Dukan Protein Diet and Slim Figure

Dukan Protein Diet to Maintain Slim Figure

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http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl If you are overweight and have been trying out various diet programs, you must no doubt be frustrated with little results.

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Page 1: Dukan Protein Diet to Maintain Slim Figure

Dukan Protein Diet and Slim Figure

Page 2: Dukan Protein Diet to Maintain Slim Figure

Dukan Protein Diet and Slim Figure

If you are overweight and have been trying out

various diet programs, you must no doubt be

frustrated with little results. Did you know that a

high protein, low carbohydrate diet is recommended

by experts for slimming?



Page 3: Dukan Protein Diet to Maintain Slim Figure

Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French physician, recently developed the high protein weight

loss plan known as Dukan Diet. This diet program is found to be so effective that it

has quickly become very popular, especially in France.

There are several benefits associated with the Dukan Diet which shows how

important protein is for your health and well being. This dieter friendly diet allows

you to eat real food after you shed pounds. Like other high protein diet, this diet

program does not use meal substitutes and protein shakes.

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Rather, this diet plan works on the psychological aspect of people and allows them to

experience and enjoy eating their favorite foods even as they maintain their slim figure.

Dieters can eat as much of their favorite foods as they want and still continue to lose and

maintain weight.

It is thus evident that protein plays a major role in maintaining good health. This diet

plan has been welcomed by chronic dieters who have been unsuccessful with losing

weight so far. Including a lot of protein foods in the diet helps reduce weight by reducing

water retention.

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Dukan Diet therefore is essentially of four stages. The first stage is all about eating as

much protein filled foods as possible including fish, meat and non-dairy products. The

next stage is to have a lot of vegetables alternative with protein rich diet.

The consolidation stage is all about eating vegetables and proteins on all days along

with cheese, bread and fruit. The last stage is the stabilization stage where protein is

recommended on Thursdays. Dieters can continue eating whatever they want without

restriction on all other days.

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Our bodies find it difficult to use as energy, foods that are high in protein. Consequently,

at least 30% of the calories in our bodies are used up for digesting protein rich foods. If

you are complementing your diet with protein or amino acid supplements (supplementen

in Dutch), it is highly recommended to take time choosing the best supplement available

in the market.

“Fundapeptide” is one of the best amino acid supplementen preferred by many. This is

because of its low calorie content and the fact that it is 100% natural. “Fundapeptide”

is offered in an easy to take tablet form and does not contain sweeteners or

preservatives. This is the most ideal protein supplement that can be taken with any diet

program for best results.

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