Nature optimized Brain Supplements

The effect of toxins on the body

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As far as the body is concerned, there are only two types of substances: nutrients and toxins. Any substance that cannot be used by cells in the body to carry out a biochemical process to keep us alive is a toxin (or poison).

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Page 2: The effect of toxins on the body

Nature optimized

As far as the body is concerned, there are only two types of substances: nutrients and toxins. Any substance that cannot be used by cells in the body to carry out a biochemical process to keep us alive is a toxin (or poison).

The body rids itself of toxins through a process called detoxification. The liver is the body’s primary organ that detoxifies harmful substances by a complex series of chemical reactions. The role of the various enzyme activities in the liver is to convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances that can be excreted out of the body in the urine or as bile.

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Two Types of Substance

Page 3: The effect of toxins on the body

Nature optimized

Every day our bodies are bombarded with toxins from the outside world. Pollution, prescription medications, pesticides, food additives, cigarette smoke, car exhaust emissions, cleaning products, mold, etc. The effects of toxins vary from individual to individual. In small doses, toxins are harmless and can usually be “flushed out” of our bodies by built-in removal capabilities. In large doses, toxins can impair cellular functioning and, if allowed to accumulate, can lead to cell death, which results in sickness and suboptimal performance of mind and body that leads to disease.

When optimum nutrition is provided the liver operates efficiently. The majority of people in the world do not eat the right kinds of foods to provide the liver with everything it needs for elimination of the extra toxins our bodies are exposed to. If nutrition is comprised through poor dietary and lifestyle habits, this will have implications on detoxification processes.

Exposing to Toxins

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Page 4: The effect of toxins on the body

Nature optimized

Just like the brain requires certain nutritional precursors for optimal function and mental execution, the liver requires specific nutrient cofactors required for effective liver detoxification (both Phase I and Phase II). Nutrients important to liver health include: riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, zinc, iron and certain phytonutrients and amino acids. Vitamins and minerals play a major role, particularly the B vitamins and vitamin C.

To learn specific ways to ensure your diet provides all the nutrients needed for detoxification and other health priorities, review our Nutrition Tips.

Importance of Nutrients

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