Fermentation or How to Get Healthy Bacteria in Your System


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Fermentation orHow to Get Healthy

Bacteria in Your System

Bacteria are single-celled organisms.

Pathogenic Bacteria Can cause disease if given the opportunity example : ecoli bacteria

Normal Bacteria (Normal flora) protect you from diseases and help you digest foods has well has produce certain vitamins

The Human body has 70 trillion cells and 10 times that many bacteria

Bacteria ROCK!!!

for preservation by pickling, for fermentation (as in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, vinegar, and certain cheeses),

for decomposition of organic wastes (in septic tanks, in some sewage disposal plants, and in agriculture for soil enrichment) and toxic wastes,

and for curing tobacco

How we use bacteria

Good Staph vs Bad Staph 180 different species growing on your skin friendly species of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus

hominis, Micrococcus luteus, Arcanobacterium haemolyticum and Propionbacterium acnes

S. epidermidis prevents its cousin Staphylococcus aureus from adhering to skin cells in order to invade them.

S. epidermidis produce bacteriocins, specific proteins that kill pathogenic species of related bacteria.

P. acnes breaks down lipids inside its cell and transports the fatty acid breakdown products onto the skin, which reduces the pH and prevents growth of Streptococcus pyogenes.

bacteria on your skin

Corynebacterium xerosis is a friendly bacterium that lives on the transparent layer that protects the cornea of the eye.

C. xerosis is one of the very few types of bacteria that can live with the high salt concentration in the tears, and that can withstand the action of the enzymes that are present in this fluid.

It repels any pathogenic species, ensuring its continued success as a friendly eye bacterium.

Bacteria on your eye

Helicobacter pylori infects or is the normal flora of the stomachs of almost half of the world's population

Moraxella cattarrhalis, a gram-negative bacteria often found in normal human upper respiratory tract flora

can cause: pneumonia and acute bronchitis meningitis and endocarditis.  sinusitis, and conjunctivitis.

This organism is often found in the normal flora and children (frequency = 40%-50%).

Real Cause of Dis-ease is Weakened Immune


E . Coli are normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby being considered normal flora.

Nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections) 29%  in United States

responsible for urinary tract infections (46%) infections associated with surgical sites (24%) E . coli is the most prominent nosocomial pathogen.   causes severe pneumonia

Real Cause of Dis-ease is Weakened Immune


E. Coli (Escherichia Coli) the most commonly isolated organism. 

Tetanus is a disease Clostridium tetani that exists in soil. If the soil has been contaminated with animal or human feces.

Dirty, deep puncture wounds that are contaminated with soil are at greatest risk for infection.

Wounds that are gangrenous, or injuries caused by frostbite, crush injuries, and burns are also at increased risk.

to avoid the majority of tetanus cases is clean scissors to cut the newborn’s umbilical cord.

Information, soap and peroxyde might do a far better job than tetanus vaccine.

Tetanus Vaccine are linked to: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, lymphoma, leukemiaGuillain—Barre paralysis

Tetanus – the disease and the vaccine

80 percent of your immune system

is in your gut, being able to maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your intestines is vital to your health

your good bacteria is constantly being assaulted by antibiotics, chlorinated water, birth control pills, stress, sugar, and a host of other environmental factors,

which has made digestive problems extremely common,

your gut should contain a ratio of 85 percent good bacteria to 15 percent non-beneficial bacteria.

But Deadly factors can caused this ratio to reverse in many people,

leaving them clearly deficient in good bacteria and hence more predisposed to illness.

Healthy Gut Brain / Immune System





•bacterial adaptation and resistance were reported soon after antibiotics were first used. •Correcting the overuse of antibiotics in human medicine has gradually become a priority, with slow but heartening progress being gained in this darwinian race. •the rise of multidrug resistance and the ready transfer of resistant traits among pathogens require heightened action if we are to prevent increasing outbreaks of infections that become more difficult, or even impossible, to treat

70% of All Antibiotic Use Is In Agriculture

Western Journal of Medicine January 2002;176:9-11

A 1992 study CDC's: mortality from infectious disease has risen 22% worldwide from 1980-1992. From drug resistance:in 1946, about 88% of Staph infections cured by penicillin. By 1950, only 61% of staph infections killed by penicillin In 1982, only 10% of staph cases cured by penicillin. Today it is less than 5%.


“It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them, and the same thing has occasionally happened in the body.”

1945 Nobel prize lecture

Alexander Fleming in 1928 found that bacteria were killed by bread mold

Antibacterial Soap Could Cause Problems

The American Medical Association (AMA) There is no evidence that these

products stop infection any better than regular soap

Increased use of antibacterial products might lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Antibacterial Soaps Don’t Work in Preventing of Disease!!!

Ann Intern Med. 2004 Mar 2;140(5):321-9.


The tested antibacterial products did not reduce the risk for symptoms of viral infectious diseases in households that included essentially healthy persons

the most widely used method of killing bacteria in water,

powerful carcinogenic residues, including Dioxin

destroys Vitamin E in the body, =heart problems

has been linked to clogged arteries

risk of bladder cancer is doubled if you drink chlorine treated water.

Chlorination byproducts (CBPs) in drinking water showing that more than 100,000 women are at elevated risk of miscarriage, or of having children with birth defects because of CBPs in tap water.

CBPs are formed when chlorine reacts with organic matter, including sewage, animal waste, and soil and plant material

Farm Runoff, Chlorination Byproducts And Human Health; January 8, 2002

Chlorine used to disinfect tap water can contribute to an increased risk of having a stillborn baby

up to 21 per cent greater where pregnant women are drinking and washing in water laced with by-products of the chemical. unusually small babies.UK water companies to restrict their use of chlorine to the minimum levels possible.stillbirths or birth defects, such as spina bifida

Imperial College London

using UV to help purify wastewater since 2007.

treated an average of 30 million gallons of Colorado Springs wastewater per day,

the UV system kills far more E. coli, as per the new regulations, than chemicals ever did…

astonishingly simple. Water flows into one of three channels at the end of the treatment process, churns in chambers illuminated by five-foot-long ultraviolet lightbulbs, and after a few seconds, is pumped out…

…the enterprise spent just under $13 million for the new UV array, which officials say is well worth the cost because it’s quicker, more environmentally friendly, and safer for employees

Humans all over the world have been fermenting food since ancient times.

winemaking dates back to 8,000 years ago in the Caucasus area of Georgia.

7,000 year-old jars which once contained wine were excavated in the Zagros Mountains in Iran

fermenting beverages in Babylon around 5000 BC ancient Egypt circa 3150 BC pre-Hispanic Mexico circa 2000 BC, and Sudan circa 1500

BC. milk fermentation in Babylon circa 3000 BC.

Fermented foods and drinks are alive with flavor and nutrition

stinky aged cheeses, tangy sauerkraut, rich earthy miso, smooth sublime wines, miso, tempeh, and tamari

it preserves food.

preserves nutrients

a form of pre-digestion

Fermentation also creates new nutrients.= microbial cultures create B vitamins, including folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and biotin

have been shown to function as antioxidants, scavenging cancer

precursors known as “free radicals” from the cells of your

Lactobacilli create omega-3 fatty acids, essential for cell membrane and immune system

generates: superoxide dismustase, GTF chromium, detoxifying compounds like glutathione, phospholipids, digestive enzymes, and beta 1,3 glucans

Fermentation also removes toxins from foods. All grains contain a compound called phytic acid, which can block absorption of

zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and other minerals and lead to mineral deficiencies.

Fermenting grains by soaking them before cooking neutralizes phytic acid, rendering the grain far more nutritious.11

Nitrites, prussic acid, oxalic acid, nitrosamines, and glucosides are some other potentially toxic chemicals found in foods that can be reduced or eliminated by fermentation.12

Certain foods, by their nature, cannot contain live cultures. Breads, for instance, must be baked, thereby killing the organisms present in them

8 Reasons to Eat Fermented Foods1. Fermented foods improve digestion.2. Fermented foods restore the proper balance of bacteria in the gut.3. Raw, fermented foods are rich in enzymes.4. Fermenting food actually increases the vitamin content.5. Eating fermented food helps us to absorb the nutrients we’re consuming.6. Fermenting food helps to preserve it for longer periods of time.7. Fermenting food is inexpensive.8. Fermenting food increases the flavor

No chlorinated water for fermenting

1. Stop viruses adhering to cell walls (Cranberry bladder infect)

2. Antioxidant 3. Antibacterial

4. Stimulate or suppress enzymes

5. Stop Abnormal DNA replication (Cancer)

No Microwave cooking Heat food to no more than 115-118

degrees Heat food slow and low (if you can touch it )

Raw Dairy is good Raw Meats (sushi, Dried meats) Soaked Grains (soak in water 12-24 hrs) this cancels out

the enzyme inhibitor that stops grains from sprouting


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10 years of anti-acids along with the side effects Before After 90 days

WHO changed the official definition of a pandemic -- it changed from a logical definition (a pandemic is an infection of global proportions and with a high mortality)

to an illogical definition (a pandemic is an infection of global


Under the new definition of "pandemic", the annual [seasonal] flu more than meets the requirements to be one. Are we going to declare a world health alert every fall? Besides absurdity from the scientific standpoint, this has serious financial and policy consequences.

The last pandemic was 41 years ago, get ready to have annual pandemics