Managing Anxiety with Goomoods.com

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Goomoods.com makes the powerful tool of mood charting fun and easy to use. Find out what makes you happy and do more things like it! Video modeling, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, total wellness.

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Feeling more than Blue?

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Millions Suffer from Anxiety's Reign

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75 - 90% of All Doctor Visits Are Anxiety Related

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Anxiety Disorders:57 Million Adults

Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, Walters EE, Archives of General Psychiatry 2005 Jun;62(6):617-27

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Called "TheRust of Life"

Anxiety & Chronic Conditions...Forever Linked?

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US Alone:26 Million Diabetics

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100 Million Obese

2013: AMA ClassifiesObesity As A Disease

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Chronic Pain: 100 Million

Institute of Medicine

$600 Billion Annual Cost: Treatment & Lost Productivity

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26 Million Heart Disease 785K Heart Attacks/Yr

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How People Cope With Anxiety Varies

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ACA 2014: 62 Million Eligible for Treatment/Reimbursement

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Hooked on Pills: 32 Million

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16 sessions @ $135

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Goomoods.com:A Better Way

To Manage Anxiety

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Mood: ChartingSharingCompeting

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Happy is Healthy