Muscles! Exercising! Stretching!

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Page 2: Muscles! Exercising! Stretching!


• I am a theatre major and a huge part of what we have to study is the body and how to keep it in shape since it is my instrument. This power point will go over some of the most important muscles and how to keep them in shape.

Page 3: Muscles! Exercising! Stretching!

Latissimus Dorsi

• Definition: The latissimus dorsi is the large wide triangular muscle of the back. It originates from the lower spine and sweeps upward to insert on the humerus.

• Action: It extends a flexed arm and also draws the arm back and inwards towards the body.

• Basic function: This is the muscle that helps you climb because it pulls the shoulders downward and backwards. It is also therefore important for swimming and rowing. The latissimus dorsi is also what allow you to push for instance when getting off the floor and pushing yourself up.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Chin-ups Pull-downs Pull-overs

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Quadratus Lumborum

• Definition: a quadrilateral-shaped muscle of the abdomen that arises from the iliac crest and the iliolumbar ligament, inserts into the lowest rib and the upper four lumbar vertebrae, and functions especially to flex the trunk laterally

• Action: It laterally flexes the vertebral column. It also helps extend the lumbar part of the vertebral column, and gives it stability. The quadratus lumborum also fixes the 12th rib during deep respiration (for example this helps stabilize the diaphragm for singers using voice control).

• Basic Function: Bending sideways would be impossible without the qadratus lumborum.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Side bends Side plank

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Iliopsoas (psoas/iliacus)

• Definition: A blending of two muscles (the iliacus and psoas major) that run from the lumbar portion of the vertebral column to the femur.

source: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=33869

• Action: It is the main flexor of the hip joint which means it flexes and laterally rotates the thigh.

• Basic Function: Going up a step or walking on an incline. This is also what allows you to kick things such as a soccer ball.

• Strengthening exercises:

Hanging leg raise Incline sit-ups Multi-hip machine

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Rectus Abdominis

• Definition: The rectus abdominis is the muscle in front of the abdomen that helps in the breathing movement and supports the muscles of the spine. It also keeps abdominal organs such as intestines in place.

source: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=7421

• Action: It flexes the lumbar spine, depresses the ribcage, and stabilizes the pelvis while walking.

• Basic function: Initiating getting out of a chair. Standing. Walking. Carrying things. The rectus abdominis is extremely important in every day activities.

• Some Strengthening exercises:

Sit up’s Hanging leg raise The Plank

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• Definition: Any of the three muscles constituting the back of the upper leg that serve to flex the knee joint, adduct the leg, and extend the thigh.

source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hamstring+muscle

• Action: The hamstrings flex the knee joint and extend the hip joint. It also allows the leg to turn in and out.

• Basic Function: While running, the hamstrings slow down the leg at the end of its forward swing and prevent the trunk from flexing at the hip joint.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Leg curl Full Lunges Wall Squat

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• Definition: The large, four-part muscle at the front of the thigh that arises in the hip and pelvis and inserts as a strong tendon below the kneecap (patella).

source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quadriceps

• Action: It extends the knee joint and flexes the hip joint.

• Basic Function: A lot like the Illiopsoas it is what aids in walking up stairs, riding a bike, and kicking a ball.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Leg Press Squats Leg Extension

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Gluteus Maximus

• Definition: The gluteus maximus is the most coarsely fibred and heaviest muscle in the body, forming the bulk of the buttock.

• Action: It extends and laterally rotates the hip joint. It extends the trunk and assists in the adduction of the hip joint.

• Basic Function: It allows you to walk and is what helps you rise from sitting.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Squats Seated Leg Press Leg Raises

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Triceps Brachii

• Definition: The triceps originates from three heads and is the only muscle on the back of the arm.

• Action: The triceps brachii is what straightens the elbow joint. It also stabilizes the shoulder joint.

• Basic Function: It is what allows you to throw things and push things such pushing a door to open.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Bench press Push ups Tricep kick backs

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Biceps Brachii

• Definition: The biceps brachii operates over three joints and is the muscle at the front of the arm.

• Action: It flexes the elbow joint and flexes the arm at the shoulder joint. One description of the muscle that I thought was interesting is that it the muscle that puts in the corkscrew and pulls out the cork.

• Basic Function: The biceps brachii is what allows you to pick up an object such as bringing a fork to your mouth.

• Strengthening Exercises:

Chin Ups Bicep Curls Lat. Pull downs

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Regardless if you are working out or not it is extremely important to stretch your muscles so they don’t get injured. Below I’ve shown stretches for all the muscles discussed earlier.

Latissimus Dorsi Quadratus Lumborum Iliopoas

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Rectus Abdominis Hamstrings Quadriceps

Gluteus Maximus Triceps brachii Biceps brachii

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Cited Sourceshttp://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=33869


Human Anatomy and Physiology Sixth Edition-Susannah Nelson Longenbaker