NYC Health & Biotech Summit June 3, 2015 @garymonk

NYC Health & Biotech Summit

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NYC Health & Biotech Summit

June 3, 2015 @garymonk


• Summit showcasing emerging healthtech start up talent

• Attended by local NYC health startups, hospital systems & potential investors

• Startups were allowed 6 minute pitches – a selection of 10 are showcased here

Nb: Click through slide graphic to visit company website


Telepsychiatry platform.

• Well reimbursed area of medicine

• Physicians can easily & conveniently work several hours a week via the platform

• Remote access to support elderly, disabled, busy or geographically compromised patients


One of the biggest issues is security and data breaches

• Plug & play solution with EMRs – adds an authentication layer

• Uses patient fingerprint to authenticate

• Voice and Iris recognition also planned

• Leverage billions of devices already with fingerprint recognition


Uses brainwaves (EEG) as an objective measure for concussion

• Current methods are outdated, e.g. patient ability to recall a series of words or get into various standing poses

• Objective biosensor to assess head injury at work and compensation claims

• Possibility to use voice and eye tracking as other indicators of concussion


Tracks how patients are using their respiratory medication and how they are responding in real time.

• Focus on both Asthma & COPD

• Claimed increased medication adherence from 55 to 80%

• Claimed $4000 per annum savings for at risk patients

• Discussed integration with Apple Watch

Medica Safe

Patient management system for patients with an opioid addiction

• Waitlist for buprenorphine treatment is high. Less than 1% doctors treat

• Secure device releases medication on a timed basis that reduces abuse potential

• Urine test – negative for buprenorphine indicates diversion

• Combined with telemedicine means doctors can manage a greater number of patients

Ugo health

Patient self triage system to reduce the number of ER visits

• $36 billion wasted per year in needless ER visits

• Personalized solution offers the patient the right care at the right time

• Created by founders of Web MD & Everyday Health

• Claim in a 15,000 population saves a $1 million per year in ER visits


Connects PCPs with remote specialists for e-consultations

• 3 way conversation possible with the patient in the room, reduces the need for a referral - problem can often be solved immediately

• Provides specialist knowledge to the PCP


Cloud based telemedicine software platform

• Online clinic where patient can speak with doctors and also offers provider-provider consults

• Claims helps give a 360 view of the patient reducing challenges of polypharmacy (1/3 of readmissions are due to polypharmacy)


Innovating emergency care for traumatic brain injury

• Cryogenic helmet cools brain in ‘golden 60 mins’ post injury

• Lightweight, single use, requires no power

• Claim strong IP & patent filings

Inbox health

Patient revenue platform for healthcare practices. Focus on patient experience to speed up payments

• Patient payments are exploding, needs streamlining

• Makes collecting payments easier for the practice and offers greater transparency for patients