Dr Rodney Aziz- Yoga Therapy For You Yoga therapy may be defined as the spiritual, physical and mental disciplines which took place in ancient India. Yoga refers to the union of mind, body, breath and spirit. Yoga refers to Asana through various postures also. Most of the people think that yoga is only stretching but in real sense yoga is about maintaining balance in your body by enhancing strength and flexibility. The Yoga therapy is done by various poses and postures where each posture and pose has its own benefits for your body. Yoga may also be defined as the process of empowering human beings to improve their physical and mental health, to create balance between their inner and outer feelings and to provide them mental strength and peace. Dr Rodney Aziz is here to throw light on Yoga Therapy which is completely beneficial for human beings in many common and critical diseases. According to the Yoga therapy, most of the diseases take places due to insufficiency of the life force in your body. This insufficiency of life force decreases your immunity and resistance power to diseases. If you have low resistance and immunity power, your body will be weak and you will have a poor health at all. In this condition, bacteria, viruses can easily attack on your body and can create troubles for your body. Dr Rodney Aziz suggests that if you want to increase your immunity power and life force, the best ways are to take nutritious food, sufficient sleep, positive thinking and practicing Yoga. Dr Rod Aziz says that as per the philosophy of Yoga, the age of a person is based on the flexibility of spine and not on the number of the years. Yoga gives flexibility to your spine, removing tension from your body, gives strength to your muscles, corrects poor postures of your body and reduces the aging process.

Dr Rodney Aziz- Yoga Therapy For You

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Dr Rodney Aziz- Yoga Therapy For You

Yoga therapy may be defined as the spiritual, physical and mental disciplines which took place in ancient India. Yoga refers to the union of mind, body, breath and spirit. Yoga refers to Asana through various postures also. Most of the people think that yoga is only stretching but in real sense yoga is about maintaining balance in your body by enhancing strength and flexibility. The Yoga therapy is done by various poses and postures where each posture and pose has its own benefits for your body. Yoga may also be defined as the process of empowering human beings to improve their physical and mental health, to create balance between their inner and outer feelings and to provide them mental strength and peace. Dr Rodney Aziz is here to throw light on Yoga Therapy which is completely beneficial for human beings in many common and critical diseases.

According to the Yoga therapy, most of the diseases take places due to insufficiency of the life force in your body. This insufficiency of life force decreases your immunity and resistance power to diseases. If you have low resistance and immunity power, your body will be weak and you will have a poor health at all. In this condition, bacteria, viruses can easily attack on your body and can create troubles for your body. Dr Rodney Aziz suggests that if you want to increase your immunity power and life force, the best ways are to take nutritious food, sufficient sleep, positive thinking and practicing Yoga.

Dr Rod Aziz says that as per the philosophy of Yoga, the age of a person is based on the flexibility of spine and not on the number of the years. Yoga gives flexibility to your spine, removing tension from your body, gives strength to your muscles, corrects poor postures of your body and reduces the aging process.

Yoga is extremely beneficial for improving mental health if it is done under proper guidance. Yoga reduces stress level and tension. It reduces various types of fears and phobias. It is very helpful to remove many types of mental disorders and makes you powerful from inside. Yoga gives you a sound sleep. It enhances you will power and self confidence. If you practices Yoga regularly, you will be able to get rid of unwanted thoughts and emotions by making a control over your desires. If we talk about physical health, there are many yoga techniques that can give you relief in many common and critical diseases like arthritis, sinusitis, breathing problems, etc.

Dr Rodney Aziz is sure to say that if you do Yoga under a professional Yoga trainer, it will be very useful for you in many ways.

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