“On the outside looking in.” Middle of the road. The Inner Sanctum. Lets “hear” it for the ear. 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 Anatomy & Physiology of the Ear

Ear jeopardy

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Questions about outer ear through inner ear. You must left click on the words, either the numbers on the home screen or the questions and answers slides because they are the hyperlinks. Left clicking on the screen will take you to the next slide which is not the correct one.

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Page 1: Ear jeopardy

“On the outside looking in.”

Middle of the road.

The Inner Sanctum.

Lets “hear” it for the ear.

50 50 50 50100 100 100 100125 125 125 125150 150 150 150

Anatomy & Physiology of the Ear

Page 2: Ear jeopardy

Collects and directs sound waves through the auditory canal to the


Page 3: Ear jeopardy

What is the external ear?

Page 4: Ear jeopardy

Too much of this can block sound transmission.

Page 5: Ear jeopardy

What is earwax or cerumen?

Page 6: Ear jeopardy

The part of the ear you can see. (another name for external ear)

Page 7: Ear jeopardy

What is pinna?

Page 8: Ear jeopardy

Collects and directs sound waves through the auditory canal to the eardrum.

Page 9: Ear jeopardy

What is the external ear or pinna?

Page 10: Ear jeopardy

Separated from the external ear by the eardrum and is an air filled cavity carved out of the temporal bone


Page 11: Ear jeopardy

What is the middle ear?

Page 12: Ear jeopardy

Another name for eardrum

Page 13: Ear jeopardy

What is the tympanic membrane?

Page 14: Ear jeopardy

Eustachian tube

Page 15: Ear jeopardy

What connects the middle ear to the throat / nasopharnyx?

Page 16: Ear jeopardy

Opens the Eustachian tube to allow air in or out, as needed for equalization.

Page 17: Ear jeopardy

What is a chewing and / or swallowing motion?

Page 18: Ear jeopardy

Consists of a maze of fluid-filled tubes, running through the temporal bone of the skull.

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What is the inner ear?

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The fluid that fills the bony tubes also known as the bony labyrinth.

Page 21: Ear jeopardy

What is the perilymph?

Page 22: Ear jeopardy

Located in the inner ear, two membrane-covered outlets into the air-filled middle ear.

Page 23: Ear jeopardy

What is the oval window and the round window?

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The fluid that fills a series of delicate cellular tubes, called the membranous labyrinth.

Page 25: Ear jeopardy

What is endolymph?

Page 26: Ear jeopardy

The nerve in which nerve impulses generated in the inner ear travel along and that leads to the brain.

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What is the vestibulocochlear nerve?

Page 28: Ear jeopardy

The three smallest bones in the human body.

Page 29: Ear jeopardy

What are the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus), and the stirrup (stapes)?

Page 30: Ear jeopardy

Three linked, movable, bones adjoining the eardrum.

Page 31: Ear jeopardy

What are the Ossicles?

Page 32: Ear jeopardy

Vibrates in response to sound pressure waves.

Page 33: Ear jeopardy

What is the eardrum?