Noopept - Nootropic for Improved Cognition

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1. Noopept One of the best complimentary nootropics availableSign up for more useful information on Nootropics and maximizing Cognitive Performance below:Nootropics and Cognitive Optimization- The Brain Bulw 2. Proposed Mechanism of Action (How Noopept does what it does...) 3. Primary benefit comes from an increased concentration of endogenous (re: developed within) cyclo-L-propylglycine. Leads to increased NGF (nerve growth factor) and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).These two proteins support survival of existing neurons and promote the growth and differentiation for additional neurons and synapses (a process called neurogenesis).Side note: Noopept has an awesome bioavailability and strong ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. 4. And now in English... 5. Noopept aids your brain in maintaining its current neurons, building new ones, and subsequently creating new connections between them. It also has what we can an anxiolytic effect. This means it has the ability to reduce anxiety in an individual.This is a huge bonus to users because anxiety can be a very strong limiting factor in your cognitive performance when it counts the most. 6. The two proteins we mentioned before (NGF and BDNF) are exceptionally effective at improving an individual's ability to learn new information and memories. There are three important aspects of memories. Processing information, consolidating, and then being able to retrieve it in the future. NGF and BDNF help with all of these steps. Making Noopept a very strong contender in any nootropic stack focused on improving cognitive performance. 7. Ok, so we know noopept has plenty of upsides when it comes to enhancing your cognitive abilities and health...What's the catch? 8. We are in with any of the nootropics I recommend, there is an abundance of research supporting the safety involved with continued use. Doses would have to exceed 90mg/daily to experience something as simple as a headache.The recommended dose of noopept is around 20-30mg. Tolerance has only been shown to appear around 56 days, and this does not require cycling, although to heir on the side of caution, a month off 23 times a year cannot hurt. 9. Having trouble finding reasons why you shouldn't start using noopept?Let's see where we can find quality sources of noopept for reasonable prices. . . 10. Top Retailers for Noopept Peak Nootropics is always one of my go-to retailers. They don't have the biggest selection, but when they have what I need, you can't beat the quality + price.Health Supplement Wholesalers always has what I need and at very competitive prices. Check this company out if you think you'll be ordering more than just noopept, and you can save on shipping, etc. 11. Noopept I hope you've learned enough to incorporate this awesome nootropic into your existing stacks, or perhaps use this as a safe introduction to the world of cognitive enhancers.Be sure to sign up for updates on more free content about nootropics and other ways to maximize your cognitive potential: Nootropic and Cognitive Optimization Information - The Brain Bulwark