Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research


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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Research


Case Study: loudmusic.org.uk

Purpose: To show the dangers of listening to loud music and that it can effect you long term. They want to show how dangerous loud music can be even though at the time it may feel harmless. By using a drill I shows it in a more negative way than showing sound waves.

Aims:It aims to get people to turn their music down, and to stop listening to music so loud. They also want to shock people with the image to make them see the real damage that having your music too loud can do, therefor making people think more about the dangers and turning it down.

Creative Media Production 2012


The techniques that they use within this campaign is they have used a black and white image to make the text stand out. They have also put a drill close to the ear to show the damage that is been done while you are listening to your music too loud.

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3Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: loudmusic.org.uk

ImpactThe impact that this campaign would have, is it would help to prevent people from going deaf or damaging their ears. They want to get it out there that listening to loud music can be a lot more dangerous than you would think, therefore they want more and more people to be aware of this. If more people are aware then it would prevent more and more people needing help with their ears costing the nhs money to help them. They also want people to be able to hear for their own benefit because once you loose your hearing there is no way of getting it back.

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Case Study

Purpose: To inform everyone that if you are in a car or vehicle you need to leave at least 3 feet between you and bike when you are over taking them.

Aims:Get people to leave 3 feet between them and the bike when going around them to give them space because getting too close could put them off or you could accidently touch them causing a potential serious accident.

Creative Media Production 2012

Techniques:They have used two different colours to suggest the two different parts of this poster. One is blue which is the safe bike and then the ‘Give Me’ is in blue to suggest that it is the bike that is asking. Then the other colour is red, this is suggesting that red could be danger because the car in this situation is more dangerous than the bike. The car and the 3 are red because the car is the vehicle that needs to make sure it is 3 feet away. The font that they have used it simple and clear so easy to read, you will also be able to read this font if you are not stood very close which is useful. The 3 in the centre is the main part of this poster and it is there to guide you through the whole poster. It takes you from the top text through to the small text at the bottom.

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ImpactThe impact of this campaign is to stop drivers from driving so close to prevent accidents on the road involving bikes. If there are less accidents on the road there will be less issues for people on the road. It will also make people on bikes feel more comfortable on the road knowing they were safe and no one would nock them off. If people are feeling more safe on the road it may encourage more and more people to ride bikes cutting down the pollution.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose: The purpose of this campaign is to let people know that it is illegal to drop gum on the floor and you could end up with a large fine if you are caught. They are also saying that instead of dropping it you should bin it, and it could save you loosing money,

Aims:The aim is to prevent people from dropping gum on the floor, and get more people to put it in the bin. They are also letting you know there is a fine hoping that people will realise that it is a crime and could result in loosing a lot of money.

Creative Media Production 2012

Techniques:The have used an image of the gum packet and instead of been full of gum, they have replaced it with notes of money suggesting that you are giving money away. It also has large letters telling you the main information so that you see it straight away and know exactly what it is telling you about. It also have bold bright colours with a font that is quite fun, this is because it is aimed at a lot younger audience as those are the aged people who are more likely to put gum on the floor. They have tried to capture people who do this the most because it will have a much bigger impact than if it was aimed at the elderly.

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Impact:The impact of this campaign is to stop people from dropping gum on the floor. They also want people to realise that dropping anything on the floor is bad and no matter what it is from small litter to gum you cannot do it. This shows that you will get a fine from something small such as gum. They also want people to stop dropping gum because it will prevent people from having to scrape it off the floor or from their shoes after standing in it. There is also many children that are walking the streets that may see the gum and not know what it is, they could pick it up and get any kind of illness from it. They want you to bin your gum because a lot more hassle is caused when you leave it on the floor.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Compare: The two advertising campaigns are very similar but very different at the same time. The way that these two are similar is that they are bother very serious issues, they are completely different issues but they both contain people loosing their lives. They are both different in the way they have been presented. For example the one on the left, the smoking advert is in black and white to present the danger of the smoke. They have also created the effect that the smoke from the cigarette is the same as a rope that someone would use to take their life. This advert is wanting to shock the viewers into stop smoking. The second image the one on the right is again about a risk to someone's life but in a different way, This one is trying to prevent someone from taking some one else's life. They want to show how a cycle track is in its position whether a car is there or not. They also want to show that if someone is cycling down the cycle track and you are in a car coming around the corner the person on the bike could end up over the top of the car if you are not looking out. The colours of this advert are kept the same as the colours in real life because they want to show that this issues is a real life situation and people need to be aware of cyclists and need to look out for them a lot more.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)