Presented By: Pradeep Kumar Kesarwani Email at:- [email protected] Cnt- 09794906969 Sanitation “Toilet " Eradication of open defecating

Pradeep sanitation

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Page 1: Pradeep sanitation

Presented By: Pradeep Kumar KesarwaniEmail at:- [email protected] 09794906969


“Toilet "

Eradication of open defecating

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Sanitation literally means measures necessary forimproving and protecting health and well being of thepeople. Sanitation is any system that promotes properdisposal of human and animal wastes, proper use oftoilet and avoiding open space defecation.

The defecation is the practice of passing out excreta. Open defecation is the practice of passing out excreta

in open field and indiscriminately. This excreta oftenfinds it way into sources of drinking water and foodand may lead to disease.

A drop can kill: One gram of excreta can contain; 10,000,000 (1cr) viruses 1,000,000 (10 L) bacteria 1,000 parasites cysts 100 parasite eggs


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Major Disease

Diarrhea: - Diarrhea describes loose, watery stools that occur more frequently than usual. Diarrhea is something everyone experiences. Diarrhea often means more-frequent trips to the toilet and a greater volume of stool. More than 1 million / year child deaths in India (By Unicef study)

Typhoid : - CDC (Center for Disease Control) almost 21.5 million people in developing countries contract typhoid each year.

Cholera : - Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused bythe bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The main symptoms arewatery diarrhea and vomiting. This may result in dehydration andin severe cases grayish-bluish skin. Transmission occurs primarilyby drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated bythe feces (waste product) of an infected people, including one withno apparent symptoms. Cholera click here.docx

Dysentery : - Estimated infect mortality rate ( as per 1000 live births) according to clinical pattern of diarrhea is 1.6% (ICDDR, Bangladesh) Diarrhoeal click here- Google Books.html

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Scheme by Government to build toilet

Sanitation part of national agenda in first 5 year plan (1951-56)

1986 - Focus on sanitation – Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) launched

1999 - Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) launched

2003- Community incentive scheme- Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) launched on 2nd Oct 2003

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Speech and discussion by formal PM Narendra


Construct separate toilets for girls : Stressing on "dignity

of women", Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged

parliamentarians and the corporate sector to help build

separate toilets for girls in schools across the country by

next year.

Modi also pitched for making provisions for building

toilets wherein women should not defecate in open."We

are in the 21st century. Have we ever been pained by the

fact that even today our mothers and sisters have to

defecate in open. Dignity of women...isn't this is a

responsibility of everyone ? (On 15th august 2014 at Red


Build toilets first and temples later, Narendra Modi says

(On 2th October 2014 Gandhi Jayanti)

Bill Gates also twitted meeting discussion with Prime


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Some facts why people ignore toilet near the houseMen Women

One of study conducted by Unicef concluded that men notuse toilet near the house because of in morning time they gofor checking their field at the same time they defecation on thefield it’s a daily routine activity.

One of study conducted by Pradan concluded that womanhave only free time in morning when they are free to talk toother women no pressure for doing work on house or field. Sothat ignore the toilet near the house.

It’s a only time to walk and take some fresh air for goodhealth (almost every rural families routine life running from 4am to 9 pm where 4 to 6 am for field checking ; 6-8 am forbathing, food, taking milk & lying food for his cattle etc. ; 8am-9:30 am going for job 9:30 am to 5:30 pm doing his job5:30 pm to 7 pm returning his home ; 7 pm -9 pm food,talking to family member , playing with his children andsleeping for risen next day at 4 am. they have no time forspecially going for exercise or any other)

Same concept followed by women as men. (women routinelife running from 4 am to 10 pm where 4 to 6 am fordefecation talking to her neighbor, field checking ; 6-8 am forcleaning house bathing, cooking, etc. ; 8 am-9:30 am getready to her children for school; 9:30 am to 5 pm washing,doing left work, go the fields for grazing 5:00 pm to 6 pmreturning her home ; 6 pm -10 pm cooking, talking to familymember , playing with his children, cleaning house andfinishing all the things and then sleep for risen next day at 4am)

Old men feel shy for defecation in toilet because of hisdaughter and daughter in law they also used the toilet and stayworking around there.(it’s a prime condition when they have proper toilet facility)

In Indian rural area almost every families living jointlymother, sister, wife, sister in laws, daughters etc. there aremany members in one roof . It simply means 10-15 min takenby one people for defecation contradicted they have notenough time to wait for toilet because of they have anothertask.

They not having good resource of water and not havingbetter toilet facility like E-toilet, Two-pit pour flush composttoilet Click here. jpg

Same as men

One of concept shared by men they defecate on the fieldbecause of they know after some days it will become manurethat help to crop for better growing; this is right that’s whythey ignore defecation in the toilet.

Can’t say as they fallow men concept.

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Statistical Analysis Census 1951 the total population in India was 403515600

Census 2011 the total population in India 1210193422

Population growth averagely 1.11 % / year running from 60 years ( On 2011 growth is 1.76 %/ year)

A report jointly prepared by the WHO and UNICEF says 597 million (597000000) people practices open defecation in India.

Population growth rate is 1.76 % / year it means till on 2014 the population will be increase by 3 years = (21299404 people/ year×3) = 63898213 people

It means proper toilet users (1210193422 + 63898213) – 597000000 = 677091635 it means (677091635 /60 years (2011-1951) = 11284861 toilet user/year

The population will be by the same growth rate 1.76% / year on the census 2021 approx. 1423671542 (21299404 / year increase) while the covering speed is only 11284861 people/ year

Means 21299404 people - 11284861 people = 10014543 less cover from the population growth.

It means the total people who open defecating in India will be on 2021 is 597000000 + 10014543 × 7 year = 667101801 people practices to open defecation.

Standard size of family is 5 people lives in one roof it means 667101801 people / 5 = 133420360 (IHHT) toilets need.

If the government and people want to resolve the problem on next census 2021 they must install = 133420360 toilets (IHHT) ( approx 9th times from current speed)

If one toilet installation cast is Rs. 10000 (Minimum) they have to spent

Rs. 10000* 133420360 (IHHT)toilets = Rs. 1334203600000 ( 1334 Cr.)

Total population in India on 2011 is 1210193422 & will be on 2014 is 1274091635

Now Rs. 1334203600000 / 1274091635 Population on 2014 = Approx. Rs. 1047.18 Paisa / head.

Very surprising truth here we have if every Indian people donate or share one time Rs. . 1047.18 paisa only, every people or family will have a proper toilet facility at the same location and India

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Economic Loss In terms of deaths- loss of workers,

Disability- loss of working time,

Debility- loss of productive capacity

In terms of expenditure (Indian Rupees) during water

& sanitation decade

1st to 5th year plans- 50 millions

5th to 7th year plan 33340 millions

8th to 9th year plan period – 65530 millions

TB control- 870 million

(By water & sanitation decade report, ministry of heath, New Delhi)

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Change in behaviour pattern and attitude

Quality of construction and post construction maintenance

Sustainability of the sanitation coverage achieved

Convergence at grass root level

During when I’ve engage with MANREGA project found that non of

gram pradhan (visited 16 GPs) newly or maintaining toilet at village level.

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Conclusion Over half of all Indians defecate in the open, and in rural

areas, this figure is about 70 per cent. In contrast, less than 1 per cent of people in China, 4 per cent of people in Bangladesh, and about a quarter of people in Sub-Saharan Africa defecate in the open. Why is there so much more open defecation in India? Considering that open defecation in rural India causes death, disease, malnutrition and the loss of economic productivity.

The changes will be happened when we get together and fight with exiting problem no matter we have lots of good toilet & sanitation facility rather we lives in the same environment; almost every people who practices to open defecation lives in poor condition they not have much money or not have proper water facility or not want to change their habit, now its time to support them either donate some money or awareness for build a fresh and healthy environment where breath freely and not worry about any disease will happen through excreta.

Club hands + Agenda Oriented = Clean

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Some documentaries movie http://youtu.be/ZjqtfQZKxxw

( Source : pictures taken by www.google.co.in & movie

prepared by me)

Dignity of women.mp4

( Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xcf0HOntiU