PHYSIOTHERAPY I.-DEFINITION: Physical therapy or physical therapy is the science of treatment through: physical media, therapeutic exercise , massage therapy and electrotherapy. In addition, physical therapy includes the execution of electrical tests and manuals to determine the value of the impairment and muscle strength, tests to determine the functional capabilities, the amplitude of the movement to articulate and measures of vital capacity, as well as diagnostic aid for the evolution control. II.-FUNCTIONS Health care function Physical therapist shall establish an assessment prior and personalized to each patient and issue physiotherapy diagnosis, which will consist of a system of functional assessment and a system of registration and clinical history of physiotherapy, according to which, it will be therapeutic targets and consequently will design a therapeutic plan using own and exclusive physical agents of their discipline. The main tool of the physiotherapist is the hand and consequently, manual therapy. Like this: Massage therapy: application of various forms of massage, massage therapy, manual lymph drainage therapy, deep transverse massage, Cryo- massage, sports massage, induction and myofascial release, neuro-muscular manual techniques, miotensivas, connective tissue massage, reflex massage, massage of the periosteum, etc. Kinesiotherapy, or movement therapy.


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Physical therapy or physical therapy is the science of treatment through: physical media, therapeutic exercise , massage therapy and electrotherapy. In addition, physical therapy includes the execution of electrical tests and manuals to determine the value of the impairment and muscle strength, tests to determine the functional capabilities, the amplitude of the movement to articulate and measures of vital capacity, as well as diagnostic aid for the evolution control.


Health care function

Physical therapist shall establish an assessment prior and personalized to each patient and issue physiotherapy diagnosis, which will consist of a system of functional assessment and a system of registration and clinical history of physiotherapy, according to which, it will be therapeutic targets and consequently will design a therapeutic plan using own and exclusive physical agents of their discipline. The main tool of the physiotherapist is the hand and consequently, manual therapy. Like this:

Massage therapy: application of various forms of massage, massage therapy, manual lymph drainage therapy, deep transverse massage, Cryo- massage, sports massage, induction and myofascial release, neuro-muscular manual techniques, miotensivas, connective tissue massage, reflex massage, massage of the periosteum, etc.

Kinesiotherapy, or movement therapy.

Handling, spinal and peripheral joints. Manual physical therapy Orthopedic or Manual therapy

Therapeutic exercises.

Global postural reeducation

Motor control.

Joint mobilizations, neuro-meníngeas, fasciales and visceral.

Stretching analytical in physical therapy: analytical therapeutic maneuvers in the treatment of muscle-skeletal diseases.

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Manual methods of re-education of postural tone, synergies and pathological neuro-motor patterns in the case of the Neurological physical therapy

But it also helps other physical medicine agents through the use of health technologies :

Electrotherapy: application of electrical currents.

Ultrasonoterapia: application of ultrasound.

Contact hyperthermia: application of hyperthermia or contact Diathermy equipment.

Hydrotherapy: water therapy.

Thermotherapy: heat therapy.

Mechanical: mechanical devices to therapy application.

Radiation: except ionizing radiation.

Magnet therapy: therapy using electromagnetic fields.

Cryotherapy – Therapy through the cold.

Laser- therapy.



Radial shock wave therapy.

Electro bio-feedback.

Other physical medicine agents applied to therapy.


Physiotherapy intervene in pathological all clinical specialties processes provided that they indicated the implementation of any of the physical therapeutic modalities described above, being physical therapist responsible for assessing and planning objectives and therapeutic measures of physical therapy:

Attention for Psychiatryand Mental health care: depression, anxiety, disorders of eating behavior, addiction, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, personality, etc.


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Obstetrics and Gynecology: Re-education pre and post delivery, urinary incontinence, etc.

Pediatrics: Children's Cerebral paralysis, Paralysis brachii obstetric, bronchiolitis, Arthrogryposis, early care, etc.

From issues of the vascular system, care of amputees, lymphatic and venous drainage, etc.

Neurology: sciatica, herniated disc, Hemiplejías, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, paralysis of neurological origin, TEC, spinal cord injury, etc.

Gerontology: loss of mobility and functionality of the elderly patient.

Pneumology: COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Lobectomy, etc.

Traumatology and orthopaedics: sprains, fractures, dislocations, muscular breakage, sports injuries, deviations from the column, postoperative recovery.

Rheumatology: arthrosis, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, calcifications, Osteoporosis, Spondylarthritis, etc.

Cardiology: Re-education the effort of patients cardiópatas.

Coloproctology: Fecal Incontinence.

Oncology: Lymphedema post-mastectomy .

Hematology: hemophilia .


The burn patient physiotherapy.

Other: Psychosomatic disorders, stress, etc.

Uses of physical therapy


They have been in practice a large number of therapies to ease symptoms of incontinence (inability to control the evacuation of urine). Among them are: neuromuscular electrostimulation of the pelvic floor combined with exercises, or just carrying out exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor (Kegel exercises), the use of vaginal cones or Chinese balls. Among other measures that have been studied is the volume of the bladder, vaginal palpation or perception of improvement. In general terms, the improvements in the short term have been observed with exercises of the pelvic floor and the use of Chinese balls. Physical therapy has

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proven to be more effective than relaxation techniques based on a test. However, we need to make more elaborate tests and comparisons with placebos to confirm these results.

2.-Osteoarthritis of the knee

The results revealed that the combined use of manual physical therapy exercise under supervision was beneficial for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.


Physical therapy has been used for the treatment of pain of very diverse nature, including the tagline-femoral pain, wrist pain, postoperative and chronic pain. Hot packs to moderate temperature therapy can help alleviate pain and wrist problems.

4.-Cervical trauma

Studies have shown that physical therapy and active exercises are more effective than conventional care. According to a study in particular, the manipulative treatment would reduce the recovery period of more quickly than the physiotherapeutic treatments. .

5.-Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Stretching or aerobic and strengthening exercises might improve the dorsiflexion of the ankle, the ability of movement and the resistance to extend the knee. It is necessary to carry out further studies in this regard.


Chest physiotherapy and respiratory physical therapy applied to children and adults to improve their quality of life and his lung capacity in cases of serious and acute asthma.

7.-Nervous disorders

8.- Bone density

To improve bone density, applied physiotherapy techniques under supervision or through exercises at home, combined with resistance exercises in physically weak older women taking substitute hormonal. In patients with arthritis exercise programs have been applied to long-term high-intensity with weights, producing positive results. While the data are encouraging, it is necessary to carry out further studies in this regard.

9.-Brain damage

Patients with chronic brain injury of traumatic type often have problems walking (movement).

10.-Cardiovascular disorders

11.-Carpal tunnel syndrome

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12.-Cerebral palsy


14.-Rheumatoid arthritis

15.-Problems in spinal cord

16.-Strain and sprain

17.-Strength Enhancer



Precisely for this reason, arise the specialties of the physiotherapy is enrolled as a postgraduate studies:

Physiotherapy veterinary

Dental physiotherapy

Traumatologic physiotherapy

Oncological physiotherapy

Orthopedic physical therapy

Obstetric physiotherapy

Gynecologic physiotherapy

Cardiovascular physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in critical care

Respiratory physiotherapy

Physical therapy in mental health and Psychiatry

Chest physiotherapy

Rheumatologic physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy

Child neurological physiotherapy

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Geriatric physical therapy

Pediatric physiotherapy

Physiotherapy uroginecológica

Physical therapy Manual or manual therapy in orthopedics (English manual therapy ))

Sport physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in occupational health and work

Physiotherapy ergonomics

Physiotherapy in alternative treatments

Plastic and aesthetic physiotherapy

Physiotherapy specialist in balneotherapy and hydrotherapy

Manipulation of the muscle fascia, Stecco L


There is a common mistake and it is considered that physiotherapy and rehabilitation are the same.

The truth is that rehabilitation is the result of applying, among other things reflected to recover physical, mental, social and labour. Physiotherapy is mainly concerned the physical recovery while rehabilitation, is a multidisciplinary and comprehensive work in which it acts as well as physical therapy, other disciplines such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, etc.

On the other hand, as explained above physical therapy has its welfare functions in addition to the recovery, prevention.