Frontiers Prepared By: Jedgule Revnnath M.A Geography II University Of Pune Dept - Geography

frontiers and boundaries

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Prepared By: Jedgule Revnnath M.A Geography II University Of Pune Dept - Geography

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Introduction Frontiers and boundaries are topics of special interest for the political geographers. Perhaps no other aspect of political geography has attracted more interest than the studies regarding frontier, the critical interface between states and special elements of the territorial question; while boundaries have been specially studied as they are frequently a source of friction between states, and the areas through which they lie are profoundly affected by their presence.

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Definition‘The frontier can thus be described as a zonal politico - geographical area that lies at the margin of the settled territory of a political unit and into which expansion can take place.’ (k. Siddhartha.)

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Classification criteria frontier1.In relation to the sovereign of the state , Political, settlement 1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Hollow2. In relation to the indigenous population of the frontier zone, Inclusion, Exclusion3. In relation to the pace of frontier advance, Dynamic, Static4. In relation to the degree of Trans – frontier contact, Contact Separation

Classification criteria frontier1.In relation to the sovereign of the state , Political, settlement 1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Hollow2. In relation to the indigenous population of the frontier zone, Inclusion, Exclusion3. In relation to the pace of frontier advance, Dynamic, Static4. In relation to the degree of Trans – frontier contact, Contact Separation

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1. Political frontiers :- In a political frontier the de facto limits of the state advance with the advance of its frontiers but its demure boundaries lag behind. Political frontiers should not be confused with boundaries because international boundaries have frequently been drawn in frontier zones. As the sovereign state replaced the earlier forms of political region, it became necessary that the exact extent of sovereignty should be known; the very necessity for a boundary implies that the frontier is under pressure from both sides and may not be claimed as legitimate territory of the states in contact with it. The expansion of the Russian state into Kazakhstan and soviet central Asia was associates with political frontiers.

In relation to the sovereign of the state

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Settlement frontiers mark the stages in the expansion of the state ecumene within pre – expansion of Homo sapiens into nearly every corner of the earth where the human beings can survive. These areas of relatively sparse population but abundant resources capable of supporting larger population but abundant resources , in the more extreme climatic environments of the world.

2. Settlement frontiers

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Settlement frontiers are of three types.

Primary settlement frontiers :-Primary settlement frontiers exist when a state is taking possession of its territory for the first time and disappear when the legal limits of the states are reached , e.g., the western expansion of the united states sovereignty through its territory in North America

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Secondary settlement frontiers :- As the primary settlement frontier advances into certain areas having adverse physical environment or with inadequate techniques, it hinder settlement and are thus bypassed. When these enclaves of unsettled and neglected territory that are left behind are subsequently colonized, they form secondary settlement frontiers.

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Hollow settlement frontiers :- In case of a hollow settlement frontier, the consolidation of settlement does not always occur in the wake of frontier advance. Rather, the crude and speculative exploitation of frontier resources leads to the exhaustion of soils and mineral, causing the retreat of Settlement from colonized areas to new frontiers or longer established areas of development (Prescott, 1987).

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frontiers of inclusion :- Frontiers of inclusion are associated with the assimilation of indigenous population in areas over which the frontier passes. Examples include, to some degree, the roman, the Arab and the Spanish American frontiers.

2. In relation to the indigenous population of the frontier zone,

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frontiers of exclusion The most important characteristic of the frontiers of exclusion is the segregation of indigenous population. Examines include the North American, the Australian and the Boer frontiers the American frontier was advancing and in Australia the native Australians resisted the frontier advance. In the erstwhile Soviet Union, the Siberian natives showed a greater readiness to mix with great Russian colonists than did the Muslims of soviet central Asia whose religion opposed mixing with infidels .

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Dynamic and static frontiers Dynamic frontiers are in motion and involve continues colonization of the new territory. they may become static when advance is checked by environmental barriers, resistance by indigenous people or by lack of colonists. The Appalachian mountains in north America and the great dividing range in Australia checked the early colonization of these countries.

3.In relation to the pace of frontier advance,

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Contact and separation frontiers Contact frontiers facilitate peaceful intercourse between states while separation frontiers are zones of difficult terrain and scarce population which minimize the risk of war by separating potential enemies.

4. In relation to the degree of Trans – frontier contact,

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Frontiers – A frontier is a politico geographical area, lying beyond defined borders of a political unit into which expansion could take place. It is a physical and moral concept which implied looking outwards and moving outwards. Frontiers can be differentiated from boundaries as follows -:

Difference between frontiers and boundaries

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Frontiers boundaries

1.Outer – oriented 1 . inner oriented

2.Centrifugal force 2.Centripetal force

3.Zone ( frontiers consider the zone ) 3 . line ( boundaries consider as the line )

4. integrated factor 4 . separating factor

5.Transitional (geographical ) 5 . political

6.Past 6 . Present

7.It is not moveable 7 . It is moveable

Difference between the frontiers and boundaries

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Reference – K .Siddhartha books Nation – state, territory and geopolitics

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