Wri$ng Science for the Web BIOVISION.Next 2013 Abby Tabor (@abbytabor) Science Journalist

Writing tips for the web - Biovision Next

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"Writing tips for the web" presentation from Abby Tabor given at Biovision Next - Lyon.

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Wri$ng  Science    for  the  Web  

-­‐  BIOVISION.Next  2013  

 Abby  Tabor  (@abbytabor)  

Science  Journalist  


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Wri7ng  for  the  web  

•  Science  blogging:  A  short  history  

•  Why  blog?  

•  Specifici7es  of  the  web  &              how  to  take  advantage  

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A  short  history  of  scien7fic  blogging  

•  First  plaEorms:  late  90s  –  early  2000s  –  “countering  an7-­‐science  claims”    

•  Research  blogging:  academic  papers    •  Journals  (PLOS),  aggregators  (ScienceBlogs),  university  blogs,  individual  researchers  


 Source:  “Science  Blogs  –  defini3on,  and  a  history”  by  Bora  Zivkovic,  Scien3fic  American  (7/10/12)  

Carl  Zimmer  

“Pharyngula”,  PZ  Myers’  personal  blog  

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Why  blog  about  science?  

•  ↑  visibility  of  your  work  •  ↑  visibility  of  your  knowledge  &  exper7se  •  Develop  your  e-­‐reputa7on  

                                     =  job  opportuni3es  


•  See  your  science  differently  (context,  impact)  •  Improve  wri7ng  skills  

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Length:  Know  your  goal  

•  Online  news  is  oYen  shorter…  •  …but  not  always.    


Know  why  you’re  wri$ng  this  ar$cle.      Simply  to  share  a  piece  of  news?      Or  to  examine  a  complex  issue?  


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How  much  detail?  “Technical  wri3ng  sheds  truth;    

science  wri3ng  breeds  understanding.”  -­‐  Kris7na  Bjoran,  science  writer  

   •  Tell  only  what  you  need  to  tell        

•  Interpret  &  dis7ll    

•  Express  yourself  simply:            This  is  not  academic  wri7ng!  

“No  glory  in  long  sentences.”    

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How  much  detail?,  cont.  

•  Break  it  down,  step  by  step  

   1  ar7cle  =  1  goal/angle    

       1  paragraph  =  1  message    

           1  sentence  =  1  idea  

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The  Beauty  of  Web  Ar7cles    Links    “...provide  depth  in  ways  unique  to  the  web  medium.”    

 -­‐  Robert  Niles,  in  Online  Journalism  Review    

•  Cite  your  sources  •  Explain  details  /  defini7ons  •  Open  up  discussion    (Twieer,  blogs:    more  info,  connect  &  share)  

But…  •  Clueer  &  distract  •  Lead  reader  away  from  your  ar7cle  

   Use  links  when  truly  useful.  

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The  Beauty  of  Web  Ar7cles    Images  •  A  diagram  or  video  may  explain  beeer  •  Beau7ful  images  draw  us  in      •  Very  popular  on  Facebook  &  Twieer  

•  Many  available  in  public  domain/                Crea7ve  Commons  license  


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 Source:  CDC  /  Frank  Collins  

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(Credit:  Dr  Jonathan  Clarke.  Wellcome  Images.  (Flickr/Rebecca-­‐Lee))  

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Credit:  Flickr  /  Liebe♥Gaby  

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Photo:  Mike  Bear  

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The  Beauty  of  Web  Ar7cles    Images  -­‐  Free,  open  resources      Crea3ve  Commons  license  or  public  domain  •  Flickr.com  •  500px.com  •  CDC  -­‐  Public  Health  Image  Library  (PHIL)  

 Copyright,  with  free  use  •  NASA,  ESA    

Cite  your  source.    

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The  Beauty  of  Web  Ar7cles    Visibility    Google  has  needs,  too.  •  Search  Engine  Op7miza7on  (SEO)  à  key  words  in  7tle      Make  your  3tle  tweetable.  •  <  140  characters  lets  Twieer  users  share  your  piece  

         Connect!  The  web  is  about  connec7on.  Use  it!    


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Back  to  basics:  Notetaking  Prepare  background  


Don’t  try  to  write  every  word  •    sure  quotes  •    key  data  

Develop  your  own  system  •    symbols,  abbrevia7ons,  drop  vowels    

Return  to  your  notes  ASAP  &  fill  in  blanks    

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The  Beauty  of  Web  Ar7cles    Online  Resources  •  The  Open  Notebook  •  NASW  (Nat’l  Associa7on  of  Science  Writers)  

•  Duke  Univ.  Scien7fic  Wri7ng  Resource    and…  •  Science  bloggers!    

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Thank  you.  Hope  to  see  you  &  your  science  on  the  web!