1 rquiv Social Media Relationship Quality of Three Swiss Brands

Report social media relationship quality of nespresso lindt nestlé

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Social Media Relationship Quality of Three

Swiss Brands

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This report provides findings and analysis of the social media branding activities of three Swiss brands –

Nespresso, Lindt, and the umbrella corporation brand Nestlé. The evaluation was made focusing on

their ability to build a relationship with their audience, as well as the quality of their interactions in

different social media platforms. The instrument applied was the seven items brand relationship index.

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

NESPRESSO ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

LINDT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11

NESTLE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15

FINAL GRADES ................................................................................................................................................................. 21

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................................. 21

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Nestlé, Nespresso and Lindt are successful Swiss brands. According to Interbrand, they have the

following brand values:1

Brand value 2012 Rank in Interbrand„s 50 Best

Swiss Brands

Rank in Interbrand‟s 100

Best Global Brands

Nestlé CHF 6 million2 5 573

Nespresso CHF 1,9 million 13 n.a.

Lindt CHF 1,7 million 16 n.a.

In order to compete in the digital age, companies have to leverage on the linking value of their brands.

Social media are of vital importance in this user co-creation of value and are an integral part of any

marketing communication strategy. Social media aren‟t a “nice to have”: they are a must. However,

companies have to understand that social media creates expectations in the user. You don‟t only have

to include social media in your strategy. You have to be good at it. More important than being present

on all major channels is that you administer those channels you are on well and in line with the users‟


1 http://www.interbrand.com/Libraries/Branding_Studies/BEST_SWISS_BRANDS_2012.sflb.ashx

2 +5% compared to 2011.

3 http://www.interbrand.com/en/best-global-brands/2012/Nestle

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The evaluation of the present report is defined by seven different variables around which we build the

brand relationship index. In terms of operationalization, grades between 1 and 10 were assigned to

each variable in order to make the analysis more tangible. The seven variables are:

1. Social presence: Analysis of the relevant platforms/channels a brand is present in its pursuit of user

relationship improvement.

2. Dialog/user engagement management: Analysis of how many people have been contacted via the

brand through social media and how the brand stimulates engagement of users. The analysis of

engagement is based on three main platforms: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, since they offer a vast

array of interaction possibilities. Not only can their relevance be justified by their enormous user

communities, they are also the most relevant to consumers of the Nestlé, Nespresso and Lindt brands.

One proxy used to evaluate this item was the so-called Facebook rate of engagement = # talking about

brand / # likes. It makes inter-brand comparisons possible (the fraction eliminates scale effects and thus

makes engagement commensurable).

3. Sentiment/advocacy management: Analysis of user feelings regarding the brand and the level of

word-of-mouth. The brand‟s strategy for positive comments stimulation and negative comment

management was furthermore evaluated.

4. Support/value: Analysis of the relevance of the content shared with users and support offered by the

companies through social media (e.g. user care).

5. Innovation: Analysis of innovation in terms of co-creation and involvement and collaboration. In other

words, the way the company approaches users and benefits from them in a crowdsourcing manner in

order to reach innovation on product and corporate level.

6. Communication leadership: Analysis of level of authority and transparency when leading discussions.

Evaluation of how open the brand is for conversations and further interaction with users. The

connections of the company with relevant influencers (e.g. bloggers) in social media were also in focus.

7. Linking value/community: Analysis of proprietary brand communities in social media or other actively

supported independent brand communities.

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1. Social presence: 9

Nespresso has a strong presence on the web. Since e-commerce is a fundamental aspect of their

marketing strategy, a high penetration of the web is essential for the success of the brand. They not only

use the internet to interact with users and increase brand awareness; they leverage on this resource for

user care services. The brand is present in many platforms we consider relevant, however with two

concerns: Nespresso‟s page on Pinterest has never been used and there is merely a high user

engagement on the Pinterest page for

the US and Canada. This word cloud

encompasses platforms used by

Nespresso. It resulted from the analysis

and the different sizes express their

relevance for the Nespresso brand (the

same technique was also applied to Lindt

and Nestlé).

2. Dialog/user engagement management: 9

Nespresso uses social media to engage users in various numbers of ways. For instance, it uploads

content with favorable brand values on its Facebook page to encourage discussion about Nespresso

products, stores and the Nespresso experience among fans. On Facebook the engagement and

interaction are really high and it seems that most of the posts reach more than thousands of comments,

shares and likes. In other words, fans use the three channels to interact with the brand. However, the

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Facebook “likes”, YouTube “video views” and Twitter “followers”

Facebook rate of engagement (44,185 talking about Nespresso / 1,798,873 of Likes) is equal to 2,45%.

This leaves room for improvement.

On Twitter (3,228 Tweets - 1,763 Following - 26,634 Followers) people tweet not only directly to the

Nespresso account, but many times they use hashtags or merely the name of the brand. The

engagement on this platform is also high. According to hashtracking.com, 212 tweets with #Nespresso

were created by users, generating 218,382 impressions, reaching an audience of 157,802 followers in 24


YouTube (2618 followers - 1,829,144 views) is also an important tool to spread the commercials with the

endorser George Clooney. However, there are two concerns about it: it seems that the Nespresso

videos lacking celebrity endorsement have a low popularity. Additionally, Nespresso does not allow user

comments on videos including endorser, thus decreasing potential user interaction. It can be assumed

that Nespresso chose this strategy because it wants to avoid being put in George Clooney‟s shadow (so-

called vampire effect). This opportunity to generate indirect buzz and word of mouth is therefore


1.798.873 1.833.792


Facebook YouTube Twitter

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3. Sentiment/advocacy management: 9

Nespresso‟s strategy on social media is clear and its main objectives are to encourage word of mouth,

raise brand visibility and strengthen brand values. At the end of the day, the objective is to increase

sales of both machines and capsules. Strategies used on Facebook and Twitter are:

Posts on Facebook with emotional appeal and high-quality photos that capture attention and

generate comments, likes and shares.

Asking questions daily in order to increase participation and engagement on both platforms.

Creating the “Nespresso moment” where fans can talk about their experiences with the coffee

regarding “feeling”, “taste”, “smell” and “aroma”. Not only does this help Nespresso understand

the brand experience, it also creates a sense of community and belonging.

Replying to both negative and positive comments.

Putting “Likes” on user comments, making users feel special.

The majority of the comments are positive on both platforms. The analysis of the comments on

Nespresso clearly identifies it as a Lovemark. From the analysis of the first 100 comments on Facebook

and tweets on Twitter, it can be concluded that there is a higher tendency of positive opinions about the

brand on Twitter (80%) than on Facebook (44%), the negative opinions are 27% and 14%, respectively.

A possible explanation is that, opposed to Twitter, Facebook mainly functions as a user service tool. It in

fact seems that on Facebook people are more frequently asking for help and complaining if something

went wrong with orders and products. Twitter is more the place where users express their love for the

brand, tweeting about personal experiences they want to share with the community via hashtags and

quoting Nespresso.

4. Support/value: 9

The brand offers valuable content to the users regarding their products (e.g. information on new

launches, new capsules, how to recycle the products etc.). However, there is no content beyond the

Analysis of 100 comments on Nespresso’s

Facebook page November 13, 2012

Analysis of 100 comments about Nespresso

on Twitter November 13, 2012

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brand and the product. In other words, the page talks exclusively about the brand. When scrolling down

the page, the content seems to be quite repetitive. Twitter follows the same content strategy.

Analysis showed that Nespresso tends to reply to approximately 70% of the fan comments on the

platforms (this percentage includes replies to positive and negative comments). Nespresso

demonstrates thankfulness for the contacts and feedbacks, and solves problems in a private and

individualized way, asking the user for their club member number. In addition, Nespresso supports the

user regarding further information and suggestions, thus aiming to improve the Nespresso (service)

experience and the product itself.

5. Innovation: 7

In the innovation process (based on co-

creation, involvement and collaboration),

Nespresso tries to provide several brand-

user touch points. Many users give new

suggestions, products ideas and preferences

(e.g. asking for new capsule flavors). In all these cases, Nespresso tries to signal thankfulness to these

people. However, Nespresso could also reward users in more tangible ways (e.g. providing something

special like cards, samples or vouchers for the best suggestions). In effect, users would feel more

valuable and important for the brand (something that is important for them). The analysis of the

Nespresso Club revealed that the brand involves users by creating a feeling of belongingness (also

leveraging on an exclusivity appeal) and ownership. According to Business Development Strategies


“Nespresso regularly includes users in advertising activities. In the past, it has asked

them to supply ideas for TV-spots or let them choose between two pre-produced

spots to decide which one would be broadcasted. This “being part of a big family”

approach develops a feeling of pride and thus, creates positive and credible word-

of-mouth effects. Over 50% of new members first experience the brand through

existing ones and [result in] the steep growth of the club.”

6. Leadership: 8

Nespresso plays a strong guiding role on its social media platforms, trying to have and stay in control

(e.g. not allowing user comments on the endorsed commercial on YouTube, leading most of the

discussions on the Facebook page etc.). Since the content is very restricted to the product and to the

4 http://wearedevelopment.net/2012/03/21/nespresso-what-else/

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brand, Nespresso can be seen as really authoritative and following a strict exclusivity policy (e.g. the

brand is not linked to any external blogs or other websites, which might indicate a strategy of avoiding

semantic spill-over effects from non-Nespresso entities).

7. Linking value/community: 6

Since it already administers the Nespresso Club, which enables a strong and cohesive coffee community

on the web, Nespresso doesn‟t support or manage independent brand communities/advocates. This

community is of vital importance because it generates useful user information for members. As already

mentioned under the item “innovation”, Nestlé Club members can develop a sense of ownership when

they are part of crowdsourcing R&D strategy. To sum it up: this proprietary brand community allows the

company not only to approach users in all stages of the consumer journey, but also enables precise, 1-

on-1 database marketing and customer relationship management.

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1. Social presence: 9

Lindt is present in many platforms.

However, the brand doesn‟t use all

channels in the most effective way. The

best managed ones are Facebook,

Twitter, YouTube, the official website

and blog, which are all characterized by

very different degrees of user and

company involvement. Lindt aims to

offer valuable, specific (also in terms of

geographic regions) and up-to-date

content via these social media channels. The less effectively administered social media channels basically

replicate the content of the most popular social networks and only offer occasional participative user


2. Dialog/user engagement management: 9

Considering the data taken from the three main platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube), the company

has reached a fair number of users in all three social networks. It seems Lindt is currently applying a

somewhat reductionist and simple social media strategy: Facebook and Twitter are very much identical

in terms of content. The company uses these platforms to ask direct questions to the users (e.g.

concerning products and promotion activities). The company clearly aims at achieving a better

understanding of the consumers‟ behavior.

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Facebook YouTube Twitter

Positive user comments on Facebook are normally of hedonistic nature (related to the pleasure of

eating Lindt chocolate and continuously being able to try new product creations) and are far higher

than negative ones. The Facebook rate of engagement amounts to 3,48% (resulting from 8,172 talking

about Lindt / 235,064 of “likes”) shows that there is a positive and active user response. The

recommendation to Lindt, however, is to increase this KPI. Many users feel the need to share their

positive chocolate experiences and appreciate having the possibility to interact with the company per se.

On Twitter, the interaction is less active than on Facebook. Nevertheless, Lindt has been able to make

users talk about brand-related content, 119 tweets with #Lindt generated 64,862 impressions, reaching

an audience of 65.447 followers within the past 24 hours. This is an incredibly high user response.

With its Youtube channel, Lindt targets users using an affective-emotional strategy. The videos unveil a

strong passion for chocolate as an art form and genuine acknowledgment of users‟ needs. Despite the

high number of views (84,665 views with merely a few videos), the number of subscribers is not very


3. Sentiment/advocacy management: 8

There are very few people, who have a negative connection with Lindt. The majority of people have

positive or neutral feelings towards the brand (frequently associated with happiness, satisfaction,

hedonism and moment of relaxation). Comments are predominantly enthusiastic. Users‟ expectations

are regularly exceeded and, according to the attitudinal data available on the platforms, there is a high

willingness to repurchase. Many users comment on the positive (serviscape-related) experiences in Lindt

shops and the website (e.g. the service encounters are defined as well-structured, of good design etc.).

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4. Support: 9

Analysis showed that Lindt scores really high on this aspect. They genuinely care about users‟ feelings,

experiences and problems. They are actively responding to critical incidents that occur in the social

media-user contacts and try to solve related problems. Analysis showed that Lindt is attentive to user

comments and readily responds to them (even when the user does not express an explicit need) and

thus achieves a perception of genuine and continuous interest in the customer relationship. The timing

can also be considered: they usually reply just hours or a few days later. Users never have to wait for a

response for more than one week. Lindt also offers valuable and useful user content via YouTube and

on the blog (e.g. recipes). On all the three main channels (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) there is a

link to the official website of the company.

5. Innovation: 7

Lindt strongly encourages users to collaborate with them (they have an official company site solely

dedicated to people who want to be employed by Lindt). For example, users can work as promoters

who organize parties (setting similar to TupperWare parties) at home and selling Lindt products on

those occasions. Through this, the company not only offers a job but also the possibility to feel part of a

community. However, there is no visible integration of crowdsourcing via social media channels.

6. Communication leadership: 7

Lindt has its own blog where the participation is quite active. However, the brand only actively

participates in conversations via their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They have a good consensus by

the public in their blog but there are no so many conversations and comments.

7. Linking value: 6

Despite the fact that Lindt does not actively involve users in

crowdsourcing activities, they still are successful in stimulating

discussions and involve users in entertaining activities. It seems

they have a policy to “like” user comments when entering a

Analysis 100 comments on Lindt’s Facebook page November 13, 2012

Analysis of 100 comments about Lindt on

Twitter November 13, 2012

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1. Social Presence: 9

Due to its highly diversified brand portfolio, Nestlé‟s social media structure is really complex: the entire

brand architecture has to be consistently unified under one overarching brand (e.g. the company

monitors around 600 Facebook pages6). Due to a

higher personal involvement and consumer-product

experiences, users may be more likely to feel affinity

for brands like Nespresso, Nesquik or Nescafé. Thus,

the propensity to “like” the Nestlé umbrella

corporation fan page can be categorized as lower.

Nevertheless, Nestlé (here clearly conceived on the

multinational, corporate level) is trying to overcome

these barriers: Nestlé is present on social media

channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,

Pinterest, Instagram, etc.

Since Nestlé is a strong global brand most of the channels are really relevant in terms of monitoring its

image around the globe. Although Nestlé doesn‟t have its own profiles, it is being discussed on

Pinterest. However, blogs and clubs that are not managed by Nestlé are mainly of anti-Nestlé activist

nature.7 Nestlé has fan pages in different languages in four different countries, two Facebook pages,

two Twitter profiles and one YouTube channel just for careers and recruitment. Also, Nestlé does not

miss out smartphones: if “Nestlé” is entered on App Store, over 80 smartphone applications are

6 http://www.engage-2012.com/news.php?id=20121023

7 http://boycottnestle.blogspot.ch/ or http://www.candyblog.net/blog/about).

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accessible. The content range is as overwhelming as Nestlé‟s product portfolio (Nestlé Fitness, Nestlé

Business, Nestlé baby, etc).

2. Dialog/user engagement management: 7

Even though Nestlé is present on a large number of platforms, it has to be considered that most of the

communication is one-way, from Nestlé to the

users: efforts made by self-elected engaged users

are mostly ignored. The Facebook engagement

rate (12,492 of people talking about this /751,793

likes) amounts to 1.66%.

Nestlé uses its corporate fan page on Facebook,

Twitter and YouTube platforms as advertising

channels (posts are about company data, sales,

social actions, sustainability, new receipts, food

facts, foundations, events etc.). On Twitter, the

number of tweets generated with Nestlé hashtag in 24 hours is high, however we believe that, based on

the dimension of the brand, this number could be higher.

On YouTube, the user engagement can be evaluated as low (126,403 of videos views and 678

subscribers). The last time videos were posted was 4 months ago (13 videos at once). It looks as if Nestlé

was just using this video channel to launch a new campaign. Before and after this large-scale video

posting, Nestlé was silent (for two and four months, respectively). This does not correspond to what

one would call “continuously nourishing the user relationship”.

3. Sentiment/advocacy management: 7

Nestlé also uses social media channels as PR tools. Unfortunately, Nestle‟s social media activity is often

spurned by users (e.g. vitriolic comments, viral video parodies, animated parodies of the Nestlé‟s

reaction to user reactions etc.). One example is the current salmonella crisis that hit November 8, 2012




Facebook YouTube Twitter

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Analysis of 100 comments on Nestlé's Facebook page

November 13, 2012

Positive Negative Neutral

(Nestlé launched a recall of Nesquik chocolate powder canisters

because of possible contamination): users posted many negative

comments and jokes about the brand. However, Nestlé

answered to many users and tried to clarify the problem by

engaging in user conversations.

The analysis conducted November 13, 2012 revealed that that the number of negative comments is

quite high on Twitter and Facebook (74% and 45%, respectively). This is strictly correlated to the crisis

Nestlé was facing. In fact, most of the negative comments about the brand were aimed at the sub-

brand Nesquik. Simultaneously, Nestlé tweeted positive contents emphasizing that no illnesses were


Since the situation analyzed on the two social media platforms was quite peculiar, we decided to

conduct another Twitter analysis a week later (Twitter was the platform with the highest number of

negative comments, based on a sample of 100 tweets). The tweets written by Twitter users now had a

completely different connotation: on November 21, 54% positive and 22% negative comments were

registered (compared respectively to 11% and 74% analyzed one week before). The extent of

unpredictability and mutability of social media tools becomes evident: opinions about brands can

change rapidly. This is a “Good Practice” example of how sound crisis management minimizes

reputational damages to brand image.




Analysis of 100 comments about Neslté on Twitter

November 13, 2012

Negative Positive Neutral

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In a general perspective, Nestlé is trying to manage the sentiments toward the brand with increasing

visibility on several social media channels. However, a lot of work has yet to be done since users are

often critical about the company (which is interesting because user sentiment for Nespresso, a Nestlé

brand, was very high [80%] for example on Twitter).

4. Support/value: 6

Nestlé‟s Facebook strategy seems to go

beyond their products. Its posts on the three

mains channels focus on different topics that

surround Nestlé World (ranging from

product and food facts to sustainability,

corporate news and interesting information about different countries). A lot of images and videos are

used in order to get users‟ attention. Nestlé comments are always adapted to the language of the target


According to our analysis, Nestlé does not seem to be very keen to interact with users on social media.

A closer look at their Facebook page revealed that they respond only to 10% of people‟s posts. This is a

low number since the solicitations to bring back a product were quite numerous insert print screen.

Another reason that suggests further online interaction with people is that almost 45% of the posts were

negative and pretty aggressive (e.g. regarding the recent salmonella crisis and Nestlé‟s USD 1.5 million

investment fighting against the legal obligation to mention GMO‟s in food production). We understand

that issue and crisis is difficult. However, not responding at all or simply using ready-made answers are

definitely not the right way. Nestlé is clearly missing out an opportunity to take position and explain the

reasons for this engagement.

Low engagement can be observed in Nestlé‟s YouTube channel. However, it still has to be mentioned

that, even if Nestlé does not interact with users on social media, they still seem to listen to what people

say. As a matter of fact, the company managed to create a whole website dealing with bottled water.

54% 22%





Twitter analysis

November 21, 2012

Analysis of 100 comments about Neslté on

Twitter November 21, 2012

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But, when it comes to positive comments, whatever platform be it, Nestlé simply does not care: they just

don‟t give a “like”.

5. Innovation: 5

When it comes to innovation in the sense of co-creation, involvement and collaboration (letting people

participate in projects or asking people for collaboration) a massive amount of user involvement was

identified. Users post pictures and videos about different issues, however Nestlé never asks for feedback

or suggestion. Nevertheless, one strategy that was surprising and could be leveraged more often was

that Nestlé picked up a user question posted Facebook and answered it in a discussion video8 where

top management members were present. Solicitations to bring back a product were quite numerous.

6. Communication leadership: 4

In terms of communication leadership Nestlé cannot be considered strong. Corporate brands are more

likely to be targeted by protests and negative consumer activism than their constituent brands. Due to

this, Nestlé not only uses social media channels to interact, advertise and strengthen its values, but also

as an important PR tool (this especially applies to Twitter). However, it also has been noticed that except

for dealing with very complex topics (for instance the salmonella scandal), the blogosphere is pretty

quiet when it comes to Nestlé. No real advocacy group for Nestlé exists (apart from in-house blogs [e.g.

a cooking blog9 with more than 12,‟000 members]). However, blogs not controlled by Nestlé aren‟t

many and if they are, they are Nestlé critical.10 The usual image is that a blog for user advocacy

publishes some critical articles to which Nestlé does not respond, even when they get harshly criticized

(at least they do not respond visibly via social media).

7. Linking value/community: 6

Nestlé provides an example of how corporations with a broad brand portfolio can struggle to establish

an online brand presence and sometimes can become the target for protest and negativity. In addition,

Nestlé is practicing traditional one-way communication and seems not yet to have realized the benefit

interaction with users can generate. With knowledge of the high-tech Data Acceleration Team11 (social

media analysis department) at the Nestlé headquarters, it can be assumed that they are permanently

listening and might just be contacting users “underground” (i.e. not on highly visible social media


8 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151089199910773

9 http://nestleusa.wordpress.com/

10 http://boycottnestle.blogspot.ch/

11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD_W3EMuC1U

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A Nestlé community that is not officially hosted by Nestlé can be found on Pinterest. It is a good

example of how users try to connect with the Nestlé brand. They upload Nestlé-related pictures that

have played a role in their lives (e.g. a dog named Nestlé, the brand icon Nesquik bunny, Nestlé babies,

vintage style advertisements, a KitKat/Smarties house etc.). Nestlé has to develop a strategy that allows

them to bond with the users on this level without making the same mistake of merely pushing out

information that makes them look good. Nestlé has to be very careful though not to be over-imposing

in their actions, meaning that they have to take care to leave Pinterest what it is: a place where pre-

dominantly true Nestlé fans meet and share contents that make their life nicer.

Examples of Nestlé fans contributions on Pinterest

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Looking at the results of our analysis we can say that Nespresso and Lindt reached a position of

Lovemark, which is characterized by high respect and high love for the brand. On the contrary, we

believe that Nestlé is stuck on the position of brand on the Lovemark matrix, where there‟s a high level

of respect, but a low degree of love, as we could see from the opinions shared on the social media

platforms. This situation reflects perfectly on the final evaluation summarized above, where the first two

brands registered a similar rank (8,1 and 8), while the third one just reaches a lower grade, even if it‟s a

global brand.

We can justify these results by the fact that Nestlé is an umbrella corporation brand that has to face

more challenges, especially in the social media world, where it‟s easier to see negative word of mouth

regarding all the brands it manages.

Considering the engagement content on the biggest platform, which is Facebook, we see that the

strategies to gain engagement used by Nespresso and Lindt are quite similar, which is observed as well

in the rates we computed, respectively 2,5% and 3,5%. On the other hand Nestlé registered a lower

Nespresso Lindt Nestlé

Social presence 9 9 9

Dialog/user engagement


9 9 7


advocacy management

9 8 7

Support/value 9 9 6

Innovation 7 7 5

Communication leadership 8 7 4

Linking value 6 6 6

AVERAGE 8.1 7.9 6.3

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rate, which is 1,6% because the company doesn‟t instigate discussions, dialog, conversation and most of

the posts are more informative.

For what concern YouTube, all the three brands have room for improvement. In fact, they could be

more proactive and more up to date, posting videos more frequently. In addition, even if the general

number of views is quite high, the numbers of subscribers to Lindt and Nestlé channels is quite low. This

means that there are more people who occasionally watch videos on YouTube, than people following

constantly the channels. Nespresso, instead, seems to be quite good in this aspect, having a high

number of followers. However, as discussed before, it should probably give the possibility to people to

comment all the videos posted, regardless the content.

In the third most used platform, Twitter, Nespresso and Lindt perform quite well. Also Nestlé performed

well according to hastracking, however, considering the dimension of the brand, the results could be

more relevant.

Some aspects that the three brands are partly missing are innovation and co-creation, as well as a

stronger link with external communities and brand advocates, which if leveraged, could lead to more

positive results.

To conclude, considering the challenging nature of the umbrella company Nestlé and the two

Lovemarks brands Nespresso and Lindt, we could state that the three Swiss brands have implemented a

valuable social media strategy and are generally performing well, even if there are still possibilities of

smart improvements.




Nespresso Lindt Nestlé