Nature optimized Phospholipids (PS) and (PC) and ADHD

Phospholipids (ps) and (pc) and Adhd

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http://www.natureoptimized.com/#!adhd-diet-blog/cvhu/phospholipids--ps--and--pc--and-adhd - Omega-3 fatty acids (link to Essential FA blog) and phospholipids are highly concentrated in the brain. Our brains simply don’t work right without them. Omega 3 fats build all brain cell membranes with the help of phospholipids, which are structurally crucial to cell health as they are the main component of the plasma membrane found around every brain cell. The two most important phospholipids to know are phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), because without them you can’t have healthy membranes.

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Page 2: Phospholipids (ps) and (pc) and Adhd

Nature optimized

Growing up, I played with legos a lot.  I could spend hours with them.  In fact, there was only one thing I hated-missing pieces.  I’d have my masterpiece ready to go, and then I wouldn’t be able to find just a few crucial blocks.  Agony!  Because how’s my lego jet going to fly with pieces missing from a wing?  As it turns out, our brains work the same way-if you’re missing key building blocks, it just isn’t all it could be. Omega-3 fatty acids (link to Essential FA blog) and phospholipids are highly concentrated in the brain.  Our brains simply don’t work right without them.  Omega 3 fats build all brain cell membranes with the help of phospholipids, which are structurally crucial to cell health as they are the main component of the plasma membrane found around every brain cell.  The two most important phospholipids to know are phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), because  without them you can’t have healthy membranes.

Brain Cell Membranes

Phospholipids (PS) and (PC) and ADHD

Page 3: Phospholipids (ps) and (pc) and Adhd

Nature optimized

The brain cell receptors that catch neurotransmitter signals like dopamine (attention and motivation), serotonin (happiness), and acetylcholine (memory) are located inside the fatty cell membrane.  For cell communication to function properly, it’s important to have a steady supply of these healthy membrane building blocks. PS is naturally found in every cell membrane in the body, but the human brain has extremely high amounts.  This structural barrier (a.k.a. membrane) regulates which nutrients enter the cell and which toxins are pushed out.  

Consequently, PS is extremely important in neurotransmitter flow and effective communication between brain cells.  Several clinical studies have found that supplementing with PS is effective in helping brain cells work more efficiently, improving focus and cognitive function, attention, learning, memory, mood, and stress reduction.Phospholipid #2, PC, has been found to stimulate a process called neurogenesis, which helps make new brain cells and neural connections.  PC also helps maintain concentration, memory, and mood.  

Brain Cell Receptors

Phospholipids (PS) and (PC) and ADHD

Page 4: Phospholipids (ps) and (pc) and Adhd

Nature optimized

Pure Clarity contains an exceptional phospholipid and essential fatty acid blend to promote effective communication between brain cells and enhanced neurotransmitter function.  Your brain cells are nourished so you can function at your optimal level.  Yep-no missing pieces!

Crook, TH, et al. 1997. Effects of phosphatidylersine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology  41 (5):644-49.S. L. Ladd et al. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1993. Dec;16(6): 540-549.Hellhammer, J. et al. 2004. Effects of soy lecithin phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine complex (PAS) on the endocrine and psychological responses to mental stress. Stress 7 (2):199-26. Kidd, PM. 1999. A review of nutrients and botanials in the integrative management of cognitive dysfunction. Altern Med Rev 4 (3):144-61.

Pure Clarity

Phospholipids (PS) and (PC) and ADHD

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Nature optimized

Brain Research article on supplementation of choline - http://www.nhiondemand.com/getabs.aspx?id=11551Get Smarter: A Powerful Brain-Boosting Supplement You've Never Heard Ofhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/melaniehaiken/2013/01/16/a-key-brain-boosting-supplementyouve-never-heard-of/Blood phospholipid fatty acid analysis of adults with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Young GS, Maharaj NJ, Conquer JA. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15134138Nutr J. 2008 Feb 14;7:8. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-7-8.Fatty acid status and behavioural symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescents: a case-control study. Colter AL, Cutler C, Meckling KA.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18275609

Brain Research Article

Phospholipids (PS) and (PC) and ADHD