11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

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11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

What is Ovulation?

Ovulation is the release of an egg from your ovary. Unless fertilized, this egg will live up to 24 hours.

When do you generally Ovulate?

• A sudden and constant pain in thelower abdomen is an indication ofovulation.

• Mild sensation of pain is normal, buta painful ovulation is not.

Signs and Symptoms that will help you know that you are Ovulating

A sudden and constant pain in the lower abdomen is an indication of ovulation. Mild sensation of pain is

normal, but a painful ovulation is not.

1. Ovulation Pain or Mittelschmerz

Cervical fluids that resemble “egg whites” is a sign that your are ovulating or near ovulation.

2. Change in Cervical Fluid

• Cervix’s position, opening and texture changes during the fertile phase of cycle.

• These changes can be observed by feeling your cervix. It will feel softer (like your lips), higher, open and wet (due to the presence of cervical fluid).

3. Position Change of Cervix

• Track your Basal Body Temperature.

• During ovulation, temperature shifts and stays higher until the end of your cycle.

4. Rise in Basal Body Temperature

• Due to drop of estrogen, you might experience slight spotting during ovulation.

5. Spotting

• Increase in sexual desire is definitely one sign of ovulation.

6. Increased Sexual Desire

• During ovulation you are likely to feel wetter throughout the day as the Cervical fluid becomes more abundant

7. Feeling Wetter

• Hormones in your body can influence heightened senses and your body is more primed to be attracted to the male pheromone androstenone.

8. Heightened Senses

• Abdominal bloating is another sign of ovulation. This is caused by increased water retention due to rise in the hormone estrogen.

9. Bloating

• Women experience breast tenderness just before or after ovulation.

• Progesterone levels go up after ovulation causing breast tenderness.

10. Breast Tenderness

• Due to hormone changes occurring in the body, women feel nauseous or have headaches before ovulation.

11. Nausea or Headaches

For more information on OvulationVisit: Parenting Healthy Babies