Primary Research - SurveyMonkey Homelessness Survey Analysis of Results

Primary research results analysis

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Page 1: Primary research results analysis

Primary Research - SurveyMonkey Homelessness Survey

Analysis of Results

Page 2: Primary research results analysis


• I have filtered my survey results so that I can only see the responses/answers from people who are aged 17-24 because this is the age group most similar to the target audience of SASH. It will be good to see what people this age think about homelessness because they are the people that my campaign for SASH will target.

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Question 2• 5 people said yes. • 5 said no. • The other 5 could see from both points of view. • This tells me that the decision here is split equally. The people who have said ‘yes’ seem to think that homeless people

choose to remove themselves from hard situations that they face at home. However, some other people that have said ‘yes’ think that people choose to be how they are which ends up being the reason that they get thrown out of their house.

The people who said ‘no’ think that homelessness is not a choice and that nobody would choose to live on the streets out of choice; they are forced to.

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Question 3• 67% of 17-24 year olds wouldn’t know where to go if

themselves or a close friend were suddenly to become homeless.

• 33% of them think that they would know where to go. The fact that 67% wouldn’t know where to go tells me that they

need educating and support to let them know what kind of help would be available for them if they ever did get into a situation that would make them homeless. Everyone should have somewhere to go.

I will make sure that the products I make for SASH are informative and educative for people of this age group so that they know what help is available. I will also make sure that they would be distributed and displayed somewhere that would be easily accessible to them.

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Question 4

• 8 people are not aware of any organisations that help people to deal with homelessness.

• This means that 7 people are. 1 of those people had heard of SASH.

This means that more people of this age group need educating about the charity, SASH and what they do to help homeless people.

Where I choose to have my product distributed and displayed will help increase the number of people who are aware of SASH and what they do. I will have to bear this in mind when creating my product.

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Question 5

• Collectively, these 17-24 year olds seem to think that the people who are most at risk of becoming homeless are people aged 24/25 to about 30/40.

The reasons given are because this is time that people start to settle down and get a job and a house. An example of how someone of this age could lose their home is that there could be instances where people go to move out of their house after university, or maybe moving in with a new partner etc. with the guarantee of moving into a new house. However, this could fall through. There could be a nasty relationship break-up which would leave somebody without a place to live.

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Question 6

• 67% of these people said that they would not help a homeless person if they were a stranger.

• This means that 33% of people said that they would help a homeless stranger.

This shows that some people are willing to help and others are not. Maybe they are unwilling to help because they know very little about homelessness and how they can help. This drives me to make my products informative and educative so that people know more about what to do in these types of situations and how they can help. If people know more about the issue they may want to help out more.

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Question 7

• 60% of people said that their opinion would change if they knew the person that was homeless.

This still leaves 7% of the people who answered Question 6 ‘No’ who would not want to help. I think that people would be more inclined to help someone who is homeless if they knew them well. However, some people may just not want to get involved in someone else’s problem.

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Question 8 • 60% of people seem to think that posters about the issue of homelessness

would be most effective on buses. This could be inside them as small posters, or the large posters that are pasted across the outside of buses.

I agree with this and think that this would be an effective way of reaching people who are homeless and also a way just to make other people realise the issue. If there is a homeless person sat on the street and a bus goes by with an advert for a homeless charity that can help them including a phone number or a way to contact them, then this could encourage them to call and could save their lives in the long run. Also, with the organisation SASH aiming it’s promotional products at 17-24 year olds, putting the advertisements on buses could work in their favour. This is a good way to target their audience. Most young people use buses to get to and from school and college, and also anywhere else if they cannot drive.

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Question 9

• 10 people answered this question with ‘yes’.• 4 people answered with ‘no’. The people who answered this question ‘yes’ and followed their answer up with a comment, all said that homelessness affects the UK in a negative way.This tells us that people think that something needs to be done about homelessness in the UK. SASH can help that with their promotional products.

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Question 10 • 87% of people said that they do not think there is enough help

for people who are homeless in the UK. • 13% of people think there is enough. Going with the majority vote on this survey leads me to believe that there is not enough help for homeless people in the UK; whether that is knowing where to go for help, there not being enough charities that are well known, or if there simply are just not enough places for homeless people to go if they are homeless. When I am making my promotional products, I will ensure people that they are planned to be widely spread around the country and will be made to tell people where help can be found.