Fast Muscle Growth Exercises By : http://superbodybuildingtips.wordpress.com I was talking to some people the other day and we all seemed to have the same dilemma. "Are there fast muscle growth exercises?" It was kind of interesting, because, like most people, they knew the many different exercises to perform for the chest, back, legs, arms, etc..., they just didn't know how to put it together for fast muscle growth. The missing piece is the science behind the two kinds of muscle growth. Learn this concept and you can unlock Fast Muscle Growth Exercises. If you are like the people mentioned above, then you know the feeling of working very hard in the gym and not getting the best benefit out of your exercises. It happens to everyone at some point in time, but educate yourself on this topic and you can put together your own exercise program that will get results fast. Muscles have two ways to grow with exercise. They can grow larger with repetitive movement and they can grow stronger. To achieve one or the other type of growth you have to understand how to perform your exercises to achieve the growth you want. So how does this happen? When a muscle is under repetitive stress it will maximize its nerve and muscle connection first so it will work more efficiently. Once that is maximized, the muscle will then undergo changes that reflect the exercises being performed and HOW those exercises are executed. This is an interesting point, because doing the bench press with a little bit of weight and a lot of reps will have the chest muscle grow differently than if you did bench press with a lot of weight and low repetitions. The mechanisms behind the two types of growth are Sarcoplasmic growth and Myofibrillar growth. Let's break this down as that is the key to unlocking your goals. Sarcoplasmic growth is growth of the muscle cells by taking in fluid and therefore the muscle cell will grow and lead to a larger muscle. In order to get fast muscle growth you need to maximize this concept. The key to this concept is to work the

Fast muscle growth exercises

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Fast Muscle Growth Exercises

By : http://superbodybuildingtips.wordpress.com

I was talking to some people the other day and we all seemed to have the same dilemma. "Are there fast muscle growth exercises?" It was kind of interesting, because, like most people, they knew the many different exercises to perform for the chest, back, legs, arms, etc..., they just didn't know how to put it together for fast muscle growth. The missing piece is the science behind the two kinds of muscle growth. Learn this concept and you can unlock Fast Muscle Growth Exercises.

If you are like the people mentioned above, then you know the feeling of working very hard in the gym and not getting the best benefit out of your exercises. It happens to everyone at some point in time, but educate yourself on this topic and you can put together your own exercise program that will get results fast. Muscles have two ways to grow with exercise. They can grow larger with repetitive movement and they can grow stronger. To achieve one or the other type of growth you have to understand how to perform your exercises to achieve the growth you want.

So how does this happen? When a muscle is under repetitive stress it will maximize its nerve and muscle connection first so it will work more efficiently. Once that is maximized, the muscle will then undergo changes that reflect the exercises being performed and HOW those exercises are executed. This is an interesting point, because doing the bench press with a little bit of weight and a lot of reps will have the chest muscle grow differently than if you did bench press with a lot of weight and low repetitions. The mechanisms behind the two types of growth are Sarcoplasmic growth and Myofibrillar growth. Let's break this down as that is the key to unlocking your goals.

Sarcoplasmic growth is growth of the muscle cells by taking in fluid and therefore the muscle cell will grow and lead to a larger muscle. In order to get fast muscle growth you need to maximize this concept. The key to this concept is to work the muscle to fatigue by doing high rep exercises in the 12-15 rep range. Therefore, you pick a weight that you can handle safely for 12-15 reps and work the muscle in all the different angles you can for that day so the muscle is extremely fatigued after the workout session. It is recommended to pick three exercises per muscle group and do 4-5 sets per exercise with each exercise in the 12-15 range. Resting between exercises and sets is only for 30-45 seconds maximum so you can fatigue the muscle entirely. This part of muscle growth is only for growth and not as much for strength. So once you develop the proper muscle size, you need to gain strength to that muscle. That is the next concept, Myofibrillar growth.

Myofibrillar growth is the growth of the fibers surrounding the muscle cells and tissue. The growth in these fibers allows the muscle to become stronger and therefore you are able to lift heavier and heavier weights. So if lifting lighter weights for 12-15 reps increases muscle size, then lifting heavier weights for lower reps in the 2-5 range will increase the strength of the fibers surrounding the muscle and increase strength of the muscle. Myofibrillar gowth is typically done after you have done the Sarcoplasmic growth for a few weeks. Typically the Sarcoplasmic growth workout is done to gain size to the muscle. Then once you reach the desired size of the

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muscle you switch the workout to the Myofibrillar growth to gain the strength. The myofibrillar growth workout is typically 3 exercises per muscle group and perform 5-6 sets with each exercise in the 3-5 rep range. During this workout you can take more time for rest between sets because you are lifting heavier weights. Again, this phase of your workout is for strength so you will be lifting heavy. If you need to gain a lot of muscle, then you will have to switch back and forth between exercise regimens every few months until you reach your desired size and strength.

Now you have the science and theory behind Fast Muscle Growth Exercises. Understand this concept and put it to work for your workouts and let me know what you think. As always don't forget proper diet and nutrition, as that is the key to feeding the muscles for growth. There are many variations of this concept and once you learn them you will be able to adjust your workout program for muscle growth, muscle strength and even fat burning to achieve your fitness goals.

For more information visit http://superbodybuildingtips.wordpress.com.