AS Dance The Healthy Performer Nutrition


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Page 1: Nutrition

AS Dance

The Healthy Performer


Page 2: Nutrition


To grow To reproduce To maintain optimum health To avoid disease and illness To aid recovery from illness To build and repair bone To build and repair muscle and other body tissue To maintain constant body temperature To maintain vital body functions

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Sensible guidelines for sensible eating

Prevent yourself getting too hungry-we make bad choices when starving!

Variety- try to introduce new foods to your diet and vary them. Think colour!

Wholesomeness- Try to eat foods in their most natural unprocessed state.

Moderation- everything is ok if eaten in moderation.

Fad diets do not work long term and will often miss out key nutrients.

A balanced diet and sensible exercise together will enable you to be fit and


Nutrition Basics

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A BALANCED DIETProtein Meat, chicken, fish, pulses, cheese, eggs,


Carbohydrate Bread, cereals, pulses, nuts, pasta, fruit and vegetables

Fat Avocado, Cheese, Dark Chocolate, Nuts, Fish-Salmon, vegetable spreads, Olive Oil, Hummous, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Dairy Eggs, dairy products, butter

Fibre Wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, pulses, all kinds of vegetables and fruit

Vitamins /Minerals

Iron (green vegetables, beef), vitamin C & A (fruit & veg), vitamin D (milk), vitamin B12 and folate (green vegetables)

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Basing meals on high carbohydrate foods

Bread, pasta, rice, choose brown versions for additional health benefits, etc.

Having at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day

This does include beans, pulses and fruit juice but each only counts once towards the total daily amount

Eating moderate amounts of meat, fish and chicken

Grilled rather than fried, oven baked and unprocessed (chicken breast rather than sausages)

Having 3 portions of dairy foods a day

Try the reduced fat versions such as skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, yoghurt, etc.

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Eating carbohydrates as naturally occurring sugars

found in fruit and many vegetables, means that the

body has to digest the food and so the sugars are

released into the blood stream in a more constant

manner to fuel the body. You will have more energy

for longer.

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Effect of eating fruit versus sweets and chocolates on blood glucose and energy levels

Blood GlucoseLevels/Energy Levels


Bananasand dried





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Common physiological problems

Problem Probable cause Fatigue, low energy and inability to concentrate

Not enough good carbohydrates to sustain energy levels, inadequate rest

Headaches Dehydration, reaction to a sugar spike

Consistently sore muscles Not enough protein to aid muscle repair and growth

Cramps Dehydration, lack of calcium, lack of sodium (salt)

Poor skin Low vitamin and minerals intake

Joint pain/ inflammation Low omega 3- eat fish and green vegetables. Also poor technique!

Low mood, feeling overwhelmed, stress

Too much sugar or alcohol, which destroy B vitamins and vitamin C.

Feeling sick Dehydration, too much sugar and

undigested food

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Re-stock the energy stores after class or performance. Energy stores should be replaced by eating low fat, high carbohydrate snacks or a light meal.

The main meal should also include protein to maintain muscle bulk and to stop the protein from being used as a fuel.

Meals and snacks should include a variety of components that make up a balanced diet.

Try to eat 5/6 times daily, eating smaller, healthier meals and snacks, which will help prevent a ‘high’ and ‘crash’ effect and instead gradually burn energy throughout the day.

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Calories - The Facts

All foods contain calories which the body turns into energy

Empty calories like fizzy drinks have high calories/sugars and no

nutritional value

There are good calories and bad calories!

Energy which is not used is stored as fat

The average recommended number of calories for an active female

aged14-18 is 2000-2400 for the equivalent male it is 2800- 3200

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Key benefits for each food group

Carbohydrates Essential for energy- broken into starches and sugars and turned into glucose for the body to burn

Protein Essential for muscle repair, build and body structure

Fight infection

Used for energy when carbohydrate intake is low

Fats Aid absorption of Vitamins

Cushioning and insulation of vital organs

Used for energy when carbohydrate and protein intake is low

Vitamins and minerals

Maintain overall body health-immune system

Formation of red blood cells, hormones and nerve transmitters

Minerals-calcium, zinc- maintain healthy bones, teeth, nails etc

Fibre Formation of faeces and waste products

Regulating blood sugar levels

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Smart Targets

Specific e.g. I will drink water everyday instead of fizzy drinks

Measurable Measurable goals help you track your progress

Achievable You are much more likely to keep goals which are achievable

Relevant Goals should be relevant to you

Time Specific Set yourself a time scale for achieving your goal

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Online Resources for healthy eating & information

NHS Food Standards Agency British Dietetic Association Recipes BBC