The Electrical Constants of Purkinje Fibres Silvio Weidmann Presented by: Shelby Burns

The electrical constants of purkinje fibres

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Page 1: The electrical constants of purkinje fibres

The Electrical Constants of Purkinje FibresSilvio Weidmann Presented by: Shelby Burns

Page 2: The electrical constants of purkinje fibres

Purkinje Fibre

• Allow the hearts conduction system to create synchronized contractions of its ventricles.

• Inner Ventricular walls of the heart, beneath the endocardium

• Able to conduct cardiac action potentials

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Theory • Weidmann suggests the Hodgkin and Rushton

(1946) were correct in their mathematical modeling.• Hodgkin & Rushton (1946) • Cable Theory using mathematics to calculate the electric

current along passive neurites.

• Cable theory is applied to uniform fibre of infinite length

• Purkinje fibers fuse with one another at distance less then 1mm. • Utilized only one fibre, unattached to interconnexions, and

using the “healing over” phenomenon

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Case 1• Cable is supposed to extend to infinity • Equations for Case 1

• Where is the electronic potential at x = 0 which is given by

• Where is the space constant which is equal to • Where is resistance per unit length

• Where is membrane resistance

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Case 2 • Cable is terminated at x = L • Equations for Case 2

• Where is the electronic potential at x = 0 which is given by

• Where is the space constant which is equal to • Where is resistance per unit length

• Where is membrane resistance

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Case 3 • Cable has infinite resistance • Equations for Case 3

• Where is the electronic potential at x = 0 which is given by

• Where is the space constant which is equal to • Where is resistance per unit length

• Where is membrane resistance

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Method • Draper and Weidmann

(1951) wrote an article on procedure.

• After cardiac arrest,• (i) the anterior branch; • (ii) the posterior branch

of the left limb of the bundle of His with their arborizations;

• (iii) false tendons connecting the medial papillary muscle and the wall of the right ventricle.

False Tendons

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Method • Time between

respiratory failure and submersion approx. 20-50 min

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• Polarizing electrodes were introduced at • 50 µm from cut end• Second microelectrode moving along fibre and inserted at various distances

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Results • Figure 3 shows the

variation of resting potential along a fibre, cut and allowed to seal over• Relatively constant,

show no decline towards cut end.

• Suggesting new membrane formation at cut end.

• Figure 4 provides evidence that sealed end can be regarded as high résistance provided by three experimental points

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The Basic Constants

• Table 1 Eight different preparations of the purkinje fibers allowing for equation error.

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Sources of Error

1. After x = L, an increase in cross-sectional area & stronger flow

2. Leaks around microelectrode and surface membrane

3. Resistance in endocardial layer 4. Variance in fibre thickness introduce

considerable error 5. Surface membrane decreases under an

anode and increases under a cathode

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Organization of the Myoplasm

• Purkinje fibres are histologically made up of sub-elements. These were described as 'granules' ('K6rner') by Purkinje (1845) and are to-day known as 'Purkinje cells'.

• short, thick cylinders with peripheral myofibrils,

• “cardiac cells are in direct contact during life (leitend miteinander verbunden) but become independent as they die.” (Engelmann 1877)

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Membrane Resitance

• Purkinje fibres (Rm = 2000 Qcm2) is similar to that of frog skeletal muscle (4000 Qcm2; Fatt & Katz, 1951)

• the current carried by sodium ions would contribute a 'negative component' to the total membrane conductance.

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Membrane Capacity

• In records taken from Purkinje fibres in the phase of early diastole there was no sign of any 'anomalous reactance'.

• The value of Cm in Purkinje fibres appears to be rather high: 12 ,uF as against 6-8 ,uF in frog skeletal muscle (Fatt & Katz, 1951) and about 1 ,uF in different kinds of non-medullated nerve (table 7 in Katz, 1948).

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Summary 1. Cable analysis was performed on single Purkinje fibres in 'false

tendons‘ of the kid heart.2. Potential changes along the fibre were recorded from the tip of a

second intracellular electrode.3. The d.c. resistance of the surface membrane was 2000 Qcm2,

the membrane capacity 12 tkF/cm2, the specific resistance of myoplasm 105 Qcm and the characteristic length of the fibre 1-9 mm.

4. The relatively low value of the specific d.c. resistance of myoplasm (twice that of Tyrode solution) suggests (i) that the smaller units making up the Purkinje fibre, the Purkinje cells, are not surrounded by ionic barriers of any importance, (ii) that Purkinje fibres are not subdivided by transverse membranes (cf. Rothschuh, 1951) and (iii) that most of the intracellular ions must be free to move under the influence of an electric field.

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