other ailments. Mulberry also helps with gastritis problem and chronic hepatitis.
  40. 40. Speeds Up Recovery: Mulberry juice is extremely beneficial for post-operative patients. It accelerates healing, improves blood circulation and prevents the onset of infection. It is often used to speed up recovery after birth and is used as an inflammatory solution after surgery.
  41. 41. Improve Blood Sugar control : Mulberries contain compounds that support balanced sugar and control blood sugar in diabetic patients. Flavonoid present in mulberries prevents the rise and fall of sugar level in patients. So it is highly effective to prevent complication in diabetic patients due to sugar level spike