THE BETHESDA SYSTEM FOR REPORTING THYROID CYTOPATHOLOGY ( BSRTC) Dr.Indira shastry.k Kasturba medical college Manipal university, Manipal.

The bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology

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Dr.Indira shastry.k

Kasturba medical college

Manipal university, Manipal.

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History• Introduced and formed in 2007 , “NCI- thyroid FNA state of science

conference “ Bethesda , Maryland, by various cytopathologists and summarised by Baloch et al.

• Why ? critical for cytopathologist to communicate thyroid FNA

interpretation to referring physician in terms that are succinct, unambiguous and helpful clinically .

Uniform reporting.

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Format of reporting • Clarity of communication, the BSRTC recommends that each

thyroid FNA report begin with general diagnostic category .

• For each categories some degree of sub categorization can be informative and often appropriate.

• Each category has an implied cancer risk association – linked to evidence based clinical management guidelines.

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The BSRTC recommended diagnostic categories I. Non diagnostic or unsatisfactory cyst fluid only virtually a cellular smear other ( obscuring blood, clotting artefact , etc ,.)

II. Benign Consistent with a benign follicular nodule ( adenomatoid nodule , colloid nodule, etc) Consistent with lymphocytic (Hashiomoto’s) thyroiditis ; in proper clinical context Consistent with granulomatous ( subacute ) thyroiditis other

III. Atypia of Undetermined significance or Follicular Lesion of Undetermined significance

VI. Follicular neoplasm or Suspicious of follicular neoplasm Specify if Hurthle cell ( oncocytic ) type

V. Suspicious for malignancy Suspicious for papillary carcinoma suspicious for medullary carcinoma suspicious for metastatic carcinoma suspicious for lymphoma other

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The BSRTC recommended diagnostic categories

VI. Malignant Papillary carcinoma of thyroid Poorly differentiated carcinoma Medullary carcinoma of thyroid Undifferentiated ( Anaplastic ) carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Carcinoma with mixed features ( specify) Metastatic carcinoma Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Other

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BSRTC implied risk of malignancy and recommended clinical management

Diagnostic category Risk of malignancy Usual Management a

Non diagnostic or Unsatisfactory

Depends on type of lesion in USG

Repeat FNA under Ultrasound guidance

Benign 0 - 3 % Clinical follow-up

Atypia of Undetermined significance or Follicular Lesion of Undetermined significance

Approx 5 -15 % Repeat FNA

Follicular neoplasm or Suspicious for a follicular neoplasm

15 - 30 % Surgical lobectomy

Suspicious for malignancy 60 - 75 % Near total thyroidectomy or Surgical lobectomyb

Malignant 97 - 99 % Near total thyroidectomyb

a) Actual management depends on other factors ( clinical , USG etc ,.) besides FNA interpretation b) In case of “ suspicious of metastatic tumour “ or a “ malignant “ interpretation indicating metastatic

tumour rather than primary malignancy , surgery may not be indicated .

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Criteria for adequacy • Minimum of six groups of well visualised ( i.e., Well stained,

undistorted and un obstructed ) follicular cells with at least ten cells per group ( preferably on a single slide )

• Exceptions : minimum no of follicles not required. • Solid nodules with significant cytologic atypia - comment on cellularity

as a limiting factor . • Solid nodules in patients with lymphocytic ( Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis,

thyroid abscess or granulomatous thyroiditis may contain only numerous inflammatory cells .

• Colloid nodules: abundant thick colloid considered benign and satisfactory.

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Non diagnostic or Unsatisfactory

• Cellularity / adequacy is dependent not only on technique of aspirator but also on type of lesion ( solid or cystic ).

Example :

1. NONDIAGNOSTIC : due to insufficient cellularity

2. NONDIAGNOSTIC : cyst fluid only

3. UNSATISFACTORY : due to poor fixation and preservation

NOTE : A repeat aspiration should be considered if clinically indicated /

Recommended correlation with cyst size and complexity on ultrasound to assist with further management of lesion.

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Re-aspirated but not sooner than 3 months . ( to prevent false positive interpretation due to reactive or reparative changes)

Poor cell preservation

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• Subclassification : • Benign follicular nodule • Thyroiditis • Others

BENIGN FOLLICULAR NODULE (BFN) : • Nodular goiter(NG)• Hyperplastic (Adenomatoid ) nodule • Colloid nodules• Nodules in grave’s • Subset of follicular adenoma ( macrofollicular type )

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• Distinction among these different histological entities are not possible by FNA but of little importance bec all are benign and managed in similar conservative manner.


“ benign follicular nodule “ applies to cytologic sample that is adequate for evaluation and consists predominantly of colloid and benign appearing follicular cells in varying proportion.

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CRITERIA: • Adequate with moderate to sparse cellularity. • Colloid : thick / thin • Follicular cells : monolayered sheets or follicles (microfollicles +/-)• No nuclear atypia / pleomorphism • Minimal/no nuclear overlapping and crowding .• Cytoplasmic granules (+/-) • Hurthal cells (+/-) • Macrophages and may contain haemosiderin pigment.

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Adenomatous nodule ( macro-follicular type )

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Graves’ disease (GD)

• Cytological features is non specific, and clinical correlation is required for definitive diagnosis.

• Aspirates - cellular and show similar features of non graves’ BFN (abundant collloid and variable no of follicular cells ) .

• Follicular cells : loose cohesive sheets, with abundant delicate foamy cytoplasm with frayed edges (+/-). Nuclei are often enlarged, vesicular and prominent nucleoli, mild pleomorphism may be present.

• Lymphocytes and oncocytes may be seen.

NOTE : focal chromatin nuclear clearing and rare nuclear grooves if not diffuse should not be confused with papillary ca thyroid .

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Lymphocytic ( Hashimoto’s ) thyroiditis


many polymorphic lymphoid cells associated with Hurthle cells

CRITERIA : • Hypercellular to adequate cellularity ( does not require minimum

cellularity ) • Polymorphic lymphoid population, occasional plasma cells and

may infiltrate epithelial cell groups. • Intact lymphoid follicles and lympho-histiocytic aggregates (+/-)• Hurthle cells +( may have prominent anisonucleosis)

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Granulomatous ( subacute, de quervain’s) thyroiditis

CRITERIA : • variable cellularity • Clusters of epitheliod histiocytes , i.e., granulomas present along with

many multinucleated giant cells • Early stages : demonstrates many neutrophils and eosinophils • Late stage : smears are hypocellular. Show giant cells engulfing

colloid, epitheliod cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and scant degenerated follicular cells.

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Subacute thyroiditis

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Acute thyroiditis

CRITERIA : • Numerous neutrophils associated with necrosis, fibrin,

macrophages and blood. • Bacterial or fungal organisms are occasionally seen.

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Riedel’s thyroiditis / disease

• Progressive fibrosis of thyroid gland with extension in to neck soft tissue.

• CRITERIA : • Often acellular. • Colloid and follicular cells are usually absent. • Collagen strands and bland spindle shaped cells. • Chronic inflammatory cells may be +

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Atypia of undetermined significance ( AUS/FLUS ) • Used when FNAs are not easily classified in to Benign, suspicious or

malignant categories. • AUS result has been reported in 3 – 18 % of thyroid FNA • Used as a last resort

• CRITERIA : mc sinerios • Prominent populations of microfollices that does not fulfil the

criteria for “ follicular neoplasm/ suspicious for follicular neoplasm” - scant cellularity

• Predominance of Hurthle cells with scant cellularity

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• Interpretation of follicular neoplasm hindered by sample preparation artefact ( air drying and clotting )

• Clinical setting suggestive of benign nodule ( predominant Hurthle cells ) ; Hashimoto’s / MNG .

• Focal appearance of malignancy ( papillary ca ) in an otherwise predominantly benign appearing sample .

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• Cyst lining cells which appear atypical due to presence of nuclear grooves, prominent nucleoli, elongated nuclei and cytoplasm and / or intra cytoplasmic inclusions in an otherwise benign appearing sample.

• A minor population of cells showing atypia in patients with : • H/O radioactive iodine , carbimazole, and other pharmaceutical agents

ingestion. • Repair due to involution changes - cystic degeneration &/ haemorrhage

• Atypical lymphoid infiltrate but the degree of atypia is insufficient .

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MANAGEMENT : • For initial diagnosis – clinical correlation and repeat FNA at

appropriate interval .• 20 – 25 % of the nodule repeated as AUS • In resected thyroid only 20 – 25 % found to have malignancy • Overall risk of malignancy for all AUS nodule is 5 – 15 %

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Follicular neoplasm / suspicious for follicular neoplasm

• To identify nodule that might be FC and triage it to surgical lobectomy

• Does not differentiate between FA and FC ; FN or suspicious of FN used instead -> lobectomy -> definitive diagnosis.

• Some prefer suspicious of FN bec significant proportion of cases (35% ) are due to hyperplasic proliferation in MNG.

• Rate of malignancy is 12 – 32 %. Most of them are follicular variant of papillary ca thyroid.

• Parathyroid adenomas are often misinterpreted as FN / SFN

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CRITERIA :• Cytomorphology : high cellularity, scant to absent colloid , micro

follicles to trabacular arrangement with cellular crowding and overlapping ( altered architectural pattern )

• Nuclear atypia ( mild ) / mitosis: uncommon

• If majority of follicles are arranged in macrofollicle fragments ( variably sized with out overlapping or crowding ) considered benign.

• Conspicuous cellularity alone does not qualify for FN/SFN

• Sparsely cellular fragments with cytomorphology of FN/SFN reasonable to interpret as AUS / FLUS .

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Microfollicle - <15 cells in a circle that is at least 2/3 rd complete

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FN Hurthle cell type / SFN , Hurthle cell type

• Defn : Refers to cellular aspirate that consists exclusively of ( or almost exclusively ) of hurthle cells. (>75%)

• Criteria : • Highly cellular aspirate , abundant finely granular cytoplasm • Enlarged centrally or eccentrically located nucleus with prominent

nucleolus. • Small cell dysplasia : small cells with high N:C ratio• Large cell atypia : large cells with at least 2X variability in nuclear

size • Crowded or syncytial arrangement with or with out colloid

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moderate to markedly cellular aspirates


Small / large cell dysplasia

Benign Note : although predominance of

hurthle cells arises the possibility of hurthle cell neoplasm, the absence

of atypia suggest it is benign

Benign lesion ( with out atypia )

+ -

+ -


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Mimickers : • MNG with focal hurthe cell change : mixture of elements , flat

cohesive sheets of hurthle cells admixed with normal follicular cells, colloid + and clinico-cytologic correlation.

• LT nodules : hurthle cells are atypical in stereotypical way i e., they form small cohesive clusters of 3-10 cells, large nuclei, smudgy sometimes glassy chromatin . Can mimic cells in Pap ca . Clinical correlation is of importance.

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Hurthle cell metaplasia in MNG

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• Oncocytic variant of papillary carcinoma thyroid : attention to nuclear details. If not diagnosed as suspicious for malignancy. ( diagnosed at the time of frozen )

• Medullary carcinoma of thyroid : MGG - cytoplasm of hurthle cells are blue . Medullary carcinoma thyroid are red.

• Parathyroid adenomas : radiological correlation, serology or frozen .

Medullary carcinoma of thyroid Hurthle cell neoplasm

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Suspicious for malignancy ( SFM )

• SFM interpritation indicates the less than definitive nature of the diagnosis and allows alternative management options ( frozen / lobectomy ) before definitive surgery ( total thyroidectomy )

• The target PPV of this cat is 55-85 %.

Definition :

Strong suspicion for malignancy, but findings are not sufficient for a conclusive diagnosis.

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Suspicious of papillary carcinoma of thyroid : • Pattern A (“ patchy nuclear changes “ ) • Benign follicular cells ( macrofollicles ) admixed with cells that

have nuclear enlargement, nuclear pallor, nuclear grooves, NM irregularities, &/ nuclear moldings.

• Intranuclear cytoplasmicinclusions ( INCIs )are rare / absent

• Pattern B ( “ incomplete nuclear changes “) • Generalised mild to moderate nuclear enlargement with mild

nuclear pallor .• Evident nuclear grooves, NM irregularities and nuclear

moulding are minimal or absent. • INCIs are rare / absent

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• Pattern C ( “ sparsely cellular specimen “) • Cellular features of PTC present but very sparsely cellular

• Pattern D (“ cystic degeneration “) • Haemosiderin laden macrophages + • Scattered groups and sheets of follicular cells , enlarged , pale

nuclei, some have nuclear grooves .• INCIs rare / absent • Occ atypical histiocytoid cells + , calcification +

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Mimickers : • Lymphocytic thyroiditis • Cystic degenerative changes with reactive atypia • Radioiodine and carbimazole treatment.

no definitive / reliable cytological features can differentiate these from pap ca

• Hyalinising trabecular tumor ( HTT ) : definitive features are difficult to appreciate in FNAC .

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Suspicious for medullary carcinoma thyroid :• Thyroid FNA has higher sensitivity for detection of MTC than


• Sparse to moderatley cellular • Monomorphic population of noncohesive small to medium

sized cells , high N:C ( ? Lymphoid / ? Medullary ) • Small amt of ? Colloid/? amyloid • Clinico-pathologial correlation : S. Calcitonin

• Diagnostic pitfall : cellularity and preservation

Amyloid Colloid

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Suspicious for Lymphoma • Monomorphic small to intermediate lymphoid cells. • Diagnostic limitation : • DLBCL : technical ( cellularity and preservation ) • Low grade lymphoma ( MALT / follicular ) : MALT is difficult to

distinguish from LT with out Immunophenotyping .

• False positive results have been reported with LT. • Definitive diagnosis : Flow cytometry

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Ex:• Suspicious for papillary carcinoma thyroid • Suspicious for medullary thyroid carcinoma • Note : correlation with S.calcitonin level or re-aspiration for

IHC studies might be helpful for definitive diagnosis if clinically indicated.

• Suspicious for lymphoma • Re- aspiration for immunophenotyping studies by flow

cytometry might be helpful for definitive diagnosis if clinically indicated.

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Papillary thyroid carcinoma

• Criteria : • Follicular cells are arranged in papillae &/ syncytial monolayers.

• Characteristic nuclear features : enlarged nuclei , oval or irregularly spaced/ moulded nuclei, longitudinal nuclear grooves, INCI, pale nuclei with powdery chromatin ( “Orphan Annie eye” nuclei ), marginally placed micronucleoli (solitary or multiple ).

• Psammoma bodies +/-

• Amount of colloid is variable ( ropy / bubble gum colloid )

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• None of nuclear features are diagnostic of PTC in isolation, only when widespread and in combination they are diagnostic of PTC.

• crowding, overlapping, and moulding are important diagnostic features – distinguish from benign follicular cells.

• various subtypes/ variants can be identified in FNA.

• Precise sub-typing is not possible ; prominent pattern may not have been sampled in FNA.

• Awareness of cytological characteristics of various subtypes can diminish the risk of misdiagnosis.

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Variants of PTC

Follicular variant : ( Mc variant of PTC – 30% )

• Tumor composed of almost completely of small to medium sized follicles lined by cells with nuclear features of PTC.

• Some colloid may be present : dense • INCI, PB, papillary architecture, cystic changes are typically absent.

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Macrofollicular variant : • Over 50 % of the follicles are arranged as macrofollicles /

variably sized follicles.

• With convincing nuclear features of PTC often subtle. • Abundant thick colloid may be present. • DD: follicular nodule in nodular goiter and follicular adenoma

of macrofollicular type.

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Cystic variant : • PTC predominantly cystic , comprised of thin watery fluid, abundant

histiocytes and hyper-vacoulated ( histiocytoid )tumor cells.

• Neoplastic cells typically arranged in small groups with irregular borders; sheets, papillae/ follicles +.

• Hemosidrin laden macrophages , variable amt of colloid +. • Usually diagnosed as nondiagnostic : cyst fluid only. • DD: cystic change in benign nodule regenerating cells arranged in

streaming sheets but can be distinguished their elongated shape, lack of nuclear crowding and INCI.

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Cystic change in papillary thyroid carcinoma

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Oncocytic variant : • Nuclear features are characteristic of PTC but composed

predominantly of oncocytic cells. • Cyto : • papillae, sheets or isolated cells. • Lymphocytes are typically absent.

• DD: hurthle cell neoplasm : rounder nuclei and prominent nucleoli

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Warthin-like variant : • Circumscribed thyroid tumor with papillary architecture

and lymphoid follicles mimic warthin tumor of salivary gland.

• Cyto : oncocytic cells arranged in papillae , singly dispersed. Lymphoplasmacytic background, permeating the fibrovascular stalk.

• DD: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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Tall cell variant :• An aggressive form of PTC, occur in elderly more in males. • Cyto : papillae lined by single layer of elongated( tall – to

width ratio of at least 3:1 ) tumor cells with abundant granular cytoplasm. At least 50% tumor .

• INCI tend to be more frequent imparting “soap bubble” appearance to nucleus .

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EXAMPLE • MALIGNANT ;• Papillary thyroid carcinoma

• MALIGNANT : • Papillary thyroid carcinoma , favour tall cell variant

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Medullary thyroid carcinoma

• MTC comprises of approximately 7 % of thyroid neoplasm's. • Derived from and morphologically recapitulate the parafollicular

cells. • The diagnosis of MTC can be suggested by cytomorphology, but

confirmed by IHC . • DD : Hurthle cell neoplasm • Papillary carcinoma• Anaplastic carcinoma • plasmacytoma

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Syncitia like clusters alternate with numerous islands of cells. Plasmacytoid, polygonal, round and / or spindle shaped. Mild to moderate pleomorphism. Nuclei : round , eccentrically placed ,“ salt pepper “ chromatin. Cytoplasm : granular , MGG stain : pink granules ( 80% ) Amyloid often present. Bizarre giant cells may be seen : giant cell variant.

IHC calcitonin

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Poorly differentiated carcinoma

• Rare malignancy – 4 – 7 % • Criteria : • Cellular aspirates : Insular, solid, or trabecular cytoarchitecture.• Un-uniform population of follicular cells , scant cytoplasm ( sometimes

plasmacytoid) • High N:C ratio ; marked nuclear atypia • Apoptosis & mitotic activity + , necrosis +. • Insular form : ch endothelial cell wrapping

• Pitfall : less specificity. • WHO( endocrine ): “definitive diagnosis of poorly differentiated

carcinoma can be made only at histological level”

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DD :

follicular neoplasm ( SFN- 42 % ),

Papillary carcinoma ( 15 % ),

carcinoma NOS ( 10 % ),

Medullary carcinoma,


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Undifferentiated ( Anaplastic )carcinoma

• K/S “ giant and spindle cell carcinoma “ - < 5%• High grade pleomorphic, epithelial derived malignancy with

epitheloid and / spindle cell features. • Plasmacytoid / Rhabdoid cell features may be seen.• Nucleus : pleomorphic, irregular, clumping of chromatin with

parachromatin clearing. • Necrosis – extensive ; abscess like , neutrophilic infiltration of

tumor cells. • Osteoclast like giant cells +/-

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Squamous cell carcinoma

• 1 % of primary thyroid malignancy• Poorly differentiated : large, pleomorphic, keratinised cells • Morphologically and immunohistochemically

Indistinguishable from mets from other organs .• EX :

malignant :

consistent with SCC of thyroid

Note : the distinction B/W primary / mets from other organs not possible. Correlation with clinical and imaging is advised.

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Metastatic tumors • Metastasis to thyroid from other organs is rare: lung, breast,

skin ( melanoma ), colon, and kidney.

• Malignant lymphomas: can arise in thyroid as primary but secondary involvement is MC .

• Lymphomas represent 5 % of thyroid malignancy, usually associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

• Criteria : • Cellular mostly lymphocytes.• Lymphocytes : 2 X small mature lymphocyte• Background of numerous lymphoglandular bodies• Vesicular nuclei / coarse chromatin with prominent nucleoli

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Patterns of lymphoma on FNA

Monomorphous population of small


Monotonous population of large


Mixture of small and large lymphocytes

Absence of oncocytes, follicular cells, and plasma cells favour


DD : Hashimoto’sMorphologically

diagnostic DD: inactive thyroiditis

Definitive diagnosis : flow cytometry / IHC on HP

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• Secondary involvement by MALT / DLBCL is 20% in disseminated lymphoma.

• MALT : monocytoid / plasmacytoid B cells in isolation / in clusters.

• DLBCL : monotonous large lymphocytes in non cohesive clusters.


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• Syed ali. Edmund S. Cibas : The Behtesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology.

• Orell & sterrett’s FNAC . 5th ed • Gray . Diagnostic cytopathology . 3rd ed

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