How broad Tcell response could work under low an3gen expression Tetsuo Tsukamoto CEA/FontenayauxRoses, France (Presented on 20120829 in ICARIS2012, Taormina, Italy)

How could broad T-cell response work under low antigen expression?

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A talk about a possible mechanism in which broad T-cell response recognizing various different epitopes could act quickly to detect virus-infected cells in the very early phase of infection when antigen expression is still limited.

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Page 1: How could broad T-cell response work under low antigen expression?

How  broad  T-­‐cell  response  could  work  under  low  an3gen  expression  

Tetsuo  Tsukamoto  

CEA/Fontenay-­‐aux-­‐Roses,  France    

(Presented  on  2012-­‐08-­‐29  in  ICARIS2012,  Taormina,  Italy)

Page 2: How could broad T-cell response work under low antigen expression?

My  specializa3on  

•  Development  of  AIDS  vaccines  which  could  induce  HIV-­‐specific  CD8+  T-­‐cell  response  

•  Analysis  on  the  role  of  CD4+  and  CD8+  T-­‐cell  response  in  HIV  pathogenesis  

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•  To  show  a  hypotheses  that  broad  CD8+  T-­‐cell  response  could  act  quickly  in  the  early  phase  of  infecTon  

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Imagine  a  close-­‐packed  structure…  

There  are  up  to  12  cells  around  one.  

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Viral  replica3on  &  suppression  model  

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Viral  replica3on  &  suppression  model  

How  is  P  determined?  

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Killing  rate  (P)  

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Only  part  of  surrounding  CTLs  are  s3mulated  when  an3gen  expression  is  limited  

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Number  of  S3mulated  CTLs  (K)  for  a  single  CTL  popula3on  

Provided  that

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When  epitope  levels  on  infected  cells  are  very  low,  broader  T-­‐cell  response  could  be  more  sensi3ve,  or  in  

other  words  could  act  more  quickly

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Number  of  S3mulated  CTLs  (K)  for  mul3ple  CTL  popula3ons  (simplified)  

Provided  that  CTLs  consist  of  n  different  populations  with the  same  numbers  of  cells,  and  with  the  same  properties except  for  the  antigen  (epitope)  specificity,

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Viral  loads  with  different  numbers  of  CTL  popula3ons  (T-­‐cell  expansion  is  not  considered  here)  

n=0                                                                            n=1                                                                          n=2  

n=4                                                                            n=6  

–––  T  (total  target  cells),  –––  I  (infected  cells),  –––  V  (viral  load)  

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•  The  hypothesis  tells  that  mulTple  CTL  populaTons  could  act  more  quickly  in  the  iniTal  phase  of  HIV  infecTon  than  a  single  CTL  populaTon.  

•  It  also  tells  that  the  breadth  of  CTL  response  could  support  long-­‐term  unsterile  virus  control  in  which  plasma  viral  load  is  limited  to  an  undetectable  level.  

•  The  idea  is  consistent  with  a  previously  shown  hypothesis  by  Scherer  et  al  (2006)  on  T-­‐cell  immunodominance  formaTon  telling  that  lower  anTgen  expression  in  APCs  could  lead  to  broader  T-­‐cell  response.    

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A  possible  design  of  the  T-­‐cell  immune  system  

 •  T-­‐cell  compeTTon  and  cooperaTon  could  possibly  lead  to  higher  sensiTviTes  to  limited  amount  of  anTgens  (i.e.  limited  amount  of  informaTon)  

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•  To  design  a  real  experiment,  possibly  in  vitro  at  first.  •  For  this  purpose  we  would  need  mulTple  (hopefully  6)  Gag-­‐specific  CTL  populaTons.  

•  We  would  also  need  a  CD4+  target  cell  culture  (or  cell  line)  which  expresses  all  MHC  class  I  alleles  required.