Endocrine Unit What Makes you Tick? The endocrine system consists of our glands. It’s a system we don’t hear much about, but our glands help shape our bodies. They regulate our height and weight and trigger the development of our sex characteristics as we mature. Sometimes our glands go wild and produce midgets, giants, or abnormally fat people. Why does this happen? And what are some of the other strange effects the endocrine system can cause? Just keep reading. Fight or Flight? What should I do?

HSI Endocrine System Unit

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What Makes you Tick?The endocrine system consists of our glands. It’s a system we don’t hear much about, but our glands help shape our bodies. They regulate our height and weight and trigger the development of our sex characteristics as we mature.Sometimes our glands go wild and produce midgets, giants, or abnormally fat people. Why does this happen? And what are some of the other strange effects the endocrine system can cause? Just keep reading.

Fight or Flight?

What should I do?

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KWL TechniqueThis technique will help you to be actively involved in your learning. You may list vocabulary words, draw diagrams, write reactions, it is up to you to decide how you put the information down.


WWant to Learn


List what you already know about this area.

List what you want to learn about this area. (Hint review the Unit Objectives)

After completing the unit list what you have Learned about the area.

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Unit Objectives

1. Identify functions of the endocrine system.

2. Identify the major structure of the endocrine system.

3. List signs and symptoms of common diseases and disorders of the endocrine system.

4. Describe measures for preventing endocrine diseases and disorders.

5. Describe measures for treatment endocrine diseases and disorders.

6. Say, spell and define terms.

7. Demonstrate basic competencies in science.

8. Demonstrate application of knowledge of basic math skills.

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Unit DirectionsDirections1. Read all of the directions for the unit first.

2. Read the assigned readings and use the techniques of “power notes” and the “think-

pair-share” to understand the readings. Place notes in notebook.

3. Take notes on all lectures/discussions and place in your notebook.

4. View demonstration of clinical skills and practice them before clinical testing starts if

appropriate for the unit.

5. Use your time wisely… stay on task. On-task is a skill we practice at all times in this course.


Read Chapter 17 in Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 th edition.

Complete Unit Vocabulary

Be sure you understand the terms you are defining.

Take Notes on Chapters, Lectures and films.

Complete your notes (outline, review questions, power- notes or mapping, etc) after

reading the selected sections of the book.

Take notes on all lectures and place in this section.

Take notes on all films and place in this section.

Answer the clinical questions.

Apply your basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology to a clinical scenario. This will

help improve your critical thinking and analytical ability. It will also help you to feel

more comfortable in the clinical setting when you take the 2-hour block of Health

Science II and III.

Extra CreditComplete the medical update for extra credit.

Complete the Unit Test Review and keep for the test. DO NOT TURN IT IN WITH THE UNIT.

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Unit Vocabulary

Learn how to say and spell these terms. Then define them in terms of a working definition that you understand and can use in the clinical area.





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Diabetic Coma

Ductless Gland

Endocrine Gland

Exocrine Gland


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Chapter Notes and QuestionsWhile reading and reviewing the assigned chapter take notes of major concepts and details that will help you to understand the content.

Read Chapter 17 in Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 th edition.

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Film NotesTake a few notes concerning the major concepts in each film.Film Name NotesParathyroid Surgery

Pituitary Tumor Surgery

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Clinical QuestionsAnswer the following clinical questions using your knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology obtained in this unit.

Case Study 1Richard Neis had symptoms of excessive secretion of PTH (high blood calcium levels) and his physicians were certain he had a parathyroid gland tumor. Yet when the surgery was performed on his neck, the surgeon could not find the parathyroid glands at all. Where should the surgeon look next to find the tumorous parathyroid gland and why?

Case Study 2Mary Morgan has just been brought into the emergency room of City general Hospital. She is perspiring profusely and is breathing rapidly and irregularly. Her breath smells like acetone (sweet and fruity), and her blood sugar tests out at 650mg/100ml blood. She is acidosis. What hormone drug should be administered, and why?

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Case Study 3Johnny, a five-year-old boy, has been growing by leaps and bounds; his height is 100% above normal for his age. He has been complaining of headaches and vision problems. A CT scan reveals a large pituitary tumor.What hormone is being secreted in excess?

What condition will Johnny exhibit if corrective measures are not taken?

What is the probable cause of his headaches and visual problems?

Case Study 4As Martina sat lazily scanning the newspaper a headline caught her eye… “Anabolic steroids declared a controlled substance.” Hmmm, she thought, that’s interesting…it are about time those drugs were put in the same class with heroin. That night she awoke form a dream in a cold sweat. In her dream all he male friends were being rounded up by government drug agents and charged with illegal possession of a controlled substance.What connection, if any, between the headlines and Martina’s bizarre dream?

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Medical Update for Extra Credit

Select a medical article concerning some aspect of this unit of study to analysis. The article must have been written within the last year. Use only true medical articles written by licensed medical personnel concerning new research. DO NOT USE newspapers or lay magazines.

1. Attach article to this sheet. (Be sure it shows date of publication and who wrote it).

2. Give a brief summary of this article.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Explain why this article is important in the medical field.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. In your opinion was this good research or not. Support your opinion with facts.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________