Handling Gum Injuries

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By Robert Madden

Page 2: Handling Gum Injuries


As a practicing dentist in the Denver, Colorado, area, Robert Madden, DDS, MBA, helps individuals and families with their dentistry needs. At his practice, Southwest Family Dentistry, Dr. Robert Madden sees patients for routine checkups and cleanings, in addition to providing care in more urgent situations, such as when a person has a gum injury.

When many people think of dental emergencies, they think of situations in which something happens to the tooth structures. However, urgent dental situations can also involve the gums, or the soft parts of a person’s mouth.

Page 3: Handling Gum Injuries

Gum Injuries

For instance, a fall can injure these tissues, as can unintentional bites to the tongue or the inside of the check.

Depending on the situation, the type of care that is required is different. For instance, if a person is bleeding from the gums due to an injury, it’s typically a good idea to wash off the affected area with a water and salt mixture. This not only helps clean the area, but also washes away any objects that have become embedded in the gums. If the area is bleeding, applying pressure with a gauze pad at the affected area can stop it. However, if bleeding does not stop or if there are foreign objects stuck inside the gums that cannot be easily removed, a person should seek professional emergency assistance.