human pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter py and its impact on human h Utkarsh verma

Helicobacter pylori (cancer)

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The human pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its impact on human health

Utkarsh verma

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AnxietyStressIrregular food habitsExam phobia


Acid blocker; AntacidTemporary Relief


Normal beliefs regarding gastritis

Acid secretion

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R. Warren B. Marshall

Warren and Marshall revolutionised the concept of gastroduodenal diseases

Robin observed the presence of small Curved bacteriaColonizing lower partOf the stomach

Marshall later Initiated a study With 100 patients &Confirmed the Presence of the Bacteria in the stomach

Marshall succeeded in cultivating the bacteria from the biopsies. Together, they found that the organism was present in almost all patients with gastric inflammation, duodenal and gastric ulcer(1982).

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2005

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The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism

Barry Marshal had to inoculate himself with H. pylori to show that it causes infection


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The Bacterium


AdhesinH. pylori

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Places of Infection in the stomach

H. pylori infects the lower part of the stomach, antrum



Pylorus Antrum

H. pyloriLow pH

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H. pylori causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis)

Ammonia causes damage to the cells

Inflammation initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of leucocytes from the blood into the injured tissues

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Ulcer (schematic)


Duodenal ulcer

Gastric ulcer

Bleeding ulcer

Gastric inflammation may lead to duodenal ulcer followed by bleeding ulcer

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Ulcer (real)

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CO2 + NH3

Ammonia NeutralizesAcidicSurroundings

13C Urea Solution Ingested


13CO2 absorbedin blood

13CO2 detected

Bacterial survival and urea breath test for detectionDiagnosis


Invasive: Endoscopy Biopsy Culture

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Amoxycillin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline and metronidazole.


Ranitidine, Cimetidine, Famotidine, Omprazole, Pantoprazole and Lansoprazole

Acid lowering drugs

Combination of the above two for two weeks is the best strategy

Vaccination: Not available yet

However, there are incidences of drug resistant strains

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Malignancies associated with Helicobacter pylori infection

H. pylori infection in the stomach

Prolonged and widespread inflammation and gastritis

Malignant change leads to stomach cancer

Number two in cancer deaths

??CagA protein

Uncontrolled growth of cells

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Key Questions

How H. pylori cause cancer? What are the key determinants?

Can we design new drugs? What will be the target?

Can we design new vaccine? What will be the antigen?

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Genomics and Proteomics

Molecular Cell Biology Immunization

Genome analysis,Gene expressionProfiling,Functional genomics,Novel proteincharacterization

DNA repair,DNA replication,Transcription,Cellular metabolism

Vaccines,Recombinant Vaccines,DNA vaccines

Research In Progress

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Helicase and gyrase action

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Lagging Strand

Helicase unwinds DNA

GyraseRelieves tension

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We Study H. Pylori DnaB Helicase

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ATP Hydrolysis: Release of Energy

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Breaking Hydrogen bonds using ATP

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3-D structure of a protein

X-RAY Diffraction of Protein Crystals yield 3-D Structure

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Sharma A and Dhar SK. (2005) Helicobacter pylori infection: Diseases and Cure: A molecular approach in Microbes for Human Health. I. K. International Publication.

Website: http://www.helico.com/

Further reading and information

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