9 months of pregnancy

The mother’s changing body

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9 months of pregnancy

Usually the mother is not aware that she is pregnant. After the first month of pregnancy hormonal changes start to happen. Every system in the body starts to change.

• Lungs- Are still in their normal position

• Bowels-Are still in their normal position

• Uterus-Is the size of a pear

• Heart-65 beats per minute

• Blood- 7 ½ pints

Mother has missed her period. Fatigue is common. Breast tenderness, areolae enlargement, urinary frequency is all common.

• Stomach- Progesterone starts to increase causing heartburn and acid reflux

• Bowel-Progesterone smooth’s muscles in the intestine causing constipation.

• Uterus-The uterus has only enlarged slightly, reaming in the pelvis

• Heart-66 beats per minute

• Blood-7 ½ pints

The uterus grows to reach the top of the pelvic cavity. Vaginal discharge starts. Blood volume has increased. Some women start to have “the pregnancy glow!” high levels of progesterone may cause some women to get acne.

• Stomach-HCG levels at 12 weeks have reached their peak. Nausea and morning sickness is normal because of this.

• Bowel-Rising progesterone levels can cause constipation. Drinking a gallon of water a day can reduce symptoms.

• Uterus- The uterus is staring to expand, tipping slightly forward.

• Heart-66 beats per minute

• Blood- 7 ½ pints

The uterus is enlarging and can felt by an abdominal examination. Due to estrogen rising the areolas start to darken. Nausea starts to go away.

• Blood volume and pressure- Blood volume increases significantly and blood pressure fall slightly. After this month it will continue to rise until birth.

• Uterus expansion- The uterus starts to expand into the abdominal causing its wall to stretch, aka the first “baby bump”.

• Heart- 68 beats per minute

• Blood- 8pints

The top of the uterus is level with the belly button. Some woman may develop a pigmented line running down from the naval. The mother’s blood volume is now 20% higher than it was before pregnancy. The first movement “quickening” of the fetus usually occurs during this month.

• Breast Changes- Enlargement continues. Small lubricant glands appear as tiny bumps around the areolae.

• Melanin Productions- The pigmented line on the belly is from melanin production. Many women of color will get this line. Also patches on the face may appear on a women’s face because of the production.

• Heart- 72 beats per minute

• Blood- 8 pints

More fetal movement. The mother’s sex drive may increase due to increased pelvic blood flow. The hormone progesterone rises 50% this month, and estrogen continues to raise causing constipation.

• Fundal height-The uterus is above the pubic bone. The uterus expands upwards around 1cm a week.

• Stretchmark’s- The abdominal wall continues to stretch causing a thinning of the collagen and elastin fiber in the skin.

• Heart- 72 beats per minute

• Blood- 8 ½ pints

The uterus is starting to push on intestines and continues to cause indigestion. Braxton Hicks start in the begging of pregnancy but can start to be felt around this month. The amount of amniotic fluid has now reached 1.5 pints.

• Whole system change at 30 weeks- The mother starts to suffer from backaches. The change of gravity of her body put strain on her ligaments and muscles.

• Gravity- The center of the mother’s gravity moves forward and changing her posture. This will change the lumbar curve in the lower back possibly causing backaches.

• Heart- 72 beats per minute

• Blood- 9 pints

Fat starts to store in random places of the mother’s body. If the uterus starts to compress the diaphragm, deep breathing may be difficult. Braxton Hick’s continue to occur.

• Additional Weight- The fetus starts to pack on weight, plus the increase of hormones will start to make the mother tired.

• Relaxin- Relaxin production is a hormone that softens the joint in preparation for the baby to come through the birth canal.

• Heart- 74 beats per minute

• Blood- 10 pints

Mother starts to feel more pressure in the pelvis; and the breast start making colostrum. The cervixes will begin to soften. Pressure eases on the ribs as the uterus lowers for preparation of delivery. Breathing becomes slightly easier.

• Bladder- The mother starts to feel an increased urgency to urinate as her bladder is compressed by the positioning of the baby.

• Joints- Pelvic joints start to loosen to increase flexibility, so the baby can travel through the birth canal.

• Uterus- Compared to a non-pregnant uterus the capacity of it now increased 1,0000 times.

• Placenta- weighs 25oz

• Heart- 75 beats per minute

• Blood-10 pints