Great Health and Amino Acids

Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

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http://www.supplementen-voor-afvallen.nl As all of us know proteins are termed to be the building blocks that make up the constituent of each and every cell of the human body.

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Page 1: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

Great Health and Amino Acids

Page 2: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

Great health is what everybody wants and healthy

food is as or more important than working out on

the gym or health club. Good nutrition helps your

body with required vitamins, proteins and

minerals that are essential for an active healthy

lifestyle. As all of us know proteins are termed to

be the building blocks that make up the

constituent of each and every cell of the human

body. Every system, organ is made of proteins.

These proteins are in turn built by numerous

amino acids which form the base for each protein


Great Health and Amino Acids



Page 3: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

Every hormone, enzyme, membrane, receptor etc is made of

proteins. Neurotransmitters within our body are made of proteins.

Immune system is constituted of proteins as the antibodies that

fight against the various parasites is nothing but the

macromolecules of proteins. Thus it is very clear that if our body

gets a proper supply of both essential and non essential amino

acids which make up the various protein molecules we can

maintain great health and stay fit.

Great Health and Amino Acids



Page 4: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

Amino acids play a very vital role in balancing and maintaining

the repair of the tissues, muscles, regeneration of cells,

functioning of the various secretary glands, functioning of the

immune system and even instigate the process of slowing down

the ageing of cells. Thus it is not only required for staying

healthy but also for staying young and beautiful.

Great Health and Amino Acids



Page 5: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

This is one of the reasons for the significance and popularity

gained for the need for intake of protein and amino acid

supplements along with a protein rich diet. Amino acid

supplements like Fundapeptide are rich in all the 20 essential

amino acid that our body system requires. The amino acids in

Fundapeptide can be absorbed to the extent of 99% by the blood

thereby nil residue is left behind for filtration. This makes sure

that the kidneys do not overwork.

Great Health and Amino Acids



Page 6: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

One cannot just depend on the dietary consumption of protein as it

may end up to be lesser than the body requirement, which gets

calculated basis the kind of strenuous work one subjects the body to.

Thus supplements like Fundapeptide needs to included as a daily

routine. Fundapeptide is completely got from pure serum albumin

and is a revolution in the world of protein supplements. The product

does not use any preservative and isolates the amino acids using the

best of the technology to keep them in their natural form.

Great Health and Amino Acids



Page 7: Facts About Amino Acids and Great Health

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Great Health and Amino Acids