Parasitology Malaria JMJ 1 JMJ O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favors in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord. St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us. Amen.

Parasitology malaria for OSPE

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Page 1: Parasitology malaria for OSPE





O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth

did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your

examination only the questions you knew, obtain for

me a like favors in the examinations for which I am

now preparing. In return I promise to make you

known and cause you to be invoked.

Through Christ our Lord.

St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us.


Page 2: Parasitology malaria for OSPE

Plasmodium vivax – Ring trophozoite

Red cells enlarged

Trippling (Schuffner’s dot) in the RBC cytoplasm

Signet ring appearance (ring is coarse and large)


N- Nucleus/ chromatin R – Normal RBC V- Vacuole P- Parasitic cytoplasm S – Schuffner’s dots

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Plasmodium vivax – Amoeboid trophozoite

Red cells enlarged, strilling more marked

Vacuole starts disappearing.

Parasite nucleus is NOT divided

Parasite cytoplasm developed pseudopodia

(Parasite looks like an amoeba)

Few granules of malaria pigment may be present


N- Nucleus/ chromatin R – Normal RBC M- Malaria pigment P- Pseudopodia S – Schuffner’s dots

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Plasmodium vivax – Immature schizont

Red cells enlarged,

Schuffner’s dots are more marked

Parasitic nuclear fragments are still dividing

Malaria pigment ++


N- Nucleus/ chromatin R – Normal RBC M- Malaria pigment S – Schuffner’s dots

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Immature schizont


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Plasmodium vivax – Mature schizont

Red cells enlarged,

Schuffner’s dots are more marked

Parasitic nuclear is divided into 12-24 segments

Parasitic cytoplasm is compact and collected around nuclear fragment (Pink/red)

Malaria pigment +++


N- Daughter nuclei R – Normal RBC M- Malaria pigment S – Schuffner’s dots

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Mature Schizont


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Plasmodium vivax –mature schizont


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Plasmodium vivax – Male gametocyte/ microgametocyte Red cells enlarged,

Gametocyte is large, round and entirely fills the RBC

Parasitic nucleus is not distinct but dispersed and located centrally

Parasitic cytoplasm is pinkish in colour (Due to dispersed nucleus)

Malaria pigment (Yellowish brown) is prominent

Strippling is visible

No vacuole


N- Nuclei M- Malaria pigment P- Parasitic cytoplasm

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Micro gametocytes

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Plasmodium vivax – Female gametocyte/ macrogametocyte Red cells enlarged,

Gametocyte is large, round and entirely fills the RBC

Parasitic nucleus is very distinct and pushed to a side

Parasitic cytoplasm is bluish in colour

Malaria pigment (Yellowish brown) is prominent

Strippling is visible

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N- Nuclei M- Malaria pigment P- Parasitic cytoplasm

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Plasmodium vivax – Female gametocyte/ macrogametocyte

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Plasmodium vivax – Female gametocyte/ macrogametocyte

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Ring trophozoite Amoeboic trophozoite

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Mature schizont

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Plasmodium falciparum

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Accole form

A- cytoplasm ring

B- chromatin

C- Ring with 2 chromatin dots

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Plasmodium falciparum – Ring trophozoite

Red cell is NOT enlarged

Strippling is seen as coarse maurer’s dots or clefts in the RBC cytoplasm (Few dots compared to P.vivax)

Ring is very delicate and small

Multiple invasion (Polyparasitism)

Double nuclear phenomenon

Applique form (Accole form)- chromatin and cytoplasm of parasire is applied to the membrane of the RBC

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A- Ring stage B- Double nuclear phenomenon C- Applique form D- Multiple invasion M- Maurer’s dots R- Normal RBC

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Ring trophazites

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Plasmodium Falciparum – Mature schizont

Red cell is not enlarged,

No strippling

Parasitic nucleus is divided

Parasitic cytoplasm is compact and collected around nuclear fragments

Malaria pigment appears inside the RBC as a clumped black body

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N- Daughter nuclei R – Normal RBC M- Malaria pigment

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Plasmodium falciparum – Male gametocyte/ microgametocyte Gametocyte is sausage shaped with blunt

rounded ends

Parasitic nucleus (pink / red ) is not distinct but diffused.

Parasitic cytoplasm is pinkish in colour.(Due to diffused nucleus ).

Malaria pigment (jet black ) is scattered inside.

No vacuole

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N- Nuclei M- Malaria pigment P- Parasitic cytoplasm

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Plasmodium falciparum – Female gametocyte/ macrogametocyte Found inside RBC .

Gametocyte is cresentic in shape with pointed ends.

Parasitic nucleus (pink /red ) is distinct, well defined and located at the centre.

Parasitic cytoplasm is bluish in colour.

Malaria pigment (jet black ) is scattered inside.

No vacuole.

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N- Nuclei M- Malaria pigment P- Parasitic cytoplasm

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Oocysts in mosquito gut

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Plasmodium vivax- Ookinate

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Thank You!

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