Vaccine Advocacy, Journalism & Social Media Engagement Tara Haelle

Vaccine Policy Advocacy, Journalism & Social Media Engagement

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Page 1: Vaccine Policy Advocacy, Journalism & Social Media Engagement



Journalism &

Social Media


Tara Haelle

Page 2: Vaccine Policy Advocacy, Journalism & Social Media Engagement


Familiarize yourself with the landscape

Recognize the different media and

opportunities for engagement

Op-Eds and Blogging

Become a false balance detective

Know your audience

General communication tips

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Learn the Landscape

Mainstream media

USA Today, WSJ, NYT, major network TV news

Local newspaper, local news

Online media

Slate, Salon, Jezebel

Specialty/science/health media

WebMD, SciAm, LiveScience

“Alternative health” news sites

Natural News, GreenMedInfo, Mercola

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Learn the Landscape

Professional organizations (AAP, FAAP)

Vaccine advocacy groups (avoid “pro-vaccine”)

Voices for Vaccines, PKIDs, Immunization Partnership

Anti-vaccine advocacy groups

NVIC, AVN, Age of Autism, SafeMinds, Generation


Facebook pages

Informed Parents of Vaccinated Children, COVRAC,

Refutations to Anti-Vaccine Memes, Nurses Who

Vaccinate, Every Child By Two

Vaccination Information Network (VINE), Sherri


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Learn the Landscape

“Paul Offit”

“Barbara Loe Fisher”


“Russell Blaylock”

“Robert F. Kennedy”

“Sherri Tenpenny”

“Louise Habakus”

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Ways to Engage


Letters, commentaries

Blogging (including guest posts)




Comments sections of articles (ewww…)

Be available to journalists

Connecting others – be a hub

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Why Social Media?

Pediatrics: “The Impact of Social Networks

on Parents’ Vaccination Decisions”

What are this study findings’ implications?

Studies on Twitter

Sharing articles, op-eds, blogs, etc.


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Op-eds vs. Blog posts

Traditional media


≤1000 words

Expert authors,

advocates, etc.

Specific audience

Online only

Variable length

Can be written by


Variable audience

May be responding

to other media

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Op-ed characteristics

Addresses a timely issue of public interest

Clearly defined audience

Author’s credentials or perspective or

personal experience

Clear structure

Structure easily applied/adapted to blogs

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Op-ed Structure

What’s the issue?

What’s the problem?

Who’s affected?

What’s been done?

What remains to be done?

How can it be done?

Call to action

Optional: author’s stakes/involvement

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Example: Op-Ed

LA Times: "Public Health: Not vaccinated?

Not acceptable”

Who is the intended audience?

What is the problem?

How does the author build his case?

What’s the call to action?

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Example: Personal Column

New Republic: “I’ve Got Whooping

Cough. Thanks a Lot, Jenny McCarthy”

How does this differ from an op-ed?

How is it similar?

How effectively does this article

communicate its message?

How does this message stumble in

communicating its message?

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Example: Blog post

RWAS: “Oversimplification and hubris can

backfire: For once, it wasn’t actually Jenny

McCarthy’s fault”

What is the goal of this response?

How does the writer attempt to accomplish

this goal?

How is this post similar/different from op-eds?

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False Balance/Equivalence

What is it?

Why does it occur?

When you’re a source…

When you see it in the media…

When you see it in social media…

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Example: General Commentary

Politico: “Why is Katie Couric Promoting

Vaccine Skeptics?”

Who is the audience?

How does this differ from an op-ed?

What is the call to action?

What valuable key points or impressions might

a lay reader take away from this piece?

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General communication tips

Have a “time peg” (be current)

Be concise and direct

Keep it simple

Use clear language, short sentences


Choose (only a few) numbers strategically

Use active voice

Start strong (hook), finish strong


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Know Your Audience

Understand their values, beliefs, trust, fears

Validate potential reader concerns/fears

Don’t assume they share your trust/beliefs,

especially in traditional institutions

Be careful not to make assumptions about their

knowledge/experience OR to patronize

Educate but don’t overwhelm or condescend

– What do they NEED to know?

Always speak to the middle, not the extremes

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Audience on Social Media

Becomes polarizing quickly (duh)

Comments are very influential (Science study)

Understand “lurkers” and 90-9-1 rule

The way you engage with those on the

extremes influences the way the silently

observing fencesitters view the issue (and the


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What Makes for Viral Pieces?

Personal stories

Ultra timely issues (the faster, the better)


Quickly digestible

Edgy or surprising (the hook)

Good image can help

Big numbers

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Your Voice Matters

Communication is essential

Parents, legislators, advocacy groups,

academics, the media, manufacturers

Decision-makers consider multiple voices

Vaccine programs

Recommendations for vaccines

Research priorities