Dinah Hernandez, MSN, PHN, RN

The Musculoskeletal System

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This slide was presented to class by Ms. Dinah Hernandez, MSN, PHN, RN.

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Page 1: The Musculoskeletal System

Dinah Hernandez, MSN, PHN, RN

Page 2: The Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal system includes: skeleton, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons.

Functions of Skeleton Support Protection Movement Hematopoeisis Storage

Page 3: The Musculoskeletal System

Long – extended shape, provide support & strength

Short – approx cube shape Flat – provide broad surfaces for muscle

attachments Irregular – similar to short but irregular in


Page 4: The Musculoskeletal System

Compact Bone – hard & dense; composes that shaft of long bones and outer layer of bones.

Spongy Bone – composed of small bony plates, contains more spaces than compact bones. Filled with soft substance: marrow Yellow marrow Red marrow – responsible for hematopoiesis

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Periosteum contains bld vessels that supply O2 & nutrients to bone cells keeping them alive.

Two types of osseous tissue: Diaphysis – shaft of the long bones, hard and

compact Ephiphysis – end of the long bone, spongelike

& covered by a shell or harder bone.

Epiphyseal growth plate – diaphysis and epiphysis fuse together

Markings – contours of bones that resemble the configuration of landscape.

Facet – small plane or smooth area

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Damage to the Epiphyseal Growth Plate The younger the child is

when injury occurs, the greater the final deficit in length between the injured

limb and the uninjured limb will be.

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Condyle – large rounded projection usually for articulation with another bone

Tuberosity – large elevated knoblike proj usually for muscle attachment

Plate – flat projection Bony prominences – prominice/projection Ridge/crest – thin or narrow process

usually on the superior aspect of the bone, known as crest

Tubercle – small rounded knob or nodule, usually for attachment of ligament or tendon

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Foramen – a hole thru w/c bld vessels, ligament, nerve pass Types of foramen

Transverse foramen Vertebral foramen Apical foramen Sciatic foramen Alcock’s canal Carotid canal Infraorbital canal

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Sinus – sponge-like air space within a bone such as paranasal sinuses

Cranial/ cerebral fossae – depression in w/c the brain rests

Olfactory bulb lies in the ethmoid foassa, mandibl lies in the mandibular or glenoid fossae.

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Classification accdg to degree of movement: Synathroses – immovable Amphiarthroses – slightly immovable Diarthroses – freely movable

Ligaments – tough fiber that bind bones together Synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid, a

libricating material Bursae – fluid-filled sac that cushion the

movement of mucscles and tendons

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Hinge (ginglymus) – allows movement only in one plane

Ball & socket (spheroidal) rounded end of the bone, moves within a cup-shaped depression in the other bone

Pivot joint – one bone pivots or turns within bony or cartilagenous ring

Gliding (arthodial plane) bones slide against each other

Condyloid joint – oval shape, head of one bone moves within the elliptical in another permitting all movements exept axial rotation

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Connect bones to muscle or cartilage Support internal organs or structures Allow great flexeility, stretching,

movement Accessory ligaments do not move or stretch

but strengthen or support other ligaments to produce stability in joint.

A ligament is said to arise or originate in the bone or structure that is more stationary. It is said to insert into the bone that does most of the movement.

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Arcuate ligament Broad ligament of uterus Broad ligament of liver Cruciate Henle’s ligament Inguinal ligament Medial ligament Patella ligament Periodontal ligament Pubofemoral ligament Rhomboid ligament Round ligament of femur

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Type of connective tissue organized into a system of fibers

Helps reduce friction in joints & distribute weight evenly

Provides slick surface for rotation Absors shocks & jars to the body

Articular cartilage covers the ends of long bones, such as in the knee or hip joints

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Axial skeleton – skull, vertebral column, rib cage

Appendicular – bones of the extremeties & appendages of the body

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Scoliosis Lordosis Kyphosis

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Skeletal Muscle – controls movement of skeleton

Smooth/visceral Muscle- controls involuntary motion inside body organs

Cardiac Muscle – automatic; responsible for propelling blood thru blood vessels

Page 18: The Musculoskeletal System

Heredity Nutrition Exercise Hormones Muscle tissue characteristics