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Metabolic syndrome diet

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Metabolic Syndrome Diet

Dr. Yousef Elshrek

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What is Metabolic Syndrome (MSx)?

• Metabolic syndrome is a result of modern lifestyle choices:

1. Eating the wrong amounts and wrong types of foods.

2. Not exercising .

3. Having too much stress in your life.

• Manifested by a series of events related to abdominal fat and body inflammation

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• Metabolic syndrome puts you at a high risk for developing one or more of the following conditions:

1. Diabetes.

2. Hypertension.

3. Heart disease.

4. Blood vessel disease (including stroke and leg amputations).

5. Some cancers.

6. Dementia.

7. Irritable bowel syndrome.

8. Fibromyalgia and many forms of bodily inflammation.

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• In addition, metabolic syndrome significantly contributes to-and in some cases is wholly responsible for-most modern non-infectious diseases in adults.

• Developing metabolic syndrome will cost you dearly, both financially and physically, with regard to your length and quality of life.

• Your belly fat is killing you!

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The Metabolic Syndrome Diet • The good news is that metabolic syndrome is preventable.

• So how can you prevent it?

• The simplest answer is to reduce your body fat-particularly belly fat.

• The more complex answer is to change your lifestyle.

• You can make simple and easy-but very impactful- lifestyle choices such as

1. Eating healthfully.

2. Exercising regularly .

3. Reducing your stress levels.

• All of these choices will help you avoid the deadly metabolic syndrome.

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Exercise & Stress Management Are Key

• Exercise and stress management are a crucial part of the metabolic syndrome diet.

• Exercising regularly for twenty minutes at least four times a week is critical in reducing visceral fat, which will help reduce your risk for developing metabolic syndrome.

• Learning how to effectively manage your stress is also highly beneficial in relieving and preventing metabolic syndrome.

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• Here are some basic rules to help keep you on track and to avoid the metabolic syndrome:

1. Keep your body-mass index (BMI) ratio, which measures weight and height to less than 24, and keep your waist-to-hip ratio to less than 1.

2. Track your calories for weight loss and/or maintenance.

• This figure will be dependent on your body size and needs, but in general, most people don't need more than 2,000 calories a day.

• Avoid falling below 1,200-1,500 calories a day for weight loss

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Healthy Eating Guidelines • The Metabolic Syndrome Diet will play a significant

role in your health.

• By making small changes, it's easy to incorporate better eating habits into your diet over time.

• Here are some simple changes you can make now:

1. Eat Early.

• Eat when you wake up.

• Don't skip breakfast.

• Try non-processed granola with fruit, skim milk and yogurt as a parfait.

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2. Eat Often.

• Eat smaller amounts of foods more frequently.

• For example, instead of eating 1 or 2 large meals a day, have a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours.

• This will help you maintain energy and optimal nutrient levels.

• Infrequent eating can cause the body to go into a "stress mode" between meals.

3. Eat More Fiber.

• Eat more unprocessed fruits, whole grains, nuts, avocado and vegetables early in the day.

• These fiber-rich foods make you feel fuller longer.

• Cruciferous veggies (from the cabbage family) are a good source of fiber as well.

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4. Fruits & Veggies. • Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.

• They are full of carotenoids, which help protect against cancer and the metabolic syndrome.

• Some examples of a serving size is

1) 1/2 a cup of fruits and vegetables,

2) 1 cup of leafy greens,

3) 1/4 cup of dried fruit,

4) and 170 gms. of fruit or veggie juice.

• Remember to make sure you choose fresh fruit or vegetables; processing removes nutrients and usually adds unhealthy preservatives.

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5. Salads.

• When ordering salads, always order the dressing on the side.

• The calories in a tossed salad with dressing can add up to 1,000 calories

• Avoid large quantities of full-fat and/or creamy salad dressings.

• If you must use regular dressing, order it on the side and dip your salad instead so that you use a much smaller amount.

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6. Portion Control.

• When you dine out, control portion sizes by splitting an entrée with someone else or having half of your meal packaged to take home with you before it comes to the table.

7. Unsaturated Fats.

• Use olive oil or other unsaturated fats, such as canola oil to cook your food, and request this when eating out.

• Avoid solid dairy or vegetable fats such as butter, margarine and Crisco. The fats you should consume should be primarily in the form of unsaturated fats-no trans fats and limited saturated fats.

• Aim for mostly polyunsaturated fats from sources rich in omega-3 or omega-6, or monounsaturated fats from olive, canola or other cold-pressed oils.

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8. Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fats. • The best omega-3 fats come from fish oil

sources such as Antarctic krill oil, particularly when taken in EPA or DHA forms.

• The ALA forms of omega-3 fats are also healthy, but are not converted as efficiently in the body.

• Alpha-Linolenic acid ( ALA) fats from walnuts, flaxseed and soybeans are beneficial if they constitute a significant part of your diet.

• Maintain a reasonable balance between your intake of omega-6 and omega-3 oils (e.g., less than 10:1). Examples of omega-6 sources include corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil and soybean oil-all good choices to help avoid the metabolic syndrome.

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9. Monounsaturated Fats. • Monounsaturated fats are extremely healthy. • Examples include olive and canola oils, and

nuts. • Most nuts are monounsaturated and healthy,

but high in calories, so should be eaten in moderation.

10.Foods to Eliminate.

• Eliminate or decrease your intake of red meat, dairy products (especially milk, cheese and butter), mayonnaise and baked desserts.

• Eggplant and beans are excellent meat substitutes.

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11.Whole Grains.

• Limit or skip bread with meals unless it is whole grain.

• If you do eat bread, dip it in olive oil rather than butter or margarine.

• True whole grain bread contains 3 or more grams of fiber per serving and is made with whole or sprouted grain flour (e.g., oats, barley, bulgur, millet, etc.), not white or bleached flour.

• Choose whole grain pastas over white pasta.

• If you eat pizza, choose a thin crust, light cheese and vegetable toppings.

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12. Soups. Avoid creamy soups. 13. Avoid drinking Alcohol. 14. Animal Fats & Meat.

• Avoid or reduce your consumption of animal fats and meat.

• If you eat meat, choose the leanest cuts possible and remove the fat and skin.

15. Fried & Processed Foods.

• Avoid fried foods, barbequed foods and processed meats such as salami when taking steps to avoid the metabolic syndrome.

• They are high in "empty" calories, contain unhealthy fats and preservatives and have few nutrients.

16. Sautéed Foods. 17. Sautéed foods cooked simply in soy or olive oil are a better

choice, but avoid using a lot of oil.

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• Here are some important tips to help you adhere to a metabolic syndrome diet.

1) Fill half your plate with fresh vegetables or fruits.

2) Skip bread with your meal if you plan to have dessert.

3) Avoid fast foods, fried foods, fatty foods and oily foods.