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Importance of stem cell preservation for your baby and family

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Importance of Stem cell preservation for your baby and family

Many to-be-parents have these questions - What is stem cell banking, how are stem cells preserved, are

there any benefits of umbilical cord stem cell banking, which diseases can stem cells treat !

Let’s start with the basics

What is cord blood?

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta and provides vital nutrients throughout the

pregnancy. Cord blood is the blood found in umbilical cord and is a rich source of stem cells.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the building blocks of the blood and immune system. They have the ability to develop into

other types of cells, so they can help repair tissues, organs, and blood vessels and can be used to treat a

host of diseases.

Stem cells are also found in bone marrow, human embryos, fetal tissue, baby teeth, fat, circulating

blood. Every part of the human body contains some stem cells, but most are not a rich enough source to

be harvested for therapeutic applications.

What is stem cell banking?

At the time of delivery the umbilical cord is clamped and cut by the doctor or paramedic. The blood

remaining in it is cord blood, which is collected into a collection bag. This collection bag is then sent to

the laboratory for extraction and processing. After stem cells are separated from blood plasma and RBC,

a cryoprotectant is added to stem cells and they are cryopreserved at -196 degrees in liquid nitrogen

tanks for 21 years, and they can be used when need arises.

Which diseases can stem cells treat?

To list a few diseases curable by stem cells

•Acute Leukemias •Chronic Leukemias •Myelodysplastic Syndromes •Stem Cell Disorders

•Myeloproliferative Disorders •Phagocyte Disorders •Platelet Abnormalities •Plasma Cell Disorders

•Plasma Cell Disorders •Lymphoproliferative Disorders •Inherited Metabolic Disorders •Histiocytic

Disorders •Inherited Erythrocyte Abnormalities •Inherited Immune System Disorders

Treatment options using stem cell transplant are available for

Metabolic Disorders

Krabbe Disease

Hurler Syndrome

Blood Cancers

Page 2: Importance of stem cell preservation for your baby and family

Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, Solid Tumors, Neuroblastoma

Immune Disorders

SCID Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

Blood Disorders

Sickle Cell Anemia Aplastic Anemia anconi Anemia

Benefits of cord blood stem cell preservation

1. A baby using their own cord blood will always be a 100% match.

2. Cord blood stem cells are the richest and purest source of stem cells that your child will ever

have and storing them gives you the opportunity to safeguard your child’s health for years to


3. Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be easily and safely collected, and reliably stored for treating

future health issues.

4. Your baby’s stem cells are genetically exclusive and can be HLA matched to the sibling and blood

relatives too

5. The most important benefit of stem cell banking is peace of mind, in the event you or your

family ever needs to use these stem cells they will be readily available since you have preserved

them for family use.

6. Cord blood stem cells are young and adaptable form of cells and the body more readily accepts

the cells into its system.

7. Cord blood has a broader match potential than bone marrow, which means that the patient and

donor do not have to be a “perfect match.”

8. There are nearly 10 times as many blood producing cells in cord blood. Studies suggest that cord

blood may also have a better ability to generate blood cells than bone marrow. This provides

more opportunity for future medical advancements. Reference -


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