Hello, I’m Mauricette! Hi, I’m George (I like her hair).

Meet George and Mauricette

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Page 1: Meet George and Mauricette

Hello, I’m Mauricette!

Hi, I’m George (I like her hair).

Page 2: Meet George and Mauricette

Mmm, I wonder what’s behind

that door…let’s see…

Page 3: Meet George and Mauricette

Don’t they look happy?

Page 4: Meet George and Mauricette

Come on guys, let’s go to the gymnasium!

Oh no, I ’ve f or got t e n my t r a c k s uit … I ’m s ur e h e ’ll g ive me a not h e r d e t e nt ion…

Page 5: Meet George and Mauricette

Shall we have lunch at home or…

Page 6: Meet George and Mauricette

Shall we eat at the cafetaria??

Page 7: Meet George and Mauricette

Why are you late, again?

Sorry Raphël, we were with Mrs Leconte