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What is a treadmill

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What is a Treadmill?Treadmill Online

Page 2: What is a treadmill

Treadmills (often referred to as running machines) are pieces of cardio equipment used for running, jogging or walking whilst remaining in one place.

A treadmill provides a moving platform by means of a running deck and belt. The belt is powered by an electric motor and moves from the front to the rear, allowing the person to walk opposite to the direction of the belt.

Manufacturers are continually reducing their manufacturing costs. This means you can now purchase a reliable home use treadmill for under INR 85000 and a cheap budget one for under INR45000!

In the India we have unpredictable weather patterns throughout the year and as winter approaches there are fewer hours of daylight. Because of this walking, jogging and running outside can prove to be difficult. However with treadmills you can walk, jog or run in the safety and comfort of your own home, rain or shine, day or night!

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Less impact on joints – Running on a treadmill reduces the impact on your joints compared to running on pavements or road surfaces. To further reduce the impact purchase a machine with an orthopaedic belt.Reduces stress – During cardio exercise endorphins are released into your bloodstream. This release of endorphins produces a natural high, which in turn relieves stress.

Increases energy levels – Exercise of any kind will increase your energy levels and running is one of the best forms of exercise to help increase your overall energy.Increases lung capacity – Long distance running will help improve your lung capacity, making you stronger and healthier.Increase bone density – The impact of running on a treadmill overloads the selected structure and causes the body to increase the density of weight bearing bones in an effort to accommodate the stress of the activity.Increased calorie burn – Because running is a weight bearing exercise it burns more calories in comparison to rowing machines or exercise bikes.

The fitness benefits of using a treadmill

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Folding Treadmills – If you are short on space a folding treadmill is the answer. Make sure if folds easy, it’s stable and has a high maximum user weight.

Non-Folding Treadmills – If you have the space a non-folding treadmill is ideal. Non-folding treadmills tend to be slightly more stable compared to folding models.

Commercial Treadmills – Commercial treadmills are suited for a commercial environment such as a health club or gym, they are designed for heavy usage throughout their lifetime, which is why you will find such good warranties on commercial treadmills.Whether it’s a Motorised Treadmill a Manual Treadmill a Foldable Treadmill or a Non Folding Treadmill it’s important to choose the Right Treadmill.

If you decide to buy and use a treadmill, it could be one of the wisest health decisions you could make. Treadmills, particularly motorised treadmills are easy to use fitness machines, they will improve your cardiovascular system and they provide the ideal way to burn calories and help with weight management. If you are a runner then its all well and good taking a run during the warm summer evenings but what happens when the winter snow, rain and dark evenings arrive? Well that’s easy, you pull down your foldable treadmill from the cupboard under the stairs, plug it in and start jogging and the whole family can use it as well.

Different treadmill types

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