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Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

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Page 2: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

Dental implants are very versatile, with different types of dental implant replacements available for your particular teeth replacement needs. Dr. Tarun Giroti in India is able to review your particular condition and suggest the most appropriate dental implant procedure, all performed in his dental office. Dental implant is designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Page 3: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

There are different types of traditional or standard implants available today. There are also two others, mini and micro-mini implants. Mini implants are more temporary in nature and designed to be easily removed. The ones that are most commonly in use are the size of a tooth. They can be used to replace one, two or more teeth at once. For multi-tooth replacements, more implants are required. This is far fewer implants than have been required in the past.

Page 4: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

The ones that are most commonly in use are the size of a tooth. They can be used to replace one, two or more teeth at once. For multi-tooth replacements, more implants are required. This is far fewer implants than have been required in the past.

Page 5: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

Mini implants are only a few fractions of a millimeter smaller than regular implants.

Page 6: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

Bridges don’t rely on the surrounding teeth. Instead, they are supported entirely by the implant and are incredibly stable and secure. The bridge can simply be reconnected easily by the patient when they want to put it back in.

Page 7: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

The over-denture helps protect the gum and bone from the kind of resorptioncaused by dentures rubbing up against the gum line. Tooth Movement When teeth need to be moved around and shifted slightly, implants can be use dot anchor them properly and ensure they go where they are supposed to. Orthodontics will often require that teeth move slightly for better alignment.

Page 8: Explore all types of dental implants by dr tarun giroti

Dr. Tarun Giroti specializes in oral and maxillofacial surgery and treats a wide variety of patients of all ages. He has also been placing dental implants for over a decade now, has extensive experience in implantology, and has successfully treated thousands of Indian dental implant patients.

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