Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement in Your Family Has a Different Emotional Expression

Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement in Your Family Has a Different Emotiona

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Page 1: Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement in Your Family Has a Different Emotiona

Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement

in Your Family Has a Different Emotional Expression

Page 2: Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement in Your Family Has a Different Emotiona
Page 3: Duty and Responsibility: Each Birth Order Placement in Your Family Has a Different Emotiona

As I have shared with you lately I am committed

to my personal work. I am evolving and breaking through

all the stories I have been telling myself about my worth and my success. I have begun to understand in the last few

months that the most important value I have for myself is one of


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I wanted to share my 1st girl story with you. Years ago, (too many than I care to admit!) I studied under the brilliant and world renowned Denny Ray Johnson. I learnt many

things from him, Rayid Iridology and most profoundly I learnt about Birth Order. This has helped me no end in my

work life, identifying behavioural patterns and

particular persuasions of the homeopathic constitutional medicines. However, the

biggest breakthroughs of his teachings were within me.

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I am a first girl, my mother is a first girl and I have gone on to have two girls to two different

fathers, which too, puts the first girl story in their profiles.

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The first girl story is one of duty and responsibility, the matriarch of the family who feels a very strong sense of responsibility to care for her family and her parents. Some people view first girls as the

mother hen, however for me it was not a broody maternal

expression, it was one of pain and of holding

the space for my family’s maternal struggle.

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I remember making the decision when I was very young, perhaps 14 or 15, when I decided I needed to

break the cycle. My maternal grandmother had committed

suicide and when I identified the DNA probabilities within those maternal helixes, I wanted a

different experience. You see, I had watched my mother suffer with the

loss of her mother and that entire maternal side of her family

struggle big time with “the black dog”, you know, mental illness. It

has had many names and diagnoses over the years, which

will remain nameless as respect for my extended family, however the

beast has been at play.

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When my hormones and anxiety were getting the better

of me as a teenager, I was in panic! I didn’t want this experience, I didn’t

want the same diagnosis and treatment strategy! I wanted a

genuine permanent solution, not a band aid and not a ‘there, there’ pat on the shoulder.

I was so fortunate at this time that my mother was so

educated about alternative medicine, as she decided

my treatment approach through reaching out to the

correct natural practitioners and this literally changed

my life and the course/direction of the black dog.

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You see, I do not suffer with any mental illness,

however my DNA is programmed to express it. I work consciously at building up the space

between my DNA and my emotional and mental

wellbeing as I have made a decision about it’s

ability to express itself in me and my children.

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I have and every day continue to CONSCIOUSLY break the

cycle in my family. Understanding my birth order

was a big part in this breakthrough for me. I could

see my family patterns clearly and then consciously I

prepared and worked on my mindset to choose something


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Each birth order placement in your family has a different story and

therefore emotional expression. As first girl, even now my behaviour

is dictated to protecting and upholding my family. I am very

protective of my parents and love to spend a lot of time with them. I spend a lot of time working on their health

and wellbeing, all the while continuing to invest in my family’s

relationships. This is very different to a second girl.

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A second girl, that is a girl who is second born after a girl, has a

story about self expression and personal success.  The third girl is

often the traveler or the global nomad in the family for reasons

which can be understood too! It is fascinating! The second girl is

often spoken about as the ‘sneaky cat’, she is not as warm and open as the first girl and she can often hold onto judgements

and grudges from the past.

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The second girls I seen my clinic are often accused of

being selfish, however they are not really, they are just committed to their personal success. By comparison the

first girl is often labelled as the martyr. This is because her

guilt and her duty towards her family overthrows her ability

to love and nurture herself and when imbalanced, this can

make her resentful.

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There is far more complexity in this model than what I am

illustrating here so please don’t assume anything, instead make a time to have your birth order

explained to you by a professional who is trained in

this. It not only opens your eyes to your behaviours but can also explain your reasoning and the

way you see the world. Your birth order is influenced by your siblings, as well as any half, step

or adopted siblings. If you are adopted yourself,

it also has a unique story – fascinating huh!

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So back to my first girl story, as a result of my fundamental and programmed decisions around duty, I never fully gave myself

permission to have a teenage or young adulthood. I didn’t party, I

didn’t travel, I stayed close to home looking after my parents. I was such a ‘good girl!” For many

years I held a big and deep silent

resentment about this, I was angry at myself not anyone


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Why couldn’t I find it in me to just leave and spread my wings? I have this deep, deep desire for freedom!

Knowing this and working with it consciously now, I am working on empowering myself with choices

about freedom. I am working on all of my relationships with freedom in

mind. In my business life I am scaling,

while ensuring my time and freedom is still maintained and balanced. The

last 3 weeks I have been working from the beach with my children, proving to myself

in a little personal freedom experiment that I can still serve everyone while serving myself! Umm…….massive breakthrough


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What a gift this has been to myself. I am now coming to understand that I can serve my family and not be held

down with the personal duty and responsibility I have held myself to. I can do it all! Everything is available

to me! I can choose whatever my life is to

look like and this is the ultimate freedom! Also, my conscious intent

at breaking my family’s mental health story has also transformed!

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I now understand that the choices I make every day outside of my

programming is what makes and continues to accumulate my

abundant mental health. Choosing this every day is breaking the cycle and enabling my children to have a

different experience of me and a brighter future.

I want to leave something with you? How are your behavioural patterns

from your birth order/childhood, limiting your life choices now as an adult? You see we don’t know what we don’t know until we know it!!

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