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Leaders in life 2015

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Frazier Park, CaFrazier Park, Ca

Page 2: Leaders in life 2015

MyC3 Vision Statement

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•MyC3 was founded in 2011.

•MyC3 is a youth run coalition that works together to ultimately stop the use of drugs and alcohol by youth

in our community.

•MyC3 has attended Leaders in Life multiple times and presented twice.

•MyC3 has done many projects and PSA’s to help spread awareness of our cause within our community .

About MyC3

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•CASC stands for California Association of Student Councils

•CASC teaches leadership skills and trains young people to become leaders in their communities

•MyC3 has been attending CASC since 2011





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Community Clean UpMedication Take BackSticker ShockPromGraduationLeaders in LifeFundraisersMyC3 Youth Leadership Conference

Past Projects

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Community Clean-Up

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Medication Take Back Public Poll

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FacilitatedCommunity Discussion


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Stickers placed inall alcohol


Sticker Shock

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Graduation Project

High School & Jr. High

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Leaders in Life (2012-2015)

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2014 MyC3

Leadership Conference

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MyC3 contributes to our community

Now we would like to show you the slideshow we did for this year’s

Leaders in Life conference.

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We want to share knowledge about the dangers of alcohol with you, and equip you with ways you can take a stand and make a difference.

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● 3 Reasons Why Teens Drink● External Factors● Developing Teen Brain● What Can You Do?● Summary ● Conclusion

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What do you thinkare the 3 biggest

reasons teens drink?

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Peer Pressure: an influence when a peer group or individual encourages another person to change their values and behaviors to suit other peoples convenience

• “It will make you cool.”

• “You can’t be our friend unless you do it.”

• “Don’t be such a Goodie-Goodie.”

• “Everybody else is doing it.”

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1. Teens try to escape their problems by drinking.

2. They say it “helps” their problems or “It gets my mind off things”

3. Trying to escape your problems by drinking alcohol doesn’t make your problems go away, it will only make them worse.

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● Experimenting with alcohol can lead to future problems and addictive habits.

● Addictive habits can lead to unpredictable behavior and actions.

● Alcohol poisoning is also a likely outcome of experimenting

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What do you think are some external factorsthat influence alcohol


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Examples:● Advertisements● music● pictures ● parental influence● T.V shows/movies ● Social Media

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Not only are teenagers' brains more sensitive to

long-term damage from alcohol but…

● Drinking before adulthood increases chances of developing alcohol dependency.

● Teens who use alcohol to help manage stress, anxiety or depression are reinforcing the connection in their brain that they need alcohol to cope

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Cerebral Cortex

Graphic courtesy of NIDA for teens

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Graphic courtesy of NIDA for teens

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Limbic System

Graphic courtesy of NIDA for teens

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Graphic courtesy of NIDA for teens

Brain Stem

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At a glance...

1. Alcohol affects teenagers’ brain development and can have lifelong effects

2. The younger adolescents are when they drink, the greater the risk of damage and dependency

3. Our brains aren’t fully developed until our mid to late 20’s

4. Teens can drink more than adults before they become sleepy, increasing risk of serious injury

5. Drinking should be delayed until after 21 years (some say 25 years)

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What do you think are Good

Alternatives to drinking?

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There are clearly countless alternatives to drinking

● Avoiding risky social situations.

● Drinking soda/water instead of Alcoholic beverages.

● Placing yourself in Alcohol Free


● Be support for recovering Alcoholics

● Practice healthy activities (like riding your bike)

● Don’t be Miley, Respect your body highly

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● Competence● Connection ● Contribution● Confidence

Proven ways to be strong!Strengthening Your Resilience with the 7


● Character ● Coping ● Control

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1. COMPETENCEStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Be good

at something

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2. CONNECTIONStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Join a Group,Team,Clubor


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3. CONTRIBUTIONStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Do something that makes

you and others feel good, both inside and


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4. CONFIDENCEStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Build your self-esteem so that you can have

the confidence you need to achieve your

wildest dreams!

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5. CHARACTERStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Build your character, so when you are faced with tough decisions, you will always choose what is right!

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6. COPINGStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


Develop healthy ways to deal with stress, so you don’t feel the need to turn to things that will harm you!

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7. CONTROLStrengthening Your Resilience with the 7


When you have control of your life, nothing will be able to influence or change your decisions!

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The 3 biggest reasons why teens drink are:

Peer Pressure Trying to Escape Experimenting

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External factors influence alcohol use:

Family Dynamics Choice in friends Having a Mentor

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Underage Drinking can cause damage

not only to your brain:Grades Drop Relationships

SufferGet Angry


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There are alternatives to Drinking:

Hobbies Volunteering Sports

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Stand strong and fight againstdrinking and drug use:


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YOU are in control of YOUR life!

HS Diploma College Diploma CareerTrade School or

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March 12, 2015

MyC3 Presenting at

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That Concludes our Presentation

Are there any Questions?

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Frazier Park, CaFrazier Park, Ca