Assignment 3: Application Exercise 1 From Theory to Practice Kathrine Churchill RN Athabasca University Nursing 434 Instructor: Lisa Barrett Namwayut

Community health promotion assignment 1

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  • 1. Assignment 3: Application Exercise 1 From Theory to Practice Kathrine Churchill RN Athabasca University Nursing 434 Instructor: Lisa Barrett September 4, 2013 Namwayut

2. Ottawa Charter 1986 The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health (Ottawa Charter 1986). Bangkok Charter 2007 Expanded on the Ottawa Charter of twenty years earlier with stronger recommendations. 3. CHN identified problems- What does the community think? 4. The Assessment Process Progress 5. Ethical Considerations Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2008) Canadian Nurses Association 6. Collective action for sustained population-wide health improvement (Beaglehole et al 2007). 7. Key Determinants of Health Health Canada has created a list of 12 determinants of health. 8. Community Chosen Priority Determinates of Health Nutrition Food Security Employment Income Education 9. Building Resilient Sustainable Communities 10. Partnering with First Nations People First Nations is a rapidly growing population to the extent they will become the dominant cultural group in many cities in Canada with in the next decade. 11. Goals 12. Goals 13. Community Determined Strategy . 14. References These provide some of the best evidence available to address the health inequities in this community.