YEI – Million Trees The Problem When the environment becomes less valuable or damaged, environmental degradation is said to occur. There are many forms of environmental degradation. When habitats are destroyed, biodiversity is lost, or natural resources are depleted, the environment is hurt. Environmental degradation can occur naturally, or through human processes. The largest areas of concern at present are the loss of rain forests, air pollution and smog, ozone depletion, and the destruction of the marine environment. Pollution is occurring all over the world and poisoning the planet's oceans. Even in remote areas, the effects of marine degradation are obvious.

Yei tree plantation programme

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Page 1: Yei   tree plantation programme

YEI – Million Trees

The Problem

When the environment becomes less valuable or damaged, environmentaldegradation is said to occur. There are many forms of environmental

degradation. When habitats are destroyed, biodiversity is lost, or naturalresources are depleted, the environment is hurt.

Environmental degradation can occur naturally, or through humanprocesses. The largest areas of concern at present are the loss of rain

forests, air pollution and smog, ozone depletion, and the destruction of themarine environment.

Pollution is occurring all over the world and poisoning the planet's oceans.Even in remote areas, the effects of marine degradation are obvious.

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YEI – Million Trees

Current Environmental Problems in Chennai

Chennai is growing on a rapid phase in all the 3 directions and with vacant land vanishing at an alarming rate, it is inevitable that the ground water

levels will deplete and pollution levels will increase with increased traffic.

It is a need of the hour that a massive plantation program be undertaken to curtail the pollution level within and around the city.

Lack of awareness, action and response to natural disasters has impactedon the number of trees that exist in and around Chennai. This has a direct

impact on the environment, look and feel of the communal areas anddecreased ability to reduce the air pollution.

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YEI – Million Trees

Benefits of Trees

Social Benefits:-

We like trees around us because they make life more pleasant. Most of usrespond to the presence of trees beyond simply observing their beauty. We

feel serene, peaceful, restful, and tranquil in a grove of trees.

Environmental Benefits:-

Trees alter the environment in which we live by moderating climate,improving air quality, conserving water and harbouring wildlife. Climate

control is obtained by moderating the effects of sun, wind, and rain. Radiantenergy from the sun is absorbed or deflected by leaves on deciduous treesin the summer and is only filtered by branches of deciduous trees in winter. 

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YEI – Million Trees

Benefits of Trees

Long Term Economic Benefits:-

The economic benefits of trees can be both direct and indirect. Directeconomic benefits are usually associated with energy costs. Air

conditioning costs are lower in a tree-shaded areas.

The indirect economic benefits of trees are even greater. These benefitsare available to the community or region. Lowered electricity bills are paidby customers when power companies are able to use less water in their

cooling towers, build fewer new facilities to meet peak demands, usereduced amounts of fossil fuel in their furnaces, and use fewer measures to

control air pollution. Communities also can save money if fewer facilitiesmust be built to control storm water in the region.

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YEI – Million Trees

The Proposal – YEI Million Trees

Youth ExNoRa International proposes to run the project for 3 years with aview to conduct an assessment annually to include the lessons learnt in

year 2 and 3 .

The proposal aims at

1. Implementing Million Trees programme by planting million trees in and around Chennai city.

2. Reduce air pollution and toxin levels in and around Chennai city3. Enhance the image of Chennai as a Clean and Green city4. Raise awareness of the importance of planting trees5. Use corporation resources to maintain the trees

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan - Selection of Trees

 Considering that most trees have the potential to outlive the people whoplant them, the impact of this decision is one that can influence a lifetime.

Selecting the right form (shape) to complement the desired function (whatyou want the tree to do) can significantly reduce maintenance costs andincrease the tree’s value in the landscape.

Site Conditions

Selecting a tree that will thrive in a given set of site conditions is the key tolong-term tree survival. The following is a list of the major site conditionsthat will be considered before selecting a tree for planting:

• Soil conditions, exposure (sun and wind)• Human activity, drainage, space constraints and pest problems

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan - Selection of Trees


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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan – Selection of areas

As part of the programme the below list of areas will be selected to plant the trees:-

1. Corporation, municipality and panchayat land

2. Parks and common spaces

3. Roads and highways

4. Cemeteries, schools, colleges, government offices

5. Residential complexes, corporate office spaces, factories

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Selection of areas

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Selection of areas

In and around Chennai will be selected to plant trees

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Selection of areas

Land which is under the purview of Chennai Corporation, Municipalities and Panchayats will be used.

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Selection of areas

Road side land taking into consideration multi lane construction plans.

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Selection of areas

Private land of corporates, factories and townships with decentralised maintenance of the trees planted.

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Timescales

The project will run for an initial period of 12 months with plantation programme running throughout the year.

• Programme will be divided into 4 quarters

• 2.5 lakh trees will be planted per quarter spread across various locations

• An average of 2750 trees will be planted each day throughout the year.

• 365 trees planted every hour.

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Human Resources

Project will be employ dedicated workers estimated between 15 – 20 tokeep the momentum of the programme while Youth ExNoRa international

would also engage with the below groups to reduce the costs.

• Corporate staff volunteer• College students• School children• NGOs• Chennai corporation workers• Panchayat workers• Resident welfare associations

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Human Resources

Apart from the above mentioned resources, YEI also plans to employ inmates of Puzhal jail who would be paid to to pot the plants. This will

imbibe social and environmental consciousness in the inmates and also provide them with a monthly income.

We estimate that 10 inmates would be required to pot the pants.

Programme will provide them with the bags, seedlings, soil and equipment to pot the plants.

YEI will seek relevant permissions from the jail authorities and has already had initial discussions with the authorities who welcome the idea.

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Equipment (Mechanical and PPE)

Earth Auger to dig holes

With almost 2,700 trees to be plantedeach day, it would be labour intensive

to adopt digging pits by manual labour.

YEI proposes to use mechanicaland PPP equipment to carry out theplantation programme and identifies

but not limited to the below

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Equipment (Mechanical and PPE)

Personal Protection Equipment for


Shovel to put earth into the hole

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YEI – Million Trees

Action Plan– Equipment (Mechanical and PPE)

Truck to transport saplings

Wheelbarrow to takesaplings to area

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YEI – Million Trees


YEI proposes the maintenance of the trees planted in the ways as mentioned below:-

1. Decentralised maintenance of trees planted in private lands such as corporates, schools, colleges etc

2. YEI volunteers to inspect the trees planted in the public areas and act accordingly

3. Use expertise of individuals to prune the trees in the prescribed ways to obtain optimum growth

4. Use corporation, municipality and panchayat employees to support maintenance.

5. Use of college and schools students during the maintenance period as volunteers

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YEI – Million Trees

Showcase & Publicity

Youth ExNoRa International realizes that good work needs t o becommended and also showcased to generate interest from other corporate

houses to take up inspiration from Million Trees Programme.

Youth ExNoRa International will plan publicity and showcasing programsthroughout the year and would include eminent personalities of Tamil Nadu

to spread the word to the citizens and corporates.

Schools and colleges will be encouraged to participate in the events thatwould be organised. This would generate interest in the future citizens of

India and imbibe the social responsibility.

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YEI – Million Trees

Questions ????

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YEI – Million Trees

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