Destroyer of crystallized dreams


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Destroyer of crystallized dreams


is an extremely addictive stimulant drug that is chemically similar to

amphetamine.Gives a synthetic sense of energy and well-being

ICE: Chilling the life of the human soul*Meth is often called ice

Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes and deathLiver, kidney and lung damageDestruction of tissues in nose if sniffedRespiratory (breathing) problems if smokedInfectious diseases and abscesses if injectedMalnutrition, weight loss

Severe tooth decayDisorientation, apathy, confused exhaustionStrong psychological dependencePsychosisDepressionDamage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease,stroke and epilepsy

Meth works directly on the dopamine system in the brain which is why its the most mentally

addictive common street drug.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which helps control the brain’s pleasure and control centers.

Over time meth destroys dopamine receptors making the user unable to feel pleasure.

Pleasure centers can heal in the absence of drug us, but cognitive damage is permanent

The stages of METH

1.) The RUSH

The initial stage in which the user is smoking or injecting themselves with the drug. During the rush stage the heartbeat, metabolism and blood pressure soar. This rush can last for up to 30 minutes.

2.) the HIGH

After the rush comes the high. This is the stage where the user usually becomes highly aggressive and argumentative. This stage can last from 4-16 hours.

3.) The BINGE

Binge is an uncontrolled use of alcohol or drugs, this stage is where the user wants to maintain the high and consumers more of the drug. “Binging out” on the drug. The binge can last 3-15 days.


The most dangerous stage. This is when the user begins to reach the end of the high. Unable to deal with the emptiness and craving the user begins to lose sense of identity. An intense itching sensation takes over as they begin to believe bugs are beneath their skin.

5.) The CRASH

Just as it sounds, the stage when the high is over and the body begins to shut down. It is unable to cope with the effects of the drug. The user often sleeps for a long period of time due to this shut down. This stage could last 1-3 days.


After the crash, the abuser returns in deteriorated state, starved, dehydrated and utterly exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. This stage ordinarily lasts from two to fourteen days.


Often thirty to ninety days can pass after the last drug use before the abuser realizes that he is in withdrawal. First, he becomes depressed, loses his energy and the ability to experience pleasure. Then the craving for more methamphetamine hits, and the abuser often becomes suicidal. Since meth withdrawal is extremely painful and difficult, most abusers revert; thus, 93% of those in traditional treatment return to abusing methamphetamine.


Meth Not Even Once





